View Full Version : [Python] Creating sub-directories?

May 13th, 2009, 09:37 AM
I am trying to build a program that creates a series of sub-directories depending upon the input of the user. For some reason, I can't keep it going. It makes half of the direcories then quits. Here is my code:

#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
from os.path import exists

home_dir = os.getenv("HOME")
target_dir = "%s/Desktop/Testing" % home_dir
if not exists(target_dir):
os.system("mkdir %s" % target_dir)

dir_tree = raw_input("Create a directory tree: ") # type a sentence using "/" to separate directories
tree_group = dir_tree.split("/")

for item in tree_group: # Removes any empty strings from the list
if item == "":

tree_count = len(tree_group) # Retrieves the amount of directories that need to be made
print "\nWill make %s directories.\n" % tree_count

for item in tree_group:
new_group = tree_group
if tree_count > 0:
temp = target_dir.split()
print "New Directory \"%s\"" % new_group[0]
target_dir = "/".join(temp)
print "Going to make %s" % target_dir
os.system("mkdir %s" % target_dir)
tree_count -= 1
print "%s directories left to make" % tree_count
print "New Group = %s\n" % tree_group

If someone could point out my error, I would be most appreciative. Also, is there a better way to do this, or is my sample code acceptable?

May 13th, 2009, 11:06 AM
why are making calls to system commands when its not necessary?
check out the documentation for the makedirs() , or mkdir() method from the os module. use os.path.join() to create paths to use as variables. use try/except to catch errors so that you can easily debug your code.

May 13th, 2009, 06:03 PM
Thanks ghostdog, that os.makedirs() is so simple. I appreciate your help.

#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
from os.path import exists

home_dir = os.getenv("HOME")
target_dir = "%s/Desktop/Testing" % home_dir
if not exists(target_dir):
os.mkdir("%s" % target_dir)

dir_tree = raw_input("Create a directory tree: ") # type a sentence using "/" to separate directories
tree_group = dir_tree.split("/")

for item in tree_group: # Removes any empty strings from the list
if item == "":

tree_count = len(tree_group) # Retrieves the amount of directories that need to be made
print "\nWill make %s directories.\n" % tree_count

os.makedirs("%s/%s" % (target_dir,dir_tree))