View Full Version : Python3.0 help

June 29th, 2009, 08:29 PM
I've been reading A Byte of Python (the python3.0 version) and I do all the examples in them myself. I haven't had any trouble until now and was wondering if anyone could help me. I typed everything out exactly as in the book and tried to execute it and got this error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "objvar.py", line 42, in <module>
droid1 = Robot('R2-D2')
File "objvar.py", line 14, in __init__
print('Initializing {0}'.format(self.name))
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'format'
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'str' object has no attribute 'format'" in <bound method Robot.__del__ of <__main__.Robot instance at 0xb7dd2c0c>> ignored

Then I copied and pasted the example code from the book and got the same results.

Here's the code I typed out

# Filename : objvar.py

class Robot:
'''Represents a robot with a name'''

# A class variable, counting the number of robots.
population = 0

def __init__(self, name):
'''Initializes the data.'''

self.name = name
print('Initializing {0}'.format(self.name))
# When this person is created, the robot
# adds to the population
Robot.population += 1

def __del__(self):
'''I am dying'''
print('{0} is being destroyed'.format(self.name))

Robot.population -= 1

if Robot.population == 0:
print('{0} was the last one.'.format(self.name))
print('There are still {0:d} robots working'.format(Robot.population))

def sayHi(self):
'''Greeting by the robot'''

print('Greetings, my masters call me {0}.'.format(self.name))

def howMany():
'''Prints the current population'''

print('We have {0:d} robots.'.format(Robot.population))

howMany = staticmethod(howMany)

droid1 = Robot('R2-D2')

droid2 = Robot('C-3PO')

print('\nRobots can do some work here.\n')
print('Robots have finished their work. So let\' destroy them.')

del droid1
del droid2


Also, does anyone have any other good python tutorials I could look at?

June 29th, 2009, 08:45 PM
-----@-------:~/Desktop$ python3 objvar.py
Initializing R2-D2
Greetings, my masters call me R2-D2.
We have 1 robots.
Initializing C-3PO
Greetings, my masters call me C-3PO.

Robots can do some work here.

Robots have finished their work. So let' destroy them.
R2-D2 is being destroyed
There are still 1 robots working
C-3PO is being destroyed
C-3PO was the last one.
We have 0 robots.

No problems here.

June 29th, 2009, 08:53 PM
I think I know what is wrong. I executed the script with SPE and it gives me that error. It's probably executing it with python 2.whatever that's the default on my computer. I just did it through the terminal and it worked.

Now, does anyone know how to change the which version of python is used in SPE? (Stani's Python Editor)

June 29th, 2009, 08:56 PM
Edit: Oops, you already figured out the problem. :) (and I don't know how to configure SPE...)

June 29th, 2009, 09:01 PM
Well I know how to execute through the terminal. I just need to know how to tell SPE how to execute it using python 3.0 and not 2.5. I guess it uses the python command because when I went to do it in the terminal I had to change the executable thing with the chmod command.

Edit: Replied to soon I guess. Thanks anyways