View Full Version : [gnome] Terminal SSH title

July 23rd, 2009, 06:59 PM
I would like to make the terminal title dynamic for SSH sessions I connect to.
I am using aliases in my .bashrc to connect via ssh to servers, would it be some kind of script that I would need to make to update the title?

Any ideas are welcome.

Thanks and this is my first post =)

July 23rd, 2009, 08:39 PM
Set the PS1 evn variable on your hosts to emit the escape sequence that resets the title.

http://http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/Xterm-Title (http://http//www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/Xterm-Title)

November 4th, 2009, 09:27 AM
This page has some details

What I did was to enter the following in my .vimrc:

set titlestring=%t%(\ %M%)%(\ (%{expand(\ "%:p:h\")})%)%(\ %a%)\ -\ %{hostname()}
set title

I'm not sure it's perfect, but it seems to work.