View Full Version : Finding the blocking and executing pattern of a process

April 21st, 2009, 11:39 PM
So I've just been assigned a project. (Yes I specifically asked if I can use forums for help and I was given the nod)

I need to be able to track how long a process runs for, then sleeps, then runs and so on... basically along the lines finding data like:

Executes for 5 seconds
Blocks for 20 seconds
Executes for 6 seconds
Blocks for 15 seconds

and so on...

so my first attack was to keep polling /proc/{pid}/status to see what was going on ie:
`cat /proc/3831/status | grep State`. And maybe doing that a lot to get a picture. But of course I just keep on getting that all of my procs are sleeping.

So now I'm thinking of modifying the kernel's scheduler to keep track of which tasks its allowing to run.

I caught a glimpse of the following:

a function called "set_task_state" is defined.

Does anyone know if this is the common method used to actually set a task_state? Is this valid way to gain access to the data that I need? Is there an easier way?

Thank you all!

April 23rd, 2009, 03:31 PM
try this link:


it helped me in a similar situation