View Full Version : Track my bandwith usage?

March 23rd, 2009, 12:12 AM
I am scared that I might be using more than what comcast wants me too. I setup apachetop on my server and saw that today it reached 22gb. Yikes. And that is mainly just because of my new distribution I'm working on(the iso of course).

Is there an app that can track this? My router tells me in real time but does not keep track.


Dr Small
March 23rd, 2009, 12:19 AM
ifconfig ath0 | grep bytes
Of course, that is nothing sophisticated, but it works. If you have something better, let me know. :)

Also, for "live" tracking of it:



download=`ifconfig $interface | grep bytes | awk '/RX/ {print $2}' | sed 's/bytes://'`
start=$(($download / 1048576))
startkb=$(($download / 1024))
time=`date +%s`

while true;do clear;
download2=`ifconfig $interface | grep bytes | awk '/RX/ {print $2}' | sed 's/bytes://'`
start2=$(($download2 / 1048576))
startkb2=$(($download2 / 1024))
current=$(($start2 - $start))
currentkb=$(($startkb2 - $startkb))
currentbytes=$(($download2 - $download))
time2=`date +%s`
totaltime=$(($time2 - $time))
timeminutes=$(($totaltime / 60))
timehours=$((timeminutes / 60))

echo "Current Download Usage:"
echo $current MBs
echo $currentkb KBs
echo $currentbytes Bytes
echo "Elapsed Time:"
echo $timehours hours
echo $timeminutes minutes
echo $totaltime seconds

sleep 1;

You can run that in screen and watch it over a period of time :)

March 23rd, 2009, 12:21 AM
You can get Conky to show it too!

March 23rd, 2009, 12:22 AM
I'm not sure that the first option is accurate...

debian:~# ifconfig eth0 | grep bytes
RX bytes:2114087871 (1.9 GiB) TX bytes:367833192 (350.7 MiB)

Or is apachetop wrong?

March 23rd, 2009, 12:22 AM
You can get Conky to show it too!

The server is headless. ;)

March 23rd, 2009, 12:28 AM
ifconfig ath0 | grep bytes
Of course, that is nothing sophisticated, but it works. If you have something better, let me know. :)

Also, for "live" tracking of it:



download=`ifconfig $interface | grep bytes | awk '/RX/ {print $2}' | sed 's/bytes://'`
start=$(($download / 1048576))
startkb=$(($download / 1024))
time=`date +%s`

while true;do clear;
download2=`ifconfig $interface | grep bytes | awk '/RX/ {print $2}' | sed 's/bytes://'`
start2=$(($download2 / 1048576))
startkb2=$(($download2 / 1024))
current=$(($start2 - $start))
currentkb=$(($startkb2 - $startkb))
currentbytes=$(($download2 - $download))
time2=`date +%s`
totaltime=$(($time2 - $time))
timeminutes=$(($totaltime / 60))
timehours=$((timeminutes / 60))

echo "Current Download Usage:"
echo $current MBs
echo $currentkb KBs
echo $currentbytes Bytes
echo "Elapsed Time:"
echo $timehours hours
echo $timeminutes minutes
echo $totaltime seconds

sleep 1;

You can run that in screen and watch it over a period of time :)

Thanks! That code is working, but since I am using it over ssh every time it reloads it adds the bandwith that it itself is using, making the reading inaccurate. Is there a way to fix that?

March 23rd, 2009, 12:29 AM
The server is headless. ;)

run it windowed via x11 forwarding? idk =[

March 23rd, 2009, 12:30 AM
run it windowed via x11 forwarding? idk =[

That would take to much resources. It only has a 550mhz cpu and 256mb ram. Using 33mb ram now though.

Conky is just a huge bash script to me.

March 23rd, 2009, 12:43 AM
That would take to much resources. It only has a 550mhz cpu and 256mb ram. Using 33mb ram now though.

Conky is just a huge bash script to me.

To clear things up, I wasn't honestly suggesting x11-ing Conky, lol.

I like Conky on my desktop, and install it whenever I'm using a GUI (okay, I use Crunchbang, so it comes pre-installed :P) but yah, erm.... I have no idea, lol.

you could always do a wget of the routers stats and store it in a file somewhere.

EDIT: again, daft idea and impractical.

March 23rd, 2009, 12:46 AM
If you are behind a WRT router, there is always DD-WRT. It will track all your bandwidth usage for you.

March 23rd, 2009, 12:49 AM
To clear things up, I wasn't honestly suggesting x11-ing Conky, lol.

I like Conky on my desktop, and install it whenever I'm using a GUI (okay, I use Crunchbang, so it comes pre-installed :P) but yah, erm.... I have no idea, lol.

you could always do a wget of the routers stats and store it in a file somewhere.

EDIT: again, daft idea and impractical.

Actually the wget idea is very practical. Thanks for the idea.

But now heres my problem:

I have added my RX and TX data and I find that just me and my server have send around 4gb of data and received 3gb -since they haven't been turned off.

The problem is if I run the ifconfig $interface | grep bytes command on each interface that ifconfig shows on the router none of the interfaces seem to show the total :(

Should br0, br0:0, eth0, eth1, vlan0, and vlan1 all be added together, or am I missing something?

March 23rd, 2009, 12:49 AM
If you are behind a WRT router, there is always DD-WRT. It will track all your bandwidth usage for you.

I am using dd-wrt. I don't know how to view total bandwith usage with it though.

April 8th, 2009, 03:01 AM
I am using dd-wrt. I don't know how to view total bandwith usage with it though.

Sorry for the late reply. To view the total bandwidth usage, go to, and then browse to Status > WAN.