View Full Version : [ubuntu] Compozer crashes

March 1st, 2009, 02:25 PM

Yesterday I upgraded to the latest version of Ubuntu. Today I am trying to use Compozer to edit a website, and it keeps crashing. I use it for maybe 20 or 30 seconds, then it just disappears - no warning, no error message. I can reopen it and try again, same result.

Can anyone help?


March 26th, 2009, 05:05 AM
i have the same issue on my acer aspire one (eeebuntu 8.10, gnome 2.24.1)

i found: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1094500

after using

sudo apt-get autoremove kompozer

to clean up the not so good version of kompozer

i then downloaded kompozer---.tar.gz
from: http://kompozer.net/download.php

wget http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/kompozer/kompozer-0.7.10-gcc4.0.3-i486.tar.gz


tar -xvzf kompoztab

cd kompoztab


works, but

its not installed

made a work around

cd ..

sudo mv kompoztab /usr/share/kompozer/

then just created a launcher with the menu editor for kompozer

hehe, works for me, and no crashing, now time to make some web pages,

hope this helps