View Full Version : [ubuntu] No Active Partition after a new 9.04 server install

May 19th, 2009, 04:14 AM
I am attempting to rebuild my server. I have 3 new drives one being for the OS and two for mirroring. I installed 9.04 amd64 server to the OS drive using LMV but after installing it is giving me "No Active Partition" when I try and boot. I have tried fixing it using grub and it gives me errors.

First if I do

fdisk -l

I get the OS drive listed as sdb with the Linum LVM listed as sdb1

when I look at the drives in the bios I get the OS drive listed as the First SATA Master.

I found this in another thread:

sudo grub
grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
[should return a partition in the form (hdX,Y), which should be your Ubuntu partition]
grub> root (hdX,Y)
grub> setup (hdX)
grub> quit

When I try this I get

grub> find /boot/grub/stage1

- ERROR 15: File not found

grub> root (hdX,Y)

- Using sdb,1 I get Error 23: Error while parsing number

This is where I am currently. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. By the way I am not dual booting and all the drives were new and clean when this process was started.

Thanks for any help/direction you can provide.