View Full Version : Bulit Drop down combo

August 8th, 2009, 07:17 AM
I need one control which will work as combo box as it display list of text according to user's input....
so I had use Entry and ListViewText widget to full fill my requirement as combo box is not sufficient for that.

now,i make visible and invisible listviewtext(using .show() and .hide() method) according to text entered in entry box by user.

its work fine....but when i make it visible and invisible,other widgets which are just below from listviewtext,change their position up and down.(which is obvious thing) as i had used HBox and VBox for arranging widgets.

but i dont want this...is there any way to overcome this problem....like creating layer or something...

plz help me

August 8th, 2009, 09:20 AM
What gui toolkit are you using?
Could you attach source code that displays the problem, so that I can play around with it and try to find a solution?
Why not use a ComboBox? Most of the gui toolkits have something of the sort I believe.