View Full Version : [ubuntu] Compiz alternatives for Dual Monitors?

March 7th, 2009, 11:29 AM
I am running dual monitors with a Nvidia graphics card with Xinerama engaged. As a result Compiz does not work. Xinerama kills the compositor for some reason. I can accept this. I don't really need the super fancy eye candy (desktop cube, and wobbly windows for example. Does any one even use the wobbly window thing?). But I will admit my desktop looks a tad bland with out the shadows, transparencies and other little niceties. Does any one know of any other programs that may work? I'm currently Googling the situation, but not finding much. Perhaps one of you already found it?

March 7th, 2009, 11:37 AM

Apparently IT IS possible....some how... lol

March 7th, 2009, 03:18 PM
Do you mean it won't work on one monitor or it won't work at all?

March 7th, 2009, 03:24 PM
Compiz works fine with dual monitors. I'm using nvidia twinview though, not xinerama

March 7th, 2009, 07:35 PM
I like to use Xinerama because of applications like Gimp. I can full screen the image on one monitor and put the tools on the other. With twinview, I can't drag windows between monitors. So, I am kind of stuck using Xinerama. With that engaged Compiz will not work at all. Unless some one knows a workaround that I haven't found yet.

March 7th, 2009, 09:10 PM
I can drag windows between my monitors using twin view. and pretty much everyone uses wobbly windows lol.

March 8th, 2009, 02:18 PM
Ok.... It's official. I'm an idiot.

After taking a moment to re-read what it says in my OWN signature, I decided to go back into my Nvidia settings and poke around. Sure enough I had every thing set up wrong. I have only been using dual monitors for about 3 days now so, give me some credit that I even had them working at all. Long story made embarrassingly short, I now have it set up with Twinview and Compiz is running as it should. (Desktop cube doesn't work quite right yet.. help there? I get two cubes instead of one big one.... ) Now if you'll excuse me My forehead needs to go have a close encounter with a brick wall](*,)!

Thank you for the advice, though. I probably would have stuck with Xinerama other wise.

P.S. How do I mark this thread as "solved"?