View Full Version : [kubuntu] trouble with lancelot

February 25th, 2009, 03:33 PM
After upgrading to kde4.2 (via backports package, I got them trough normal upgrade) I began to use lancelot, but it doesn't allow me to navigate submenus. I think this is due to the fact this plasmoid, together with quickaccess plasmoid doesn't see the new plasma oxygen style, but is stuck with the old plasma style configuration from kde4.1. Does anybody know where it fetches the old conf, so that I can remove it?

February 25th, 2009, 03:42 PM
Do you have the kdeplasma-addons package installed?

February 26th, 2009, 01:35 AM
Yes of course. Now the problem with the style is fixed, but still can't navigate through menus (it seems to open a new column when accessing submenus, but it's all on the left and I can see just the new column icon at the top, near "favorites" and "applications" column headers)