View Full Version : Hi Everyone

May 15th, 2009, 07:11 PM
Just introducing myself to the NM Loco Team. My name is Rob Yardman, I'm an Ubuntu user and advocate from Santa Fe, NM. I've helped free friends and family of $MS with Ubuntu and helped spread the "Linux for human beings" mantra.

I'm a web developer with the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish where I also run my development desktop on Ubuntu. That's very uncommon for developers working for agencies in the State of NM. And actually all of our senior programmers, developers and DBA are running Ubuntu as their Desktop for their workstations. Very cool!

Personally, all my computers are currently running 9.04 and that includes my workstation at work, my workstation at home, my OLD Acer 3002 Laptop and my Lenovo S10 Netbook.

I learned about the group/team from dthomasdigital via twitter. My twitter handle is @robYardman and my website/blog: http://www.robyardman.com

Thanks for letting me introduce myself and ramble on. I think it's awesome that there is a group in NM since it's very rare to find Linux users, let alone Ubuntu users, in New Mexico and Santa Fe. I hope I can contribute to the group and make some of the meet ups and hope to learn a lot from everyone here.

Rob ;)

May 16th, 2009, 03:28 PM
Howdy Rob!! Welcome to our own little corner of the net. ):P

May 17th, 2009, 03:28 AM

May 17th, 2009, 09:35 PM
Hi there