View Full Version : extreme programming

March 2nd, 2009, 11:39 AM
am about to start learning java, but i want to learn it the right way..
so am trying to integrate my programming skills with approved methods for effective programming. I found a book titled "extreme programming", but it seems to be a controversial programming discipline..what do you think ??

thx in advance

March 2nd, 2009, 11:47 AM
That sort of stuff is only relevant when you're programming in a team and need to start to care about the bureaucratic aspects. You need to get your own skills up to speed first, so I wouldn't care about that stuff at this point.

March 2nd, 2009, 11:53 AM
When I hear "extreme programming", I can only think "Radical, dude!". Programming for skateboarders, or something.

Seriously though, what I've read about it, it's just things that are either obvious, or else useless to me (like pair programming). I'd say, read the book (although I'm not advising you to buy it), but take it with a grain of salt, and make sure it's not the only book about programming practices you read, or the only methodology you focus on, if you must focus on any of them.

To me this kind of thing is mostly vacuous, like "self-help" books/systems. But maybe it would be helpful for someone else.

March 2nd, 2009, 11:56 AM
up to this point, i've got what seems to be a good book on java, and some books that explain how to start development and good practices on programming (such as "code complete" which is widely recommended), now some ppl (actually its my employer) recommend to read a book like code complete before starting to learn java..what do you think ???

March 2nd, 2009, 12:08 PM
I just thought of this and had to share it...

Teenage mutant ninja programmers
Heroes on the bash shell!

This is what the phrase "extreme programming" does to me.

March 2nd, 2009, 12:09 PM
What is your programming experience up until now? I get the impression you're much better off just programming in Java instead of learning how to be a part of a software project in Java...

March 2nd, 2009, 12:16 PM
I think the employer's recommendation is ridiculous, but it's the sort of thing I'd expect a manager to say.

March 2nd, 2009, 12:24 PM
Unless your employer actually is a Java Guru himself, his recommendations might not always be the best, also if it is your employer wants you to learn Java (you never said if it was just you or your work that wanted it) then they should send you to a proper course in Java.
Sun for ex. got lots of training courses for stuff like software development and certification etc. they have web-based and on CD and so on so you don't have to live anywhere special. =)

March 2nd, 2009, 01:07 PM
yeah i thought so, i felt that his recommendation is a bit awkward..though i must admit that i used c++ before, but not really professionally, just to the extent of some loops and conditions; i mean never employed OOP for instance in a real application.

my employer wants me to get my hands on java since i work on the research part of his software projects, in short my output is supposed to be prototypes for what i researched, written in java..

i must admit that am not quite good in learning programming, since it requires continual practice, and if am to learn java, am thinking about approaching the subject like a beginner (surely there will parts that i might read them rapidly)....my employer insists that i can learn java in a very short time, well, dont know about that !!

March 2nd, 2009, 01:12 PM
I agree with your employer. It's best to understand programming in general before learning a language. The difference between a good programmer and someone who knows a language is the programmer understands programming in a general sense, not just how to write a language. It's also best to have an understanding about how software works, how memory is managed etc. Each language has their differences, but they all share core concepts.

You can definitely learn java in a short time. It is much simpler than C++. Although, if you're not familiar with OOP you might have some difficulty. Java is an excellent language to work with and there is a ton of stuff out on the web for it.

March 2nd, 2009, 01:15 PM
you can try reading "Deitel's Java How To Program" or just use the Sun's Java Tutorial...

and regarding to eXtreme Programming, as what your doing now, it not needed, but if you intend to be a part of a development team in the future, you should grasp the concepts of it, it's all about simplicity and getting the work done for your customer....

March 2nd, 2009, 01:39 PM
Its only a methodology. I wouldn't say its especially controversial. I tend to use a mix of SSADM and DSDM on projects I am involved with.

Understanding the concepts, I feel, is important. Familiarising yourself with different development methodologies enhances your knowledge.