View Full Version : Regexp tutorial - emacs ?

July 4th, 2009, 10:57 PM
So this regular expression thing keeps coming up and I've decided to learn it but am having a startup issue... Emacs can do regexp but can someone please explain C-M-s??? I've tried ctrl-meta-s and nada, ctrl-meta and then let up and s, ctrl-capital M-s, nada. I know my version of emacs supports it because if I type in M-x isearch-forward-regexp it tells me I can instead be using C-M-s! So, which keys are being referred to???

Thank you,

Found it! C-M-s = ESC Ctrl-s

July 5th, 2009, 05:34 AM
Really? Usually ESC and Meta- are the same.

You can use xmodmap to fix your Alt key if that's wrong.