View Full Version : [ubuntu] Problem with jdk

July 2nd, 2009, 03:19 PM
I am new to ubuntu but i have read a lot of things about it in google how to install jdk and other things but i have a problem with installing greenfoot on my pc i cant locate tools.jar which should be in usr/lib/jvm/jdk/lib but i even dont have the last libe folder even though i have installed jdk right . Could someone tell me what to do ?

Felipe Medeiros
Name: Felipe Medeiros
Status: Analyst JR
E-mail: felipe.medeiros@weblocal.com.br
Company: Weblocal Hospedagem (http://www.weblocal.com.br)
Hobby:AdWords (https://adwords.google.com.br/)

November 5th, 2011, 11:57 AM
This late reply is just intended for anyone looking for the Greenfoot Programming Education project.
You will find an Ubuntu/debian ready download here:
as well as tutorial and forum.