January 28th, 2009, 03:32 PM
Please attend this meeting. It is required for all of our members.
If you are not a member yet, and are considering joining, please attend. We will be discussing upcoming plans and setting the stage for the months and years ahead for the team. We need your input on tactical and strategy for the overall road map. Your input is very important.
Add our meetings to your Google Calendar here:
http://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fcalendar% 2Fembed%3Fsrc%3Dmspe5r4hma3ngop61r5ei0f1c4%2540gro up.calendar.google.com%26ctz%3DAmerica%2FNew_York&pli=1&gsessionid=EEooOsjJRsoIUeR3tqrfvw
To view information about this please visit our Wiki at:
To join our team head on over to:
Our web site will be under official development very soon. We need developers, designers and bloggers (volunteers!). Please step up and help the team!
Craig Huffstetler | craig.huffstetler@gmail.com
If you are not a member yet, and are considering joining, please attend. We will be discussing upcoming plans and setting the stage for the months and years ahead for the team. We need your input on tactical and strategy for the overall road map. Your input is very important.
Add our meetings to your Google Calendar here:
http://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fcalendar% 2Fembed%3Fsrc%3Dmspe5r4hma3ngop61r5ei0f1c4%2540gro up.calendar.google.com%26ctz%3DAmerica%2FNew_York&pli=1&gsessionid=EEooOsjJRsoIUeR3tqrfvw
To view information about this please visit our Wiki at:
To join our team head on over to:
Our web site will be under official development very soon. We need developers, designers and bloggers (volunteers!). Please step up and help the team!
Craig Huffstetler | craig.huffstetler@gmail.com