January 17th, 2005, 10:52 PM
####### Im trying to install mozilla with synaptic but i get this msg all the time even when i already have libnspr4 2:1.7.3-5
__________________________________________________ ___
Could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade
The following packages have unresolvable dependencies. Make sure that all required repositories are added and enabled in the preferences
Depends: libnspr4 (=2:1.7.3-1ubuntu1) but 2:1.7.3-5 is to be installed
__________________________________________________ ________
###### Ive checked and everything looks ok this is my sources.list:
deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)]/ unstable main restricted
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted
deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted
## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'
## repository.
## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security
## team.
# ubuntu guia inicio 1
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe
deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe
# ubuntu guia final 1
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main restricted
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main restricted
# ubuntu guia inicio 2
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty multiverse
deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty multiverse
deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main
deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main
deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main
# ubuntu guia final 2
# beware: this can break your warty installation if not pinned properly!
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted universe multiverse
# from hoary firefox 1.0 y k3b 0.11.17
deb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu warty-backports main universe
__________________________________________________ ______________________
######### and this my preferences file
Package: *
Pin: release a=warty
Pin-Priority: 600
Package: *
Pin: release a=hoary
Pin-Priority: 10
Package: *
Pin: release o=Christian Marillat
Pin-Priority: 1
############ please help
__________________________________________________ ___
Could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade
The following packages have unresolvable dependencies. Make sure that all required repositories are added and enabled in the preferences
Depends: libnspr4 (=2:1.7.3-1ubuntu1) but 2:1.7.3-5 is to be installed
__________________________________________________ ________
###### Ive checked and everything looks ok this is my sources.list:
deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)]/ unstable main restricted
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted
deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted
## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'
## repository.
## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security
## team.
# ubuntu guia inicio 1
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe
deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe
# ubuntu guia final 1
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main restricted
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main restricted
# ubuntu guia inicio 2
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty multiverse
deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty multiverse
deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main
deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main
deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main
# ubuntu guia final 2
# beware: this can break your warty installation if not pinned properly!
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted universe multiverse
# from hoary firefox 1.0 y k3b 0.11.17
deb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu warty-backports main universe
__________________________________________________ ______________________
######### and this my preferences file
Package: *
Pin: release a=warty
Pin-Priority: 600
Package: *
Pin: release a=hoary
Pin-Priority: 10
Package: *
Pin: release o=Christian Marillat
Pin-Priority: 1
############ please help