View Full Version : [ubuntu] multiple errors going to 8.10

February 18th, 2009, 12:50 AM
As usual for me upgrading ubuntu was a nightmare: I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 with errors, but a bootable system. So I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 hoping the errors would go away. They didn't. Here are 3 that I need fixing soonest. If you know where to look for the problem, please let me know:

1. Texlive upgrade failed with lots of errors, most seem to come from texlive-base-bin. Removing and reinstalling does no good.

This failure at the very end of the upgrade to 8.10 caused upgrade-manager to fail in the last steps, which may account for the next 2 errors.

2. "Can not open display :0.0": many others have seen this. What is the fix?

3. Now I can not mount removeable devices. E.g., when I attempt to mount a firewire external harddrive, I get:

mount point cannot contain the following characters: newline,G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)

what is this all about?

Is it possible to force upgrade-manager to retry the entire upgrade?

thanks in advance.


February 18th, 2009, 03:06 AM
Do you have a 8.04 disk or 7.10? you can install that and then update from there. I think it will start fresh so you will need to back up what you want if you want to try that.

February 18th, 2009, 04:48 PM
I think you are right. Had to do it on my laptop that also failed to install 8.10. Now I'm thinking that if I want ubuntu I'll have to upgrade via fresh installs. Fortunately, I'm a backup freak.
