View Full Version : [ubuntu] Conky Problem

July 11th, 2009, 08:15 PM

I'm trying to edit the .conkyrc to not show borders, here's how the conky looks on my desktop to understand better http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3084/screenshot1imv.png

and here's my configuration

# Conkyrc by Hund @ ebupof.deviantart.com
# Sry for the chaos below, but atleast it works! ;)

use_xft yes
xftfont DejaVu Sans:size=6
xftalpha 0.8
text_buffer_size 2048
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
background no
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints below,undecorated
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 220 5
maximum_width 300
draw_graph_borders yes
default_color black
default_shade_color black
alignment top_right
gap_x 12
gap_y 28
cpu_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale no
uppercase yes


Kernel: $alignr $kernel
Uptime: $alignr $uptime


CPU1: ${alignr} ${cpu cpu1}%
CPU2: ${alignr} ${cpu cpu2}%
${cpugraph 20}
Load: $alignr $loadavg
Processes: $alignr $processes
Running: $alignr $running_processes

RAM: $alignr $mem/$memmax
${membar 3}
Swap: $alignr $swap / $swapmax
${swapbar 3}


Name $alignr PID CPU% MEM%
${color #ddaa00} ${top name 1} $alignr ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}$color
${top name 2} $alignr ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${top name 3} $alignr ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}

Mem usage$color
${color #ddaa00} ${top_mem name 1} $alignr ${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem cpu 1} ${top_mem mem 1}$color
${top_mem name 2} $alignr ${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem cpu 2} ${top_mem mem 2}
${top_mem name 3} $alignr ${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem cpu 3} ${top_mem mem 3}



Write: $alignr $diskio_write
${diskiograph_write 20}
Read: $alignr $diskio_read
${diskiograph_read 20}

ROOT: $alignr ${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /}
${fs_bar 3 /}
HOME: $alignr ${fs_free /home} / ${fs_size /home}
${fs_bar 3 /home}


${color #ddaa00} Speed: $alignr ${downspeed eth0} k/s$color
Tot: $alignr ${totaldown eth0}

${downspeedgraph eth0 20} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 20}

${color #ddaa00} Speed: $alignr ${upspeed eth0} k/s$color
Tot: $alignr ${totalup eth0}

${upspeedgraph eth0 20} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 20}

July 11th, 2009, 08:31 PM
It's not borders, it's dropshadow. If you use compiz gp to window decoration plugin and in entry field for shadow windows add:

or maybe conky, I keep forgetting if it needs the capital or not. The exclamation mark means to indicate an exception to the rule of drawing dropshadows.

July 11th, 2009, 08:34 PM
It's not borders, it's dropshadow. If you use compiz gp to window decoration plugin and in entry field for shadow windows add:

or maybe conky, I keep forgetting if it needs the capital or not. The exclamation mark means to indicate an exception to the rule of drawing dropshadows.

From where can I edit the compiz decoration plugin?

July 11th, 2009, 11:06 PM
Only if you use compiz, in system > preferences > compiz config settings manager. If that isn't there, install package compizconfig-settings-manager. Then open it, click the button for window decorations and follow instructions from previous post.

July 12th, 2009, 03:01 AM
From where can I edit the compiz decoration plugin?


own_window_type desktop