View Full Version : [JAVA]find array inside an array

January 9th, 2009, 07:41 PM
I am trying to make a function that consumes 2 arrays, checks if the second one exists in first and gives true, if not false.

ie: A= {1,2,3,4,5,6} B= {4,5,6} C ={8,9}
sArray(A,B) -> true
sArray(A,C) -> false

here is my own java program and algorithm, I couldnt find why it goes to an eternal loop and not works.

static boolean sArray(int a[], int[] b){

for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){

int c=0;
int d= i;
while(c < b.length && i< a.length){
if(a[d] == b[c]){
if (c == (b.length - 1))
return true;
return false;

January 9th, 2009, 08:13 PM
while(c < b.length && i< a.length){
if(a[d] == b[c]){

here is the infite loop. a[0] != b[0] so it cannot go into that if statement therefore it never gets incremented so you're endlessly checking to see if a[0] == b[0] you need to increment d outside of your if statement

January 9th, 2009, 08:23 PM
while(c < b.length && i< a.length){
if(a[d] == b[c]){

here is the infite loop. a[0] != b[0] so it cannot go into that if statement therefore it never gets incremented so you're endlessly checking to see if a[0] == b[0] you need to increment d outside of your if statement

Thanks alot for your asistance, now my code looks like this:

static boolean sArray(int a[], int[] b){

for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){

int c=0;
int d= i;
while(c < b.length && i< a.length){
if(a[d] == b[c]){
if (c == (b.length - 1))
return true;
return false;

But when checking for some B that is inside A , I get out of boundaries error. I fail to see what part of my algorithm fails.

January 9th, 2009, 09:28 PM
Thanks alot for your asistance, now my code looks like this:

static boolean sArray(int a[], int[] b){

for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){

int c=0;
int d= i;
while(c < b.length && i< a.length){
if(a[d] == b[c]){
if (c == (b.length - 1))
return true;
return false;

But when checking for some B that is inside A , I get out of boundaries error. I fail to see what part of my algorithm fails.

well first off the for loop should be gotten rid of since it doesn't do anything just initialize int d = 0; and it will accomplish the same thing.

in the while loop you have i < a.length it should be d < a.length

if (c == (b.length - 1)) if you'll look closely at your algorithm you'll notice that if array b is a sub array of array a then c will be equal to b.length not one less than.

January 9th, 2009, 10:30 PM
Interesting, for a similar problem I once implemented a 'cyclic' array which wraps around itself. That way you never ought to get any out-of-bounds errors:

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

* @param <T>
public class CyclicArray<T> implements Iterable<T>{

protected T[] array;
protected int index=0;
protected int begin=0;

* Create a litteral CyclicArray&lt;T&gt; value from the litteral array T [].
* @param value
public CyclicArray(T [] value) {
index = value.length -1;

* Default constructor: create an empty CylicArray&lt;T&gt; with the size specified.
* @param size
public CyclicArray(int size) {
array=(T [])(new Object [size]);

* Get the size/length/capacity of an CyclicArray object.
* @return the size (capacity) of the CylicArray.
public int size() {
return array.length;

* Pushes an item onto the end of a CyclicArray.
* <div>
* @param item : the item to be 'pushed' onto the end of the CyclicArray.
* </div>
* <hr />
* If the CyclicArray should 'overflow'
* (that is, the number of elements should exceed its capacity/size/length) the
* CyclicArray will 'rotate' itself 'upwards' and overwrite its original first element
* with the element to be pushed onto the CyclicArray. This means that at any given
* time the CyclicArray will hold only the *last* C elements which have been pushed
* onto it, with C equal to the capacity/size of the CyclicArray.
* @see {@link #set(int, Object)} {@link #pop()}
public void push(T item) {
array[index] = item;
int i = index+1;
if(i < array.length)
else {
begin = (begin + 1) % array.length;
index = 0;

* Puts the item passed at the index specified. The
* index is assumed to refer to some (rotated) position relative to
* the start of the CyclicArray and it is mapped to the corresponding 'absolute'
* index within the CyclicArray itself.
* This may result in unexpected behaviour, should the index be out
* of bounds (larger than the size of the CyclicArray, or less than 0) as this method
* will not signal any such 'overflow' but silently overwrite the element at the
* calculated 'absolute' index instead.
* <div>
* @param index
* @param item
* </div>
* <hr />
* You should only use this method if you must directly manipulate the items at a certain well-known index.
* Consider using push() instead.
* @see {@link #push(Object)}
public void set(int index, T item) {
array[(begin + index) % array.length] = item;

public T read() {
return array[index];

public T read(int index) {
return array[(begin + index) % array.length];

* Pops the last item off the end of a CyclicArray.
* This method behaves as the opposite of push(T item) both w.r.t. function and rotating the array.
* @return the item which was popped off the end of the CyclicArray
* @see {@link #push(Object)}
public T pop() {
T item = array[index];
array[index] = null;
int i = index -1;
if(i > -1)
index = i;
else {
begin = (begin - 1 + array.length) % array.length;
index = array.length - 1;
return item;

public T [] toArray() {
T [] result = (T []) (new Object [array.length]);
int i;
result[i] = array[(begin + i) % array.length];
return result;

public boolean equals(T [] test) {
boolean result = false;
if(test.length == array.length) {
int i;
for(i=0;result && i<array.length;i++) {
T t = array[(begin + i) % array.length];
if(test[i] != null && t !=null)
result = test[i].equals(t);
result = test[i] == null && t == null;
return result;

public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return new CyclicArrayIterator<T>(this);

* Simple array-based iterator implementation for the benefit of
* syntactic sugar. (So you can code: for(T t: CyclicArray<T>)).
* @param <T>
class CyclicArrayIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {

private CyclicArray<T> cat;
private int post=0;
public CyclicArrayIterator(CyclicArray<T> cat) {

public boolean hasNext() {
return post<cat.size() && post>=0;

public T next() {
if(post<cat.size()) {
T result=cat.read(post);
return result;
throw new NoSuchElementException("No element at index: "+post+". The Iterator is empty!");
throw new NoSuchElementException("No element at index: "+post+". You've already reached the end of the Iterator!");

public void remove() {
if(post>=0) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No element at index: "+post+". You've already fully emptied the Iterator!");

Shouldn't be very hard to make an

/** Check if the T[] contained is really contained inside this CylicArray */
public boolean containsArray(T [] contained) { /* code */ }

A possible implementation (which does not take care of possible rotations, should you be interested in such a thing)

boolean result = contained.length == this.size();
return this.equals(contained);
if(contained.length > this.size())
return false;
int i;
for(i=0;result && i<contained.length;i++) {
if(contained[0] != null && this.read(i) != null)
result = contained[0].equals(this.read(i));
result = contained[0] == null && this.read(i) == null;
return result;