View Full Version : avl tree java issue

March 30th, 2009, 08:40 PM
okay i am having some issues with an avl tree program here is my .java file with all the code...

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

public class AvlNode {

public static int data, height;
public static AvlNode root, right_child, left_child, current;

public AvlNode(){
root = null;
current = root;

public AvlNode(int num){
data = num;
height = 0;
right_child = null;
left_child = null;

private static int balance(AvlNode current, AvlNode first_violation, AvlNode second_violation){
AvlNode first = first_violation, second = second_violation;

//checks to make sure that the children are not violating balance
if(((current.left_child != null) && (current.right_child != null)) &&
((current.left_child.height - current.right_child.height < 1) ||
(current.left_child.height - current.right_child.height > -1))){

if(first == null){
if(current.left_child.height - current.right_child.height > 1){
return(balance(current, current.left_child, null));
return (balance(current, current.right_child, null));
else if(second == null){//checking for the grandchild or second violation

if((first.left_child.height - first.right_child.height) > 1){
return(balance(current, first, first.left_child));
else if((first.left_child.height - first.right_child.height < -1)){
return(balance(current, first, first.right_child));
else{//there is only one violation thus take the child with the greatest height
if(first.left_child.height > first.right_child.height){
return(balance(current, first, first.left_child));
return(balance(current, first, first.right_child));
else{//got the nodes referenced to, now evaluate rotations
if((current.left_child.data == first.data) && //double rotation left
(first.left_child.data == second.data)){
AvlNode left = first.left_child;
first.left_child = left.right_child;
left.right_child = first;
first = left;

//then change the heights of first and left
first.height = adjust_height(first, first.height);
left.height = adjust_height(left, left.height);
return 0;
else if((current.right_child.data == first.data) && //single rotation left-right
(first.left_child.data == second.data)){
AvlNode left = first.left_child;
AvlNode grandchild = left.right_child;
left.right_child = grandchild.left_child;
grandchild.left_child = left;
first.left_child = grandchild.right_child;
grandchild.right_child = first;
first = grandchild;

//adjust the heights of first and left nodes
first.height = adjust_height(first, first.height);
left.height = adjust_height(left, left.height);
return 0;
else if((current.right_child.data == first.data) && //double rotation right
(first.right_child.data == second.data)){
AvlNode right = first.right_child;
first.right_child = right.left_child;
right.left_child = first;
first = right;

//changing heights for first and right nodes
first.height = adjust_height(first, first.height);
right.height = adjust_height(right, right.height);
return 0;
else{ //single rotation right-left
AvlNode right = first.right_child;
AvlNode grandchild = right.left_child;
right.left_child = grandchild.right_child;
grandchild.right_child = right;
first.right_child = grandchild.left_child;
grandchild.left_child = first;
first = grandchild;

//adjust the heights of first and right nodes
first.height = adjust_height(first, first.height);
right.height = adjust_height(right, right.height);
return 0;
return 0;//the tree is already balanced...thus do nothing.

public static int insert(int num){
if(root == null){
root = new AvlNode(num);
return 0;
else if(current == null){
current = new AvlNode(num);
balance(current, null, null);
return 0;
else if(current.data > num){
current = current.left_child;
current = current.left_child;

public static int remove(int removeNum){
if(current.data == removeNum){
balance(root, null, null);
current = null;
return 0;
else if(current.data > removeNum){
current = current.left_child;
return (remove(removeNum));
current = current.right_child;

public static AvlNode find(int num){
//need to put some code here
return current;

private static int adjust_height(AvlNode cur, int i){
int num = i;

if((cur.left_child == null) && cur.right_child == null){
return num;
else if((cur.left_child == null) && (cur.right_child != null)){
return adjust_height(cur.right_child, ++num);
else if((cur.left_child != null) && (cur.right_child == null)){
return adjust_height(cur.right_child, ++num);
else{ //if cur has two children not null
if(cur.left_child.height > cur.right_child.height){
adjust_height(cur.left_child, ++num);
else{//right height is greater
adjust_height(cur.right_child, ++num);
return num;

public static String toString(AvlNode node){
String result = "";
int i;
if(node.height > 0){
for(i = 0; i < node.height; i++){
if((node.right_child != null) && (node.left_child != null)){
result += " " + node.left_child.data + ", ";
result += " " + node.data + ", ";
result += " " + node.right_child.data + ", ";
else if((node.right_child != null) && (node.left_child == null)){
result += " " + node.data + ", ";
result += " " + node.right_child.data + ", ";
else if((node.right_child == null) && (node.left_child != null)){
result += " " + node.left_child.data + ", ";
result += " " + node.data + ", ";
else{//if the node is a leaf then just add that nodes data
result += " " + node.data + ", ";
result += " " + node.data + " ";
return result;

public static void main(String [] argc) {
int number = 0;
String result = "";
AvlNode found;

//create the tree
AvlNode tree = new AvlNode();

//create the keyboard buffer for console input
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

while(number != 5){
System.out.println("Please enter a number for the option you wish to select:\n" +
"\t1. Insert a number.\n" + "\t2. Remove a number.\n" +
"\t3. Print.\n" + "\t4. Find a number.\n" + "\t5. Quit.");
number = keyboard.nextInt();

while(number < 1 || number > 5){
System.out.println("Please enter a number that correspondes to the correct option!\n" +
"\t1. Insert a number.\n" + "\t2. Remove a number.\n" +
"\t3. Print.\n" + "\t4. Find a number.\n" + "\t5. Quit.");
number = keyboard.nextInt();
case 1:
System.out.println("Please enter a number you wish to insert: ");
number = keyboard.nextInt();
case 2:
System.out.println("Please enter a number you wish to remove: ");
number = keyboard.nextInt();
case 3:
result = toString(root);
case 4:
System.out.println("Please enter a number you wish to find: ");
number = keyboard.nextInt();
found = find(number);
System.out.println("This is the position in the tree at which the number" +
" was found: " + found.data + " , with height, " + found.height);
case 5:
System.out.println("Have a good day!");

okay so i converted the text book definition of traversals LL LR RL RR from the text book....but i am having issues with my toString method....and how to adjust the height after traversals....

if some one can give me some pointers that would be greatly appreciated...

*EDIT: okay so i have it to insert one node into the tree...and then print it out okay....but if i got to insert a second node into the tree it won't print out both of the them just one of them the newest one...

so if i inserted 1 then 2 then it will print 2...telling me that there is a problem with keeping track of the height of the tree else the adjust_height method is not working correctly