View Full Version : Adding new .cc files in Makefile

March 22nd, 2009, 08:17 PM
Hi, I'm very new to editing makefile. I am following online instructions in order to make my program work.

I need to add 3 .cc files to makefile which are all, including makefile itself, the same directory.

The contents of makefile is :

# Various configurable paths (remember to edit Makefile.in, not Makefile)

# Top level hierarchy
prefix = /usr/local
# Pathname of directory to install the binary
BINDEST = /usr/local/bin
# Pathname of directory to install the man page
MANDEST = /usr/local/man

BLANK = # make a blank space. DO NOT add anything to this line

# The following will be redefined under Windows (see WIN32 lable below)
CC = gcc
CPP = g++
LINK_SHLIB = gcc -shared
MKDEP = ./conf/mkdep
TCLSH = /home/oj/NetSim/ns-allinone-2.33/bin/tclsh8.4
TCL2C = ../tclcl-1.19/tcl2c++
AR = ar rc $(BLANK)

RANLIB = ranlib
INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
LN = ln
TEST = test
RM = rm -f
MV = mv
PERL = /usr/bin/perl

# for diffusion
#DIFF_INCLUDES = "./diffusion3/main ./diffusion3/lib ./diffusion3/nr ./diffusion3/ns"

CCOPT = -Wall
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-export-dynamic


-I. \
-I. \
-I/home/oj/NetSim/ns-allinone-2.33/tclcl-1.19 -I/home/oj/NetSim/ns-allinone-2.33/otcl-1.13 -I/home/oj/NetSim/ns-allinone-2.33/include -I/home/oj/NetSim/ns-allinone-2.33/include -I/usr/include/pcap \
-I./tcp -I./sctp -I./common -I./link -I./queue \
-I./adc -I./apps -I./mac -I./mobile -I./trace \
-I./routing -I./tools -I./classifier -I./mcast \
-I./diffusion3/lib/main -I./diffusion3/lib \
-I./diffusion3/lib/nr -I./diffusion3/ns \
-I./diffusion3/filter_core -I./asim/ -I./qs \
-I./diffserv -I./satellite \

LIB = \
-L/home/oj/NetSim/ns-allinone-2.33/tclcl-1.19 -ltclcl -L/home/oj/NetSim/ns-allinone-2.33/otcl-1.13 -lotcl -L/home/oj/NetSim/ns-allinone-2.33/lib -ltk8.4 -L/home/oj/NetSim/ns-allinone-2.33/lib -ltcl8.4 \
-lXext -lX11 \
-lnsl -ldl \
-lm -lm
# -L${exec_prefix}/lib \


# Explicitly define compilation rules since SunOS 4's make doesn't like gcc.
# Also, gcc does not remove the .o before forking 'as', which can be a
# problem if you don't own the file but can write to the directory.

@rm -f $@
$(CPP) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $*.cc

@rm -f $@
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $*.c

GEN_DIR = gen/
LIB_DIR = lib/
NS = ns
NSLIB = libns.so
NSX = nsx
NSE = nse
NSTK = nstk

# To allow conf/makefile.win overwrite this macro
# We will set these two macros to empty in conf/makefile.win since VC6.0
# does not seem to support the STL in gcc 2.8 and up.
OBJ_STL = diffusion3/lib/nr/nr.o diffusion3/lib/dr.o \
diffusion3/filters/diffusion/one_phase_pull.o \
diffusion3/filters/diffusion/two_phase_pull.o \
diffusion3/lib/diffapp.o \
diffusion3/ns/diffagent.o diffusion3/ns/diffrtg.o \
diffusion3/ns/difftimer.o \
diffusion3/filter_core/filter_core.o \
diffusion3/filter_core/iolog.o \
diffusion3/filter_core/iostats.o \
diffusion3/lib/main/attrs.o \
diffusion3/lib/main/events.o \
diffusion3/lib/main/iodev.o \
diffusion3/lib/main/iohook.o \
diffusion3/lib/main/timers.o \
diffusion3/lib/main/message.o \
diffusion3/lib/main/tools.o \
diffusion3/apps/gear_examples/gear_common.o \
diffusion3/apps/gear_examples/gear_receiver.o \
diffusion3/apps/gear_examples/gear_sender.o \
diffusion3/apps/rmst_examples/rmst_sink.o \
diffusion3/apps/rmst_examples/rmst_source.o \
diffusion3/apps/ping/1pp_ping_sender.o \
diffusion3/apps/ping/1pp_ping_receiver.o \
diffusion3/apps/ping/2pp_ping_sender.o \
diffusion3/apps/ping/2pp_ping_receiver.o \
diffusion3/apps/ping/ping_common.o \
diffusion3/apps/ping/push_receiver.o \
diffusion3/apps/ping/push_sender.o \
diffusion3/filters/gear/gear_attr.o \
diffusion3/filters/gear/gear.o \
diffusion3/filters/gear/gear_tools.o \
diffusion3/filters/misc/log.o \
diffusion3/filters/misc/srcrt.o \
diffusion3/filters/misc/tag.o \
diffusion3/filters/rmst/rmst.o \
diffusion3/filters/rmst/rmst_filter.o \
delaybox/delaybox.o \
packmime/packmime_HTTP.o packmime/packmime_HTTP_rng.o \
packmime/packmime_OL.o packmime/packmime_OL_ranvar.o\

NS_TCL_LIB_STL = tcl/lib/ns-diffusion.tcl \
tcl/delaybox/delaybox.tcl \

# WIN32: uncomment the following line to include specific make for VC++
# !include <conf/makefile.win>

OBJ_CC = \
tools/random.o tools/rng.o tools/ranvar.o common/misc.o common/timer-handler.o \
common/scheduler.o common/object.o common/packet.o \
common/ip.o routing/route.o common/connector.o common/ttl.o \
trace/trace.o trace/trace-ip.o \
classifier/classifier.o classifier/classifier-addr.o \
classifier/classifier-hash.o \
classifier/classifier-virtual.o \
classifier/classifier-mcast.o \
classifier/classifier-bst.o \
classifier/classifier-mpath.o mcast/replicator.o \
classifier/classifier-mac.o \
classifier/classifier-qs.o \
classifier/classifier-port.o src_rtg/classifier-sr.o \
src_rtg/sragent.o src_rtg/hdr_src.o adc/ump.o \
qs/qsagent.o qs/hdr_qs.o \
apps/app.o apps/telnet.o tcp/tcplib-telnet.o \
tools/trafgen.o trace/traffictrace.o tools/pareto.o \
tools/expoo.o tools/cbr_traffic.o \
adc/tbf.o adc/resv.o adc/sa.o tcp/saack.o \
tools/measuremod.o adc/estimator.o adc/adc.o adc/ms-adc.o \
adc/timewindow-est.o adc/acto-adc.o \
adc/pointsample-est.o adc/salink.o adc/actp-adc.o \
adc/hb-adc.o adc/expavg-est.o\
adc/param-adc.o adc/null-estimator.o \
adc/adaptive-receiver.o apps/vatrcvr.o adc/consrcvr.o \
common/agent.o common/message.o apps/udp.o \
common/session-rtp.o apps/rtp.o tcp/rtcp.o \
common/ivs.o \
common/messpass.o common/tp.o common/tpm.o apps/worm.o \
tcp/tcp.o tcp/tcp-sink.o tcp/tcp-reno.o \
tcp/tcp-newreno.o \
tcp/tcp-vegas.o tcp/tcp-rbp.o tcp/tcp-full.o tcp/rq.o \
baytcp/tcp-full-bay.o baytcp/ftpc.o baytcp/ftps.o \
tcp/scoreboard.o tcp/scoreboard-rq.o tcp/tcp-sack1.o tcp/tcp-fack.o \
tcp/linux/src/tcp_highspeed.o tcp/linux/src/tcp_bic.o tcp/linux/src/tcp_htcp.o tcp/linux/src/tcp_scalable.o tcp/linux/src/tcp_cubic.o\
tcp/linux/src/tcp_westwood.o tcp/linux/src/tcp_vegas.o tcp/linux/src/tcp_hybla.o\
tcp/linux/src/tcp_illinois.o tcp/linux/src/tcp_yeah.o \
tcp/linux/src/tcp_veno.o tcp/linux/src/tcp_compound.o tcp/linux/src/tcp_lp.o\
tcp/scoreboard1.o tcp/tcp-linux.o tcp/linux/ns-linux-util.o tcp/linux/ns-linux-c.o tcp/linux/ns-linux-param.o\
tcp/tcp-asym.o tcp/tcp-asym-sink.o tcp/tcp-fs.o \
tcp/tcp-asym-fs.o \
tcp/tcp-int.o tcp/chost.o tcp/tcp-session.o \
tcp/nilist.o \
sctp/sctp.o apps/sctp_app1.o\
sctp/sctp-timestamp.o sctp/sctp-hbAfterRto.o \
sctp/sctp-multipleFastRtx.o sctp/sctp-mfrHbAfterRto.o \
sctp/sctp-mfrTimestamp.o \
sctp/sctp-cmt.o \
sctp/sctpDebug.o \
tools/integrator.o tools/queue-monitor.o \
tools/flowmon.o tools/loss-monitor.o \
queue/queue.o queue/drop-tail.o \
adc/simple-intserv-sched.o queue/red.o \
queue/semantic-packetqueue.o queue/semantic-red.o \
tcp/ack-recons.o \
queue/sfq.o queue/fq.o queue/drr.o queue/srr.o queue/cbq.o \
queue/jobs.o queue/marker.o queue/demarker.o \
link/hackloss.o queue/errmodel.o queue/fec.o\
link/delay.o tcp/snoop.o \
gaf/gaf.o \
link/dynalink.o routing/rtProtoDV.o common/net-interface.o \
mcast/ctrMcast.o mcast/mcast_ctrl.o mcast/srm.o \
common/sessionhelper.o queue/delaymodel.o \
mcast/srm-ssm.o mcast/srm-topo.o \
routing/alloc-address.o routing/address.o \
$(LIB_DIR)int.Vec.o $(LIB_DIR)int.RVec.o \
$(LIB_DIR)dmalloc_support.o \
webcache/http.o webcache/tcp-simple.o webcache/pagepool.o \
webcache/inval-agent.o webcache/tcpapp.o webcache/http-aux.o \
webcache/mcache.o webcache/webtraf.o \
webcache/webserver.o \
webcache/logweb.o \
empweb/empweb.o \
empweb/empftp.o \
realaudio/realaudio.o \
mac/lanRouter.o classifier/filter.o \
common/pkt-counter.o \
common/Decapsulator.o common/Encapsulator.o \
common/encap.o \
mac/channel.o mac/mac.o mac/ll.o mac/mac-802_11.o \
mac/mac-802_11Ext.o \
mac/mac-802_3.o mac/mac-tdma.o mac/smac.o \
mobile/mip.o mobile/mip-reg.o mobile/gridkeeper.o \
mobile/propagation.o mobile/tworayground.o \
mobile/nakagami.o \
mobile/antenna.o mobile/omni-antenna.o \
mobile/shadowing.o mobile/shadowing-vis.o mobile/dumb-agent.o \
common/bi-connector.o common/node.o \
common/mobilenode.o \
mac/arp.o mobile/god.o mobile/dem.o \
mobile/topography.o mobile/modulation.o \
queue/priqueue.o queue/dsr-priqueue.o \
mac/phy.o mac/wired-phy.o mac/wireless-phy.o \
mac/wireless-phyExt.o \
mac/mac-timers.o trace/cmu-trace.o mac/varp.o \
mac/mac-simple.o \
satellite/sat-hdlc.o \
dsdv/dsdv.o dsdv/rtable.o queue/rtqueue.o \
routing/rttable.o \
imep/imep.o imep/dest_queue.o imep/imep_api.o \
imep/imep_rt.o imep/rxmit_queue.o imep/imep_timers.o \
imep/imep_util.o imep/imep_io.o \
tora/tora.o tora/tora_api.o tora/tora_dest.o \
tora/tora_io.o tora/tora_logs.o tora/tora_neighbor.o \
dsr/dsragent.o dsr/hdr_sr.o dsr/mobicache.o dsr/path.o \
dsr/requesttable.o dsr/routecache.o dsr/add_sr.o \
dsr/dsr_proto.o dsr/flowstruct.o dsr/linkcache.o \
dsr/simplecache.o dsr/sr_forwarder.o \
aodv/aodv_logs.o aodv/aodv.o \
aodv/aodv_rtable.o aodv/aodv_rqueue.o \
common/ns-process.o \
satellite/satgeometry.o satellite/sathandoff.o \
satellite/satlink.o satellite/satnode.o \
satellite/satposition.o satellite/satroute.o \
satellite/sattrace.o \
rap/raplist.o rap/rap.o rap/media-app.o rap/utilities.o \
common/fsm.o tcp/tcp-abs.o \
diffusion/diffusion.o diffusion/diff_rate.o diffusion/diff_prob.o \
diffusion/diff_sink.o diffusion/flooding.o diffusion/omni_mcast.o \
diffusion/hash_table.o diffusion/routing_table.o diffusion/iflist.o \
tcp/tfrc.o tcp/tfrc-sink.o mobile/energy-model.o apps/ping.o tcp/tcp-rfc793edu.o \
queue/rio.o queue/semantic-rio.o tcp/tcp-sack-rh.o tcp/scoreboard-rh.o \
plm/loss-monitor-plm.o plm/cbr-traffic-PP.o \
linkstate/hdr-ls.o \
mpls/classifier-addr-mpls.o mpls/ldp.o mpls/mpls-module.o \
routing/rtmodule.o classifier/classifier-hier.o \
routing/addr-params.o \
nix/hdr_nv.o nix/classifier-nix.o \
nix/nixnode.o \
routealgo/rnode.o \
routealgo/bfs.o \
routealgo/rbitmap.o \
routealgo/rlookup.o \
routealgo/routealgo.o \
nix/nixvec.o \
nix/nixroute.o \
diffserv/dsred.o diffserv/dsredq.o \
diffserv/dsEdge.o diffserv/dsCore.o \
diffserv/dsPolicy.o diffserv/ew.o diffserv/dewp.o \
queue/red-pd.o queue/pi.o queue/vq.o queue/rem.o \
queue/gk.o \
pushback/rate-limit.o pushback/rate-limit-strategy.o \
pushback/ident-tree.o pushback/agg-spec.o \
pushback/logging-data-struct.o \
pushback/rate-estimator.o \
pushback/pushback-queue.o pushback/pushback.o \
common/parentnode.o trace/basetrace.o \
common/simulator.o asim/asim.o \
common/scheduler-map.o common/splay-scheduler.o \
linkstate/ls.o linkstate/rtProtoLS.o \
pgm/classifier-pgm.o pgm/pgm-agent.o pgm/pgm-sender.o \
pgm/pgm-receiver.o mcast/rcvbuf.o \
mcast/classifier-lms.o mcast/lms-agent.o mcast/lms-receiver.o \
mcast/lms-sender.o \
queue/delayer.o \
xcp/xcpq.o xcp/xcp.o xcp/xcp-end-sys.o \
wpan/p802_15_4csmaca.o wpan/p802_15_4fail.o \
wpan/p802_15_4hlist.o wpan/p802_15_4mac.o \
wpan/p802_15_4nam.o wpan/p802_15_4phy.o \
wpan/p802_15_4sscs.o wpan/p802_15_4timer.o \
wpan/p802_15_4trace.o wpan/p802_15_4transac.o \
apps/pbc.o \


# don't allow comments to follow continuation lines

# mac-csma.o mac-multihop.o\
# sensor-nets/landmark.o mac-simple-wireless.o \
# sensor-nets/tags.o sensor-nets/sensor-query.o \
# sensor-nets/flood-agent.o \

# what was here before is now in emulate/

OBJ_COMPAT = $(OBJ_GETOPT) common/win32.o
#XXX compat/win32x.o compat/tkConsole.o

emulate/net-ip.o \
emulate/net.o \
emulate/tap.o \
emulate/ether.o \
emulate/internet.o \
emulate/ping_responder.o \
emulate/arp.o \
emulate/icmp.o \
emulate/net-pcap.o \
emulate/nat.o \
emulate/iptap.o \


OBJ_GEN = $(GEN_DIR)version.o $(GEN_DIR)ns_tcl.o $(GEN_DIR)ptypes.o

SRC = $(OBJ_C:.o=.c) $(OBJ_CC:.o=.cc) \
$(OBJ_EMULATE_C:.o=.c) $(OBJ_EMULATE_CC:.o=.cc) \
common/tclAppInit.cc common/tkAppInit.cc


CLEANFILES = ns nse nsx ns.dyn $(OBJ) $(OBJ_EMULATE_CC) \
$(OBJ_EMULATE_C) common/tclAppInit.o \
common/tkAppInit.o nstk \
$(GEN_DIR)* $(NS).core core core.$(NS) core.$(NSX) core.$(NSE) \
common/ptypes2tcl common/ptypes2tcl.o

indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen/setdest \
indep-utils/webtrace-conv/dec \
indep-utils/webtrace-conv/epa \
indep-utils/webtrace-conv/nlanr \


all: $(NS) $(BUILD_NSE) $(NSTK) all-recursive Makefile

for i in $(SUBDIRS); do ( cd $$i; $(MAKE) all; ) done

ifeq ($(NSLIB),libns.dll)

# This is for cygwin

NS_LIBS = -ldl

$(NSLIB): $(OBJ) common/tclAppInit.o
$(LINK) -shared $(LDFLAGS) \
$(LDOUT)$@ \
-Wl,--export-all-symbols \
-Wl,--enable-auto-import \
-Wl,--out-implib=$@.a \
-Wl,--whole-archive $^ \

$(NS): $(NSLIB) common/main-modular.cc
$(LINK) $(NS_CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDOUT)$@ common/main-modular.cc $(NS_LIBS)


# default for all systems but cygwin

$(NS): $(OBJ) common/tclAppInit.o common/main-monolithic.o
$(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDOUT)$@ $^ $(LIB)


Makefile: Makefile.in
@echo "Makefile.in is newer than Makefile."
@echo "You need to re-run configure."

$(NSE): $(OBJ) common/tclAppInit.o common/main-monolithic.o $(OBJ_EMULATE_CC) $(OBJ_EMULATE_C)
$(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDOUT)$@ $^ $(LIB)

$(NSTK): $(OBJ) common/tkAppInit.o
$(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDOUT)$@ $^ $(LIB)

ns.dyn: $(OBJ) common/tclAppInit.o common/main-monolithic.o
$(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIB)

PURIFY = purify -cache-dir=/tmp
ns-pure: $(OBJ) common/tclAppInit.o common/main-monolithic.o
$(PURIFY) $(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIB)

tcl/lib/ns-compat.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-errmodel.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-link.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-sat.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-cmutrace.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-node.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-rtmodule.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-hiernode.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-packet.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-queue.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-source.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-nam.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-trace.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-agent.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-random.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-namsupp.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-address.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-intserv.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-autoconf.tcl \
tcl/rtp/session-rtp.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-mip.tcl \
tcl/rtglib/dynamics.tcl \
tcl/rtglib/route-proto.tcl \
tcl/rtglib/algo-route-proto.tcl \
tcl/rtglib/ns-rtProtoLS.tcl \
tcl/interface/ns-iface.tcl \
tcl/mcast/BST.tcl \
tcl/mcast/ns-mcast.tcl \
tcl/mcast/McastProto.tcl \
tcl/mcast/DM.tcl \
tcl/mcast/srm.tcl \
tcl/mcast/srm-adaptive.tcl \
tcl/mcast/srm-ssm.tcl \
tcl/mcast/timer.tcl \
tcl/mcast/McastMonitor.tcl \
tcl/mobility/dsdv.tcl \
tcl/mobility/dsr.tcl \
tcl/ctr-mcast/CtrMcast.tcl \
tcl/ctr-mcast/CtrMcastComp.tcl \
tcl/ctr-mcast/CtrRPComp.tcl \
tcl/rlm/rlm.tcl \
tcl/rlm/rlm-ns.tcl \
tcl/session/session.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-route.tcl \
tcl/emulate/ns-emulate.tcl \
tcl/lan/vlan.tcl \
tcl/lan/abslan.tcl \
tcl/lan/ns-ll.tcl \
tcl/lan/ns-mac.tcl \
tcl/webcache/http-agent.tcl \
tcl/webcache/http-server.tcl \
tcl/webcache/http-cache.tcl \
tcl/webcache/http-mcache.tcl \
tcl/webcache/webtraf.tcl \
tcl/webcache/empweb.tcl \
tcl/webcache/empftp.tcl \
tcl/plm/plm.tcl \
tcl/plm/plm-ns.tcl \
tcl/plm/plm-topo.tcl \
tcl/mpls/ns-mpls-classifier.tcl \
tcl/mpls/ns-mpls-ldpagent.tcl \
tcl/mpls/ns-mpls-node.tcl \
tcl/mpls/ns-mpls-simulator.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-pushback.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-srcrt.tcl \
tcl/mcast/ns-lms.tcl \
tcl/lib/ns-qsnode.tcl \

$(GEN_DIR)ns_tcl.cc: $(NS_TCL_LIB)
$(TCLSH) bin/tcl-expand.tcl tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl $(NS_TCL_LIB_STL) | $(TCL2C) et_ns_lib > $@

$(GEN_DIR)version.c: VERSION
$(RM) $@
$(TCLSH) bin/string2c.tcl version_string < VERSION > $@

$(GEN_DIR)ptypes.cc: common/ptypes2tcl common/packet.h
./common/ptypes2tcl > $@

common/ptypes2tcl: common/ptypes2tcl.o
$(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDOUT)$@ common/ptypes2tcl.o

common/ptypes2tcl.o: common/ptypes2tcl.cc common/packet.h

for d in $(DESTDIR)$(MANDEST)/man1; do \
if [ ! -d $$d ]; then \
mkdir -p $$d ;\

install: dirs force install-ns install-man

install-ns: force

install-man: force
$(INSTALL) -m 644 ns.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDEST)/man1

install-recursive: force
for i in $(SUBDIRS); do ( cd $$i; $(MAKE) install; ) done


AUTOCONF_GEN = tcl/lib/ns-autoconf.tcl
distclean: distclean-recursive
$(RM) $(CLEANFILES) Makefile config.cache config.log config.status \
autoconf.h gnuc.h os-proto.h $(AUTOCONF_GEN); \
$(MV) .configure .configure- ;\
echo "Moved .configure to .configure-"

for i in $(SUBDIRS); do ( cd $$i; $(MAKE) clean; $(RM) Makefile; ) done

tags: force
ctags -wtd *.cc *.h webcache/*.cc webcache/*.h dsdv/*.cc dsdv/*.h \
dsr/*.cc dsr/*.h webcache/*.cc webcache/*.h lib/*.cc lib/*.h \
../Tcl/*.cc ../Tcl/*.h

TAGS: force
etags *.cc *.h webcache/*.cc webcache/*.h dsdv/*.cc dsdv/*.h \
dsr/*.cc dsr/*.h webcache/*.cc webcache/*.h lib/*.cc lib/*.h \
../Tcl/*.cc ../Tcl/*.h

tcl/lib/TAGS: force
( \
cd tcl/lib; \
$(TCLSH) ../../bin/tcl-expand.tcl ns-lib.tcl | grep '^### tcl-expand.tcl: begin' | awk '{print $$5}' >.tcl_files; \
etags --lang=none -r '/^[ \t]*proc[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/' `cat .tcl_files`; \
etags --append --lang=none -r '/^\([A-Z][^ \t]+\)[ \t]+\(instproc\|proc\)[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)[ \t]+/\1::\3/' `cat .tcl_files`; \

depend: $(SRC)
$(MKDEP) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -- $(SRC) 2>&1 > /dev/null

@cwd=`pwd` ; dir=`basename $$cwd` ; \
name=ns-`cat VERSION | tr A-Z a-z` ; \
tar=ns-src-`cat VERSION`.tar.gz ; \
list="" ; \
for i in `cat FILES` ; do list="$$list $$name/$$i" ; done; \
echo \
"(rm -f $$tar; cd .. ; ln -s $$dir $$name)" ; \
(rm -f $$tar; cd .. ; ln -s $$dir $$name) ; \
echo \
"(cd .. ; tar cfhz $$tar [lots of files])" ; \
(cd .. ; tar cfhz - $$list) > $$tar ; \
echo \
"rm ../$$name; chmod 444 $$tar" ; \
rm ../$$name; chmod 444 $$tar


test: force

# Create makefile.vc for Win32 development by replacing:
# "# !include ..." -> "!include ..."
makefile.vc: Makefile.in
$(PERL) bin/gen-vcmake.pl < Makefile.in > makefile.vc
# $(PERL) -pe 's/^# (\!include)/\!include/o' < Makefile.in > makefile.vc

My question is how and where do I add them? the instructions which I am following are posted here : http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~istoica/csfq/step-by-step.html

I am on step six. Any extra information needed please let me know.

March 22nd, 2009, 08:38 PM
If I'm understanding the makefile correctly, you should just need to add lines for those three files in the "OBJ_CC = ..." section, adding lines for "csfq.o", "fred.o", and "util.o" (with the correct directory specified, as in the other lines in that section).

Lloyd B.

March 22nd, 2009, 08:53 PM
Is that it? just add csfq.o utils.o fred.o after the OBJ_CC=

so if the .cc files are in the same folder as this makefile then I just add those files without a path right?

Also, shouldn't it create those output files after I compile? I am confused I thought I had to add .cc files not the .o

March 22nd, 2009, 08:56 PM
Looking at the makefile it looks like the project uses the autotools, in this case you shouldn't be editing the makefile at all, note the first comment in the makefile

# Various configurable paths (remember to edit Makefile.in, not Makefile)

You should be editing the Makefile.in as this where everything is defined before being processed to create the makefile.

If you haven't come across autotools before this link should be of some use:


March 22nd, 2009, 08:58 PM
Is that it? just add csfq.o utils.o fred.o after the OBJ_CC=

so if the .cc files are in the same folder as this makefile then I just add those files without a path right?

Also, shouldn't it create those output files after I compile? I am confused I thought I had to add .cc files not the .o
If you look further down in the makefile:
SRC = $(OBJ_C:.o=.c) $(OBJ_CC:.o=.cc) \
$(OBJ_EMULATE_C:.o=.c) $(OBJ_EMULATE_CC:.o=.cc) \
common/tclAppInit.cc common/tkAppInit.cctells it how to find the ".cc" file, based on the ".o" file name.

And yes, if the ".cc" files are in the same directory as the makefile, you should be able to just specify the file names (well, the ".o" version of the file names) without the directory.

Lloyd B.

March 22nd, 2009, 09:13 PM
Makefile.in and makefile are very similar.. I can't even spot a difference. But I know if makefile.in is updated it will recompile so I guess I have to edit makefile.in

I appreciate all the help...thank you.

July 26th, 2009, 12:06 PM
I am not able to get those .o files for the three schemes fred.cc,util.cc and csfq.cc.
I have followed your steps and got errors while compiling..
please help me out.

August 11th, 2009, 03:09 PM

This url is not working for a long period..

I want to test certain scripts through the online simulator.

Can you pls suggest me an alrenative.....


February 12th, 2011, 06:07 AM
i have added the new .cc files in makefile.But i am unable to compile it?
How to compile to makefile?
please help me.I have been stuck for 3 days .

February 12th, 2011, 06:09 AM
hey did you find the solution for compiling makefile?
i added .cc files in makefile.
But i am unable to compile the makefile.
can you?