View Full Version : Python ctypes and errcheck

February 6th, 2009, 01:37 AM
I'm using ctypes to access a DLL on Windows (seems to be exactly the same on Linux) from Python. All of the functions have the same return type (an error code). I would like to run a python function after every foreign function call that checks for an error and gives a helpful message if there is one. It seems like errcheck() from ctypes is the correct way to do this, but as far as I can see, I have to set it for each function.

import ctypes
def chk(ret, func, args):
if ret < 0:
raise RuntimeError("helpful message")
return ret

foo = ctypes.windll.foolib
foo.do_this.errcheck = chk
foo.do_that.errcheck = chk

This is not ideal; like I said before, all the functions return the same type, and there are hundreds of them. Any suggestions?

February 6th, 2009, 04:28 PM
Maybe by subclassing ctypes.LibraryLoader and overriding the LoadLibrary method? You could call the real LoadLibrary method, get the return value, assign the errcheck attribute to your chk function, and then return that.

February 10th, 2009, 02:47 AM
Maybe by subclassing ctypes.LibraryLoader and overriding the LoadLibrary method? You could call the real LoadLibrary method, get the return value, assign the errcheck attribute to your chk function, and then return that.

I should say I'm not very familiar with Python. I'm probably doing something glaringly wrong here.

The errcheck member resides in the _FuncPtr class, which appears to be the class that foreign function pointers belong to.

(I figured I should do this in Linux since this is a Linux forum. I think my problem is OS-agnostic.) If I derive a class from CDLL and have a derived _FuncPtr in that, it doesn't work.

from ctypes import *

def myerrcheck(ret, func, args):
print "%s returned %d" % (func.__name__, ret)
return ret

class myCDLL(CDLL):
class _FuncPtr(CDLL._FuncPtr):
_flags_ = CDLL._FuncPtr._flags_
def errcheck(self, ret, func, args):
return myerrcheck(ret, func, args)

mylibc = myCDLL("libc.so.6")

mylibc.printf.errcheck = myerrcheck

libc = CDLL("libc.so.6")
libc.printf.errcheck = myerrcheck

$ python ctype_errcheck.py
printf returned 6

My class doesn't work at all. What am I doing wrong?

February 10th, 2009, 05:15 AM
Sorry, I misunderstood exactly what you had to do initially. What you want to do is override CDLL's __getattr__() method (which will return a _FuncPtr object), so that it first calls the normal CDLL.__getattr__(), gives its return value an errcheck attribute, and then returns that. I tried implementing it myself and I think it worked. Here's most of the code:

from ctypes import *

def myerrcheck(ret, func, args):
print "%s returned %d" % (func.__name__, ret)
return ret

class myCDLL(CDLL):
// Override __getattr__() in here...

mylibc = myCDLL("libc.so.6")
The output was
dan@ubuntop:~$ python help.py
printf returned 4
printf returned 4
printf returned 6
Does that look like what you'd expect to see?

December 12th, 2009, 11:55 PM
I forgot to follow up on this. imdano has the correct solution.

class DAQmxDLL(ctypes.WinDLL):
"""Subclass of WinDLL to set a default _FuncPtr.errcheck."""

def daqmx_errcheck(self, ret, func, args):
if ret < 0:
buf = cstr(1024) # alloc a buffer
err_str = "NIDAQ call %s failed with error %d.\n" \
% (func.__name__, ret)

# simple
# if "DAQmxGetErrorString" not in func.__name__:
# self.DAQmxGetErrorString(ret, ctypes.byref(buf), len(buf)-1)

# verbose (same as GetErrorString but returns additional info)
if "DAQmxGetExtendedErrorInfo" not in func.__name__:
self.DAQmxGetExtendedErrorInfo(ctypes.byref(buf), len(buf)-1)

raise DAQmxError(err_str + buf.value)
return ret

def __getitem__(self, name):
func = self._FuncPtr((name, self))
if not isinstance(name, (int, long)):
func.__name__ = name
func.errcheck = self.daqmx_errcheck
return func