View Full Version : [all variants] Controlled partial distribution upgrade (8.10 to 9.04)?

May 1st, 2009, 06:09 PM

I've recently upgraded from intrepid to jaunty. I've noticed a few issues with the upgrade:

1. The upgrader installed a bunch of extra packages that I do not need and do not want, instead of just upgrading existing packages and adding new critical/important stuff only.
2. A lot of the settings were not preserved - settings which took me a lot of time and effort to set up the way I like.
3. Several things that were working before the upgrade got broken.

I would've expected the upgrader to be smarter than this, othewise what's its advantage over a clean install??

Luckily, I made a full partition backup before the upgrade and have temporarily reverted back to the pre-upgrade state.

I suppose the broken stuff can be fixed, but the first two problems prompt me to try to do a partial upgrade manually, if it is not too difficult... But I have some questions:

- If I simply change the package sources to those of jaunty, and then just run a usual update, should this work, or would I be opening the door for all sorts of compatibility issues and other problems?
- What else would I need to do to make the system recognize itself as jaunty?
- What critical or important packages should I install if I don't already have them (the new kernel for example)?

Thanks for any input.

Note: I am running a stripped-down version of kubuntu that I've set up starting from the minimal-cd installation. But I think the question applies equally well to other variants.