View Full Version : Javascript simple lightbox question

March 22nd, 2009, 06:18 PM

I'm playing with lightbox (http://www.lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/#download) to show some images in my website. It works fine, for example:

//in the head include all required js files
<a href="im0.png" rel="lightbox[csubj]" title="Desc0"><img src="im0_thumbnail.png" alt="" /></a>

<a href="im1.png" rel="lightbox[csubj]" title="Desc1"><img src="im1_thumbnail.png" alt="" /></a>

<a href="im2.png" rel="lightbox[csubj]" title="Desc2"><img src="im2_thumbnailn.png" alt="" /></a>


That presents the images pretty well when I click on them (even with this collection presentation that you can navigate within the collection).

What I would like is to have the possibility to , instead of leftclicking the thumbnail and the image appears (with lightbox cool effect), just right-click the thumbnail, then open in a new tab, without lighbox doing anything (so I can see the image in the new tab without any effect).

As I've done it, when I right-click the thumbnail, the lightbox effects appear (also I can select open in a new tab, but of course I don't want that lightbox do nothing when I right-click the thumbnail).

Curiously, for example in this website: http://www.theater.htwg-konstanz.de/?q=node/4#program , I can do what I want without any problems (right-click that Die-Hamlet picture). I've checked the source code and doesn't do anything special different than mine.

in my website: http://www.fredsampedro.com/misc.html , try right-clicking on that little brain.

Anyone knows what I should do to get that behavior? or maybe is the lightbox version?

Thanks so much in advance.

March 22nd, 2009, 08:33 PM
I've kind of guessed where the problem is, looking at js code of lightbox, it calls the function to show the image when:

document.observe('click' , ...)

and 'click' means either right or left click. I cannot find what to put instead of 'click' to get only left click response.

March 22nd, 2009, 08:40 PM
