View Full Version : AWK Script to subtract hours from a date-time field

Lex Luthor
April 6th, 2009, 03:05 PM

I need some help here.
I have a service that logs several lines about some events to syslog and I made a script to send those entries to a postgresql DB.

In the DB, I have the following coluns:
data_inic (date)
time_inic (time without TZ)
data_final (date)
time_final (time without TZ)
retension (string)

In syslog, the line logged contains ONLY data_final, time_final and retension, so I have to calculate data_inic and time_inic before I insert into BD. The retension time is given in hours,minutes and seconds, like: 152:45:30.

So, my sh script basically gets syslog lines, and call an AWK script that gets each field, calculates the data_inic/time_inic and then send it to BD.

The problem I am having is that the calculations are strange, data_inic and time_inic are being inserted wrong. I suppose it's a timezone related to mktime or strftime... I don't know... somebody could help me, please ?

This is what I did:

got the date of "zero day" to variable dia0 (1970-01-01)
divide retension hours by 24 to know how many days I should add to dia0
generate a timestamp for this modyfied dia0 (mktime)
generate a timestamp for data_final (mktime), gotten from syslog
subtract both timestamps
generate data_inic with strftime (data_final is only the rest of the hours from step 2

split(dia0, dia0_split, "-")
# Agora fazemos o calculo para achar a hora de atribuicao do IP
split(retencao, retencao_split, ":")
horas_retencao = retencao_split[1]
dias = int(horas_retencao / 24);
resto_horas_retencao = horas_retencao % 24;
dia0_dia = dias+1;
retencao_timestamp = mktime(dia0_split[1]" "dia0_split[2]" "dia0_dia" "resto_horas_retencao" "retencao_split[2]" "retencao_split[3]" 0")

split(data_final, data_f_split, "-")
split(hora_final, hora_f_split, ":")
hora_termino_timestamp = mktime (data_f_split[1]" "data_f_split[2]" "data_f_split[3]" "hora_f_split[1]" "hora_f_split[2]" "hora_f_split[3]" 0")
hora_inicio_timestamp = hora_termino_timestamp - retencao_timestamp

hora_inicio_str=strftime("%F %T", hora_inicio_timestamp)
split(hora_inicio_str, data_split, " ")
data_inicio = data_split[1]
hora_inicio = data_split[2]

Thanks anybody for any help.....

April 6th, 2009, 08:12 PM

I need some help here.
I have a service that logs several lines about some events to syslog and I made a script to send those entries to a postgresql DB.

In the DB, I have the following coluns:
data_inic (date)
time_inic (time without TZ)
data_final (date)
time_final (time without TZ)
retension (string)

In syslog, the line logged contains ONLY data_final, time_final and retension, so I have to calculate data_inic and time_inic before I insert into BD. The retension time is given in hours,minutes and seconds, like: 152:45:30.

So, my sh script basically gets syslog lines, and call an AWK script that gets each field, calculates the data_inic/time_inic and then send it to BD.

The problem I am having is that the calculations are strange, data_inic and time_inic are being inserted wrong. I suppose it's a timezone related to mktime or strftime... I don't know... somebody could help me, please ?

This is what I did:

got the date of "zero day" to variable dia0 (1970-01-01)
divide retension hours by 24 to know how many days I should add to dia0
generate a timestamp for this modyfied dia0 (mktime)
generate a timestamp for data_final (mktime), gotten from syslog
subtract both timestamps
generate data_inic with strftime (data_final is only the rest of the hours from step 2

split(dia0, dia0_split, "-")
# Agora fazemos o calculo para achar a hora de atribuicao do IP
split(retencao, retencao_split, ":")
horas_retencao = retencao_split[1]
dias = int(horas_retencao / 24);
resto_horas_retencao = horas_retencao % 24;
dia0_dia = dias+1;
retencao_timestamp = mktime(dia0_split[1]" "dia0_split[2]" "dia0_dia" "resto_horas_retencao" "retencao_split[2]" "retencao_split[3]" 0")

split(data_final, data_f_split, "-")
split(hora_final, hora_f_split, ":")
hora_termino_timestamp = mktime (data_f_split[1]" "data_f_split[2]" "data_f_split[3]" "hora_f_split[1]" "hora_f_split[2]" "hora_f_split[3]" 0")
hora_inicio_timestamp = hora_termino_timestamp - retencao_timestamp

hora_inicio_str=strftime("%F %T", hora_inicio_timestamp)
split(hora_inicio_str, data_split, " ")
data_inicio = data_split[1]
hora_inicio = data_split[2]

Thanks anybody for any help.....

Try inserting debug printouts at interesting points in the script. For example, what are the values of hora_inicio_timestamp, hora_inicio_str and data_inicio and hora_inicio?

It might be a locale problem (different date conventions in Spanish and Engllish), but I can't say for sure yet.

Lex Luthor
April 6th, 2009, 08:39 PM
I've done that, but I midified a little the script so that it would be more simple, and noticed something interesting.

This is the new script:

split(retencao, retencao_split, ":")

# Transform hours and minutes from retension (in the form HH:MM:SS) in seconds (the HH from retension may be over 60 hours):
horas_sec_ret = retencao_split[1] * 60 * 60;
min_sec_ret = retencao_split[2] * 60;
total_sec_ret = horas_sec_ret + min_sec_ret + retencao_split[3];

print "Total sec: "total_sec_ret;

hora_termino_timestamp = mktime (data_f_split[1]" "data_f_split[2]" "data_f_split[3]" "hora_f_split[1]" "hora_f_split[2]" "hora_f_split[3]" 0")
print "DataF : "data_f_split[1]" "data_f_split[2]" "data_f_split[3]" "hora_f_split[1]" "hora_f_split[2]" "hora_f_split[3] ;
print "End Timestamp : "hora_termino_timestamp;
hora_inicio_timestamp = hora_termino_timestamp - total_sec_ret;

The debug shows something interesting:
For the inic date: 2006-11-21 08:52:48
Retension : 1:01:59
I got:

Total sec: 3719
End Timestamp : 1164109968

But If I type on the prompt:

awk '{print mktime("2009 11 21 08 52 48");}'
the timestamp returned is: 1258800768

And if I put on the BEGIN statement:

I get :
End Timestamp : 1164117070

But after strftime("%F %T", hora_inicio_timestamp) it still is transformed to :

2006-11-21 08:50:49

But if I set TZ=UTC on the Prompt, I get the RIGHT value:

2006-11-21 07:50:49