View Full Version : Rochester Area Meetup -- Dec 4th 7-9pm

December 4th, 2008, 08:07 PM
This is a general meet up event with no planned presentations and very little agenda. This will be the first time we have met at this location so we will be evaluating it for meetings in the future.
We will attempt to extend the PGP and CACert webs of trust. At least one CACert assurer is planning to be at the meeting. Send email to mailto:keysigning@etrumeus.com (keysigning@etrumeus.com) if interested in participating.

If wishing to have your PGP key signed, please familiarize yourself with the Ubuntu GPG Howto (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#Getting%20your%20key%20signed ), send the key fingerprint to mailto:keysigning@etrumeus.com (keysigning@etrumeus.com) and bring government issued photo ID to the meeting.
If wishing to collect CACert assurance points, please follow the CACert directions for CAP assurance (http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/FAQ/AssuranceByCAP). Usually this will involve several steps, including contacting a local assurer.


BARNES & NOBLE @ RIT Bookstore
100 Park Point Drive
Rochester, NY 14623
(at the corner of John Street and Jefferson Road in Henrietta)
7pm until 9pm
Upstairs group meeting room -- this room is a semi-private glass window room upstairs
free wireless, cafe (food is allowed in the meeting room), a very nice computer book section and IT text books

Wiki Link (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Events/20081204)