View Full Version : [ubuntu] fonts in 9.04

July 24th, 2009, 01:51 PM
Hello All,

I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a hp laptop. I don't like the subpixel anti-aliasing: it looks blurry and gives me a headache. In vista I use SegoeUI with no antialiasing and I want to use this in Ubuntu. I have installed SegoeUI in ubuntu, and selected it at 9 point, monochrome. It looks like crap, much worse than in Vista. I believe this is to do with the resolution which in Vista is 96x96, but in Ubuntu its 108x106. How do I set the resolution to 96x96? My screen is 1280 x800 i am using the nvidia proprietory drivers version 180.

Thanks in advance.

July 24th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Right-click on the desktop and select Change Desktop Background-->Fonts-->Details. You can change hinting as well as resolution.

July 25th, 2009, 03:54 AM
Thank you that helped, but still not as good as Vista. Interestingly i initially determined the resolution by pasting a command in to a terminal-forgot what the command was- and it was 108x106, but when using Change Desktop Background-->Fonts-->Details it was 96x96. Anyway in the end i nstalled Apple fonts from here :http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-use-mac-fonts-on-ubuntu/, and set all my fonts to Lucida Grand 9 point, except window tile to Lucinda Grand 10 point bold, with monochrome rendering and I am happy with it.