View Full Version : [kubuntu] cdfs-src problem on 8.04

May 11th, 2009, 11:20 AM
root@baran-desktop:~# apt-get install cdfs-src
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
cdfs-src is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 345 not upgraded.
root@baran-desktop:~# mount -t cdfs /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0/
mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

root@baran-desktop:~# modprobe cdfs
FATAL: Module cdfs not found.
root@baran-desktop:~# mount -t cdfs /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0/
mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

root@baran-desktop:~# cd modules/cdfs/2.6/
root@baran-desktop:~/modules/cdfs/2.6# make
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/build SUBDIRS=/home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic'
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/root.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/audio.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/cdXA.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/cddata.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/hfs.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/iso.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/proc.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/utils.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/daemon.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/discid.o
CC [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/toc.o
LD [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/cdfs.o
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
CC /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/cdfs.mod.o
LD [M] /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/cdfs.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic'
root@baran-desktop:~/modules/cdfs/2.6# make install
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/build SUBDIRS=/home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6 modules_install
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic'
INSTALL /home/baran/modules/cdfs/2.6/cdfs.ko
DEPMOD 2.6.24-16-generic
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic'
root@baran-desktop:~/modules/cdfs/2.6# insmod cdfs.ko
root@baran-desktop:~/modules/cdfs/2.6# modprobe cdfs
FATAL: Module cdfs not found.
root@baran-desktop:~/modules/cdfs/2.6# mount -t cdfs /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0/
mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

root@baran-desktop:~/modules/cdfs/2.6# uname -r
how to i can add cdfs module to kernel ?