View Full Version : evilwm keyboard shortcuts

June 21st, 2009, 09:11 PM
Does anybody know a way to remap evilwm keyboard shortcuts? I find it really silly that close is ctrl+alt+esc. It is really out of the way. I'd settle for a way to do it with xbindkeys that when something like super+c is pressed, the current window is closed.

hrod beraht
September 3rd, 2009, 02:00 AM
You can remap the ctrl+alt combo by using the -mask1 modifier when starting Evilwm. The super key is mod4.
For example, here's my ~/.xinitrc line, which starts Evilwm with a 10-pixel snap to other windows distance, a border width of 2, an active window border color of red, and the ctrl+alt key-combo changed to the super key:

exec evilwm -snap 10 -bw 2 -fg red -mask1 mod4

Although, this won't remap the esc part of the key-combo.
Usually, I find it's easiest to just close the window via the actual app that's running. That is, ctrl+f (file) and x (exit) or c (close) for gui apps, or just exit or ctrl+d for a terminal.


September 3rd, 2009, 02:21 AM
Thanks for this but I found it easier to grab the source (using gentoo here) and changing the keybindings file. It is actually a pretty readable file.