View Full Version : image uploader, uploads but still gives error

July 27th, 2009, 01:07 PM
Basically my image upload seems to work fine, it uploads the image in question ive tested that a few times, but it seems to then return with a blank error message.

Here is my code:

function upload_item($item_id)
global $site_config, $db_pxs, $lang, $pxs, $error;

$error = '';

// first we check if it is allowed
$allowed_extensions = array('image/jpeg');

if (in_array($_FILES['new_upload']['type'], $allowed_extensions))
// check file size not bigger than 1.47mb
if ($_FILES['new_upload']['size'] > 1542000)
$error = 'Sorry file is too big!';
return false;

// give the file a random file name
$filename = rand() . 'id' . $item_id . $_FILES['new_upload']['name'];

// the actual file
$source = $_FILES['new_upload']['tmp_name'];

// where to upload to
$target = "uploads/" . $filename;

if (move_uploaded_file($source, $target))
return $filename;

$error = 'Could not upload file, please contact the admin!';
return false;

$error = 'Wrong file type, allowed to upload .jpg files only.';
return false;

The image appears in my upload directory fine.
I don't see why it gives a blank error, i set only 3 error messages possible?
Here is the checking code:

// initial screenshot
if ($_FILES['new_upload']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
if (upload_item($db_pxs->last_id()) == false)

$screenshot_sql = "INSERT INTO `item_screenshots` SET `item_id` = {$db_pxs->last_id()}, `image` = '{$filename}'";
$query_shot = $db_pxs->query($screenshot_sql);

It doesn't seem to get to the screenshot sql, giving a blank error message above :(, yet it does upload the file :S

Any help would be great!