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December 4th, 2008, 04:23 AM
I'm working on a project for my CSci class. They created a game of Connect 4 for us, and we have to create a player. However, the Connect Four they created allows you to drop from the left, or the top. This is using MIT Scheme. I was wondering if someone could direct me to some scheme help sites, or help debug my code.

Here is the code of the game (I cannot modify):

;;;; c4.scm


;;;; Connect 4


;;;; Written by Aaren Heroff

(define player-procedure '())

(define play-game

;; playerx should be 'human or string describing file containing player procedure

(lambda (player1-file player2-file)

;;; Defined constants

(define *NUM-ROWS* 6)

(define *NUM-COLUMNS* 7)

(define *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL* 'x)

(define *PLAYER-2-SYMBOL* 'o)

(define *EMPTY-SYMBOL* '())

(define *INVALID-MOVE-FORM-STRING* "Invalid position specified.")

(define *CANNOT-MOVE-STRING* "Cannot move to specified position.")

(define *ROW-PROMPT* "Select side (0-left, 1-top): ")

(define *COLUMN-PROMPT* "Select row: ")

(define *PLAYER-1-PROMPT* "Player 1's Turn (X)")

(define *PLAYER-2-PROMPT* "Player 2's Turn (O)")

(define *GAME-OVER-INVALID-MOVE* "Invalid move returned by player procedure.")

(define *GAME-OVER-TIE-STRING* "Game over: Game ends in tie.")

(define *GAME-OVER-PLAYER-1-STRING* "Game over: Player 1 (X) wins.")

(define *GAME-OVER-PLAYER-2-STRING* "Game over: Player 2 (0) wins.")


(define *STALL* #t)

(define *WAIT-PROMPT* "Hit enter to continue:")

(define *ALL-MOVES* '((list 0 0) (list 0 1) (list 0 2) (list 0 3) (list 0 4) (list 0 5) (list 0 6)
(list 1 0) (list 2 0) (list 3 0) (list 4 0) (list 5 0)))
(define *MAIN-DIAG* (list (list 2 0) (list 1 0) (list 0 0) (list 0 1) (list 0 2) (list 0 3)))
(define *COUNTER-DIAG* (list (list 3 0) (list 4 0) (list 5 0) (list 5 1) (list 5 2) (list 5 3)))

;; Gets the player symbol for the other player

(define other-player

(lambda (player-symbol)

(if (eq? player-symbol *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL*) *PLAYER-2-SYMBOL* *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL*)))

;; Gets the prompt string for the given player

(define prompt-string

(lambda (player-symbol)

(if (eq? player-symbol *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL*) *PLAYER-1-PROMPT* *PLAYER-2-PROMPT*)))

;; Gets the winner string for the player-symbol or 'tie

(define winner-string

(lambda (winner)

(cond ((eq? winner 'tie) *GAME-OVER-TIE-STRING*)



;;; Position abstraction

;; Position constructor

(define make-position

(lambda (row column)

(list row column)))

;; Row accessor

(define get-row

(lambda (move)

(car move)))

;; Column accessor

(define get-column

(lambda (move)

(cadr move)))

;; Does the given move have a valid form

(define valid-position?

(lambda (inputPosition)
(let ((position (input->position inputposition)))

(let ((integer<=? (lambda (x n) (and (integer? x) (< -1 x n)))))

(and (list? position) (= 2 (length position))

(integer<=? (get-row position) *NUM-ROWS*)

(integer<=? (get-column position) *NUM-COLUMNS*))))))

;;; Board abstraction

;; Sets a position on the board

(define set-position!

(lambda (position value board)

(let ((pos (input->position position)))
(if (eq? (car position) 0)
(set-car! (list-tail (list-ref board (cadr position))
(+ (get-deepest-pos (positions->sym-lst (get-line-positions pos 3) board))1)) value)

(if (eq? (car position) 1)
(set-car! (list-tail (list-ref board
(+(get-deepest-pos (positions->sym-lst (get-line-positions pos 5) board))1)) (cadr position)) value))))))

;; Gets the value of the board at a given position

(define get-position

(lambda (position board)

(list-ref (list-ref board (get-row position)) (get-column position))))

;; Builds new board

(define make-new-board

(lambda ()

(let ((board (repeat (repeat *EMPTY-SYMBOL* *NUM-COLUMNS*) *NUM-ROWS*)))


;;; Utilitiy procedures

;; converts a list of positions into their respective symbols
(define positions->sym-lst
(lambda (position-lst board)
(let ((sym-list '()))
(for-each (lambda (position)
(set! sym-list (append sym-list (list (get-position position board))))) position-lst)

;;returns a copy of the row
(define select-row
(lambda (row board)
(positions->sym-lst (cons (list row 0) (get-line-positions (list row 0) 3)) board)))

(define select-column
(lambda (col board)
(positions->sym-lst (cons (list 0 col) (get-line-positions (list 0 col) 5)) board)))

(define select-diag
(lambda (diag board)
(positions->sym-lst (cons (list-ref *MAIN-DIAG* diag) (get-line-positions (list-ref *MAIN-DIAG* diag) 4)) board)))

(define select-counter-diag
(lambda (diag board)
(positions->sym-lst (cons (list-ref *COUNTER-DIAG* diag) (get-line-positions (list-ref *COUNTER-DIAG* diag) 2)) board)))

;;returns the "deepest *EMPTY-SYMBOL* in the lst, -1 if none
(define get-deepest-pos
(lambda (lst)
(let ((count -1) (stillEmptySym #t))
(for-each (lambda (element)
(if stillEmptySym
(if (eq? element *EMPTY-SYMBOL*) (set! count (+ count 1))
(set! stillEmptySym #f))))
;;counts how many symbols are in a row
(define sym-count
(lambda (symbol lst)
(let ((runSum 0) (sumMax 0))
(for-each (lambda (el)
(if (eq? el symbol)
(set! runSum (+ runSum 1))
(if (> runSum sumMax) (begin (set! sumMax runSum)
(set! runSum 0))
(set! runSum 0)))) lst)
(if (> runSum sumMax) runSum sumMax))))

;;converts input to the board coordinate equiv
(define input->position
(lambda (inputPosition)
(let ((position '()))
(if (eq? (car inputPosition) 0) (set! position (list (cadr inputPosition) 0)))
(if (eq? (car inputPosition) 1) (set! position (list 0 (cadr inputPosition))))

;;converts a position into the proper-input form.
;;only valid on lists of the form (0 n) or (n 0)
(define position->input
(lambda (graphPosition)
(let ((input '()))
(if (eq? (cadr graphPosition) 0) (set! input (list 0 (car graphPosition))))
(if (eq? (car graphPosition) 0) (set! input (list 1 (cadr graphPosition))))

;; Standard filter procedure, as defined in SRFI1

(define filter

(lambda (predicate? lst)

(apply append (map (lambda (x) (if (predicate? x) (list x) '())) lst))))

;; Does any element of list satisify predicate?

(define any?

(lambda (predicate? lst)

(and (not (null? lst)) (or (predicate? (car lst)) (any? predicate? (cdr lst))))))

;; Build a list containing n instances of x

(define repeat

(lambda (x n)

(if (= n 0) '() (cons (tree-copy x) (repeat x (1- n))))))

;; Evaluates thunk n times.

(define dotimes

(lambda (thunk n)

(for-each (lambda (i) (thunk)) (iota n))))

;; First n elements of lst

(define take

(lambda (lst n)

(if (= n 0) '() (cons (car lst) (take (cdr lst) (1- n))))))

;; Haskell style zipWith

;; e.g. (zipWith + (1 2 3) (1 5 9)) => (2 7 12)

;; lesser scheme implementations do not like (lambda (x . y) ...)

(define (zipWith proc . lsts)

(let ((min-len (apply min (map length lsts))))

(apply map (cons proc (map (lambda (l) (take l min-len)) lsts)))))

;; Counts instance of x in lst with eq?

(define count

(lambda (x lst)

(length (filter (lambda (el) (eq? el x)) lst))))

;; Common Lisp style iota

;; (iota n) => (0 1 2 ... n)

;; (iota n m) => (n n+1 n+2 ... m)

(define (iota . args)

(define iter

(lambda (lower upper)

(cond ((= lower upper) '())

(else (cons lower (iter (1+ lower) upper))))))

(if (null? (cdr args))

(iter 0 (car args))

(iter (car args) (cadr args))))

;; Most schemes define this, very similar to 1+

(define 1-

(lambda (x)

(- x 1)))

;; Haskell style concatMap, f should take an element and return a list,

;; these lists are then merged into a single list.

(define concat-map

(lambda (f lst)

(apply append (map f lst))))

;; Flattens an arbitarily nested list

(define enumerate-tree

(lambda (tree)

(if (list? tree) (apply append (map enumerate-tree tree)) (list tree))))

;;; Helper procedures

;; Gets a list of positions in a given direction out from a given position.

;; Second argument (i in [1..8]) defines direction as follows:

;; 8 1 2

;; 7 X 3

;; 6 5 4

(define get-line-positions

(lambda (position i)

(define smart-zip

(lambda (lst1 lst2)

(cond ((not (list? lst1))

(zipWith make-position (repeat lst1 (length lst2)) lst2))

((not (list? lst2))

(zipWith make-position lst1 (repeat lst2 (length lst1))))


(zipWith make-position lst1 lst2)))))

(let* ((row (get-row position))

(column (get-column position))

(fetch-rows (cond ((member i '(8 1 2)) (reverse (iota 0 row)))

((member i '(4 5 6)) (iota (1+ row) *NUM-ROWS*))

(else row)))

(fetch-columns (cond ((member i '(6 7 8)) (reverse (iota 0 column)))

((member i '(2 3 4)) (iota (1+ column) *NUM-COLUMNS*))

(else column))))

(smart-zip fetch-rows fetch-columns))))

;; Get a list of all possible positions, open or otherwise

(define enumerate-positions

(lambda ()


(lambda (row)

(map (lambda (column) (make-position row column)) (iota *NUM-ROWS*)))

(iota *NUM-COLUMNS*))))

;;Get a list of all playable (unblocked) moves on the board
;; NOT IN INPUT FORM i.e. (1 n) or ( 0 n)
(define get-valid-positions
(lambda (board)
(let ((rows (iota *NUM-ROWS*)) (cols (iota *NUM-COLUMNS*)) (valid-moves '()))
(map (lambda (x)
(if (eq? (get-position (list x 0) board) *EMPTY-SYMBOL*)
(set! valid-moves (append valid-moves (list (list x 0)))))) rows)
(map (lambda (y)
(if (eq? (get-position (list 0 y) board) *EMPTY-SYMBOL*)
(set! valid-moves (append valid-moves (list (list 0 y)))))) cols)

(define get-random-valid-position

(lambda (board)
(let ((open-positions (get-valid-positions board)))

(list-ref open-positions (random (length open-positions))))))

(define can-move?
(lambda (position board)
(let ((input (input->position position)) (moves (get-valid-positions board)) (isValid #f))
(for-each (lambda (pos)
(if (equal? input pos) (set! isValid #t))) moves) isValid)))

;; Can player move on given board

(define has-move?
(lambda (player board)

(if (eq? (get-valid-positions board) '()) #f #t)))

;; Gets the next player for board given current-player

;; Returns 'PLAYER-1-SYMBOL, 'PLAYER-2-SYMBOL, or 'game-over

(define next-player

(lambda (current-player board)

(let ((other (other-player current-player)))

(cond ((check-win *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL* board) 'game-over)
((check-win *PLAYER-2-SYMBOL* board) 'game-over)
((has-move? other board) other)

((has-move? current-player board) current-player)

(else 'game-over)))))

;; Returns 'PLAYER-1-SYMBOL, 'PLAYER-2-SYMBOL, or 'tie

(define get-winner

(lambda (board)

(cond ((check-win *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL* board) *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL*)
((check-win *PLAYER-2-SYMBOL* board) *PLAYER-2-SYMBOL*)

(else 'tie))))
;;check for 4 in a row
(define check-win
(lambda (symbol board)
(let ((rows (iota *NUM-ROWS*)) (cols (iota *NUM-COLUMNS*))
(mdiag (iota (length *MAIN-DIAG*))) (cdiag (iota (length *COUNTER-DIAG*))) (win #f))
(map (lambda (pos)
(if (> (sym-count symbol (select-diag pos board)) 3)
(set! win #t))) mdiag)
(map (lambda (pos)
(if (> (sym-count symbol (select-counter-diag pos board)) 3)
(set! win #t))) cdiag)
(map (lambda (pos)
(if (> (sym-count symbol (select-row pos board)) 3)
(set! win #t))) rows)
(map (lambda (pos)
(if (> (sym-count symbol (select-column pos board)) 3)
(set! win #t))) cols)

;; Gets a move from the human and doesn't give up

(define get-human-move

(lambda (player board board-string)

(define handle-invalid

(lambda (invalid-string)

(newline) (display board-string)

(newline) (display invalid-string)

(newline) (display (prompt-string player))

(newline) (get-human-move player board board-string)))

(define get-position

(lambda ()

(let ((row '()) (column '()))

(display *ROW-PROMPT*) (flush-output) (set! row (read))

(display *COLUMN-PROMPT*) (flush-output) (set! column (read))

(make-position row column))))

(let ((position (get-position)))

(cond ((not (valid-position? position))

(handle-invalid *INVALID-MOVE-FORM-STRING*))

((not (can-move? position board))

(handle-invalid *CANNOT-MOVE-STRING*))

(else position)))))

;; Converts a board to a string, should use with-output-to-string

;; instead of building big tree and flattening it.

(define board->string

(lambda (board)

(define symbol->string

(lambda (symbol)

(cond ((eq? symbol *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL*) " X ")

((eq? symbol *PLAYER-2-SYMBOL*) " O ")

((eq? symbol *EMPTY-SYMBOL*) " ")

((eq? symbol *BLOCKED-SYMBOL*) "+++"))))

(define row->string-tree

(lambda (row-num)

(list (number->string row-num)


(map (lambda (column-num)

(list (symbol->string (get-position (make-position row-num column-num) board)) "|"))

(iota *NUM-COLUMNS*))


(define header-row

(list " |" (map (lambda (i) (list " " (number->string i) " |")) (iota *NUM-COLUMNS*)) "\n"))

(define hr

(list "-|" (repeat "---|" *NUM-COLUMNS*) "\n"))

(apply string-append


(list header-row


(map (lambda (row-num) (list (row->string-tree row-num) hr)) (iota *NUM-ROWS*)))))))

;; Convert file string to player-procedure

(define file->player

(lambda (file)

(cond ((equal? file 'human) 'human)


(set! player-procedure #f)

(load file)

(if player-procedure player-procedure (error "Player procedure not defined"))))))

(let* ((player1-procedure (file->player player1-file))

(player2-procedure (file->player player2-file))

(current-player *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL*)

(board (make-new-board)))

;; Gets a position from human or player procedure

(define get-a-position

(lambda (board-string)

(let ((player-procedure (if (eq? current-player *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL*) player1-procedure player2-procedure)))

(if (eq? player-procedure 'human)

(get-human-move current-player board board-string)

(player-procedure current-player (tree-copy board))))))

;; Adjusts board to reflect player moving to position

(define make-move!

(lambda (position player board)

(define move! (lambda (position) (set-position! position player board)))

(move! position)))

(define do-delay

(lambda ()

(if (not (or (eq? player1-file 'human) (eq? player2-file 'human)))


(sleep-current-thread *SLEEP-MILLISECONDS*)

(if *STALL* (begin (display *WAIT-PROMPT*) (flush-output) (read-line)))


;; Main program loop

(define loop

(lambda ()

(let* ((board-string (board->string board))

(position '()))

(display board-string) (newline)

(display (prompt-string current-player)) (newline)

(set! position (get-a-position board-string))


((and (valid-position? position)

(can-move? position board))

(make-move! position current-player board)

(set! current-player (next-player current-player board))

(if (eq? current-player 'game-over)

(let ((winner (get-winner board)))

(display (board->string board)) (newline)

(display (winner-string winner)) (newline)


(begin (sleep-current-thread *SLEEP-MILLISECONDS*)



(else (display *GAME-OVER-INVALID-MOVE*) (newline)

(display (winner-string (other-player current-player))) (newline)

(other-player current-player))))))


Here is my code for my player:

(define player-procedure

(let ()

(define counter 1)
(define counter2 0)

(define *NUM-ROWS* 6)

(define *NUM-COLUMNS* 7)

(define *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL* 'x)

(define *PLAYER-2-SYMBOL* 'o)

(define *EMPTY-SYMBOL* '())

(define *INVALID-MOVE-FORM-STRING* "Invalid position specified.")

(define *CANNOT-MOVE-STRING* "Cannot move to specified position.")

(define *ROW-PROMPT* "Select side (0-left, 1-top): ")

(define *COLUMN-PROMPT* "Select row: ")

(define *PLAYER-1-PROMPT* "Player 1's Turn (X)")

(define *PLAYER-2-PROMPT* "Player 2's Turn (O)")

(define *GAME-OVER-INVALID-MOVE* "Invalid move returned by player procedure.")

(define *GAME-OVER-TIE-STRING* "Game over: Game ends in tie.")

(define *GAME-OVER-PLAYER-1-STRING* "Game over: Player 1 (X) wins.")

(define *GAME-OVER-PLAYER-2-STRING* "Game over: Player 2 (0) wins.")


(define *STALL* #t)

(define *WAIT-PROMPT* "Hit enter to continue:")

(define *ALL-MOVES* '((list 0 0) (list 0 1) (list 0 2) (list 0 3) (list 0 4) (list 0 5) (list 0 6)
(list 1 0) (list 2 0) (list 3 0) (list 4 0) (list 5 0)))
(define *MAIN-DIAG* (list (list 2 0) (list 1 0) (list 0 0) (list 0 1) (list 0 2) (list 0 3)))
(define *COUNTER-DIAG* (list (list 3 0) (list 4 0) (list 5 0) (list 5 1) (list 5 2) (list 5 3)))

(define make-position

(lambda (row column)

(list row column)))

;; Row accessor

(define get-row

(lambda (move)

(car move)))

;; Column accessor

(define get-column

(lambda (move)

(cadr move)))

;; Does the given move have a valid form

(define valid-position?

(lambda (inputPosition)
(let ((position (input->position inputposition)))

(let ((integer<=? (lambda (x n) (and (integer? x) (< -1 x n)))))

(and (list? position) (= 2 (length position))

(integer<=? (get-row position) *NUM-ROWS*)

(integer<=? (get-column position) *NUM-COLUMNS*))))))

;;; Board abstraction

;; Sets a position on the board

(define set-position!

(lambda (position value board)

(let ((pos (input->position position)))
(if (eq? (car position) 0)
(set-car! (list-tail (list-ref board (cadr position))
(+ (get-deepest-pos (positions->sym-lst (get-line-positions pos 3) board))1)) value)

(if (eq? (car position) 1)
(set-car! (list-tail (list-ref board
(+(get-deepest-pos (positions->sym-lst (get-line-positions pos 5) board))1)) (cadr position)) value))))))

;; Gets the value of the board at a given position

(define get-position

(lambda (position board)

(list-ref (list-ref board (get-row position)) (get-column position))))

;; Builds new board

(define make-new-board

(lambda ()

(let ((board (repeat (repeat *EMPTY-SYMBOL* *NUM-COLUMNS*) *NUM-ROWS*)))


;;; Utilitiy procedures

;; converts a list of positions into their respective symbols
(define positions->sym-lst
(lambda (position-lst board)
(let ((sym-list '()))
(for-each (lambda (position)
(set! sym-list (append sym-list (list (get-position position board))))) position-lst)

;;returns a copy of the row
(define select-row
(lambda (row board)
(positions->sym-lst (cons (list row 0) (get-line-positions (list row 0) 3)) board)))

(define select-column
(lambda (col board)
(positions->sym-lst (cons (list 0 col) (get-line-positions (list 0 col) 5)) board)))

(define select-diag
(lambda (diag board)
(positions->sym-lst (cons (list-ref *MAIN-DIAG* diag) (get-line-positions (list-ref *MAIN-DIAG* diag) 4)) board)))

(define select-counter-diag
(lambda (diag board)
(positions->sym-lst (cons (list-ref *COUNTER-DIAG* diag) (get-line-positions (list-ref *COUNTER-DIAG* diag) 2)) board)))

;;returns the "deepest *EMPTY-SYMBOL* in the lst, -1 if none
(define get-deepest-pos
(lambda (lst)
(let ((count -1) (stillEmptySym #t))
(for-each (lambda (element)
(if stillEmptySym
(if (eq? element *EMPTY-SYMBOL*) (set! count (+ count 1))
(set! stillEmptySym #f))))

(define sym-count
(lambda (symbol lst)
(let ((runSum 0) (sumMax 0))
(for-each (lambda (el)
(if (eq? el symbol)
(set! runSum (+ runSum 1))
(if (> runSum sumMax) (begin (set! sumMax runSum)
(set! runSum 0))
(set! runSum 0)))) lst)
(if (> runSum sumMax) runSum sumMax))))

;;converts input to the board coordinate equiv
(define input->position
(lambda (inputPosition)
(let ((position '()))
(if (eq? (car inputPosition) 0) (set! position (list (cadr inputPosition) 0)))
(if (eq? (car inputPosition) 1) (set! position (list 0 (cadr inputPosition))))

;; Standard filter procedure, as defined in SRFI1

(define filter

(lambda (predicate? lst)

(apply append (map (lambda (x) (if (predicate? x) (list x) '())) lst))))

;; Does any element of list satisify predicate?

(define any?

(lambda (predicate? lst)

(and (not (null? lst)) (or (predicate? (car lst)) (any? predicate? (cdr lst))))))

;; Build a list containing n instances of x

(define repeat

(lambda (x n)

(if (= n 0) '() (cons (tree-copy x) (repeat x (1- n))))))

;; Evaluates thunk n times.

(define dotimes

(lambda (thunk n)

(for-each (lambda (i) (thunk)) (iota n))))

;; First n elements of lst

(define take

(lambda (lst n)

(if (= n 0) '() (cons (car lst) (take (cdr lst) (1- n))))))

;; Haskell style zipWith

;; e.g. (zipWith + (1 2 3) (1 5 9)) => (2 7 12)

;; lesser scheme implementations do not like (lambda (x . y) ...)

(define (zipWith proc . lsts)

(let ((min-len (apply min (map length lsts))))

(apply map (cons proc (map (lambda (l) (take l min-len)) lsts)))))

;; Counts instance of x in lst with eq?

(define count

(lambda (x lst)

(length (filter (lambda (el) (eq? el x)) lst))))

;; Common Lisp style iota

;; (iota n) => (0 1 2 ... n)

;; (iota n m) => (n n+1 n+2 ... m)

(define (iota . args)

(define iter

(lambda (lower upper)

(cond ((= lower upper) '())

(else (cons lower (iter (1+ lower) upper))))))

(if (null? (cdr args))

(iter 0 (car args))

(iter (car args) (cadr args))))

;; Most schemes define this, very similar to 1+

(define 1-

(lambda (x)

(- x 1)))

;; Haskell style concatMap, f should take an element and return a list,

;; these lists are then merged into a single list.

(define concat-map

(lambda (f lst)

(apply append (map f lst))))

;; Flattens an arbitarily nested list

(define enumerate-tree

(lambda (tree)

(if (list? tree) (apply append (map enumerate-tree tree)) (list tree))))

;;; Helper procedures

;; Gets a list of positions in a given direction out from a given position.

;; Second argument (i in [1..8]) defines direction as follows:

;; 8 1 2

;; 7 X 3

;; 6 5 4

(define get-line-positions

(lambda (position i)

(define smart-zip

(lambda (lst1 lst2)

(cond ((not (list? lst1))

(zipWith make-position (repeat lst1 (length lst2)) lst2))

((not (list? lst2))

(zipWith make-position lst1 (repeat lst2 (length lst1))))


(zipWith make-position lst1 lst2)))))

(let* ((row (get-row position))

(column (get-column position))

(fetch-rows (cond ((member i '(8 1 2)) (reverse (iota 0 row)))

((member i '(4 5 6)) (iota (1+ row) *NUM-ROWS*))

(else row)))

(fetch-columns (cond ((member i '(6 7 8)) (reverse (iota 0 column)))

((member i '(2 3 4)) (iota (1+ column) *NUM-COLUMNS*))

(else column))))

(smart-zip fetch-rows fetch-columns))))

;;Get a list of all playable (unblocked) moves on the board
(define get-valid-positions
(lambda (board)
(let ((rows (iota *NUM-ROWS*)) (cols (iota *NUM-COLUMNS*)) (valid-moves '()))
(map (lambda (x)
(if (eq? (get-position (list x 0) board) *EMPTY-SYMBOL*)
(set! valid-moves (append valid-moves (list (list x 0)))))) rows)
(map (lambda (y)
(if (eq? (get-position (list 0 y) board) *EMPTY-SYMBOL*)
(set! valid-moves (append valid-moves (list (list 0 y)))))) cols)

;;Get a list of all opponents moves on the board
(define get-opponents-positions
(lambda (board)
(let ((rows (iota *NUM-ROWS*)) (cols (iota *NUM-COLUMNS*)) (opponents-moves '()))
(if (= (/ counter 2) 0)
((map (lambda (x)
(if (eq? (get-position (list x 0) board) *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL*)
(set! opponents-moves (append opponents-moves (list (list x 0)))))) rows)
(map (lambda (y)
(if (eq? (get-position (list 0 y) board) *PLAYER-1-SYMBOL*)
(set! opponents-moves (append opponents-moves (list (list 0 y)))))) cols))
((map (lambda (x)
(if (eq? (get-position (list x 0) board) *PLAYER-2-SYMBOL*)
(set! opponents-moves (append opponents-moves (list (list x 0)))))) rows)
(map (lambda (y)
(if (eq? (get-position (list 0 y) board) *PLAYER-2-SYMBOL*)
(set! opponents-moves (append opponents-moves (list (list 0 y)))))) cols)))
(set! counter (+ counter 1)))))

(define position->input
(lambda (graphPosition)
(let ((input '()))
(if (eq? (cadr graphPosition) 0) (set! input (list 0 (car graphPosition))))
(if (eq? (car graphPosition) 0) (set! input (list 1 (cadr graphPosition))))

(define (valid? x y)
(if (null? y)
(if (and (= (caar x) (caadr y)) (= (cadar x) (car (cdadr y))))
(#t (set! counter2 (+ counter2 1)))
(valid? x (cdr y)))))

(define get-player-position

(lambda (board)
(let ((open-positions (get-valid-positions board)))

(let ((opp-moves (get-opponents-positions board)))
(define (blockv opp-moves position)
(if (null? opp-moves) 'false
(if (= (caar opp-moves) (caadr opp-moves))
(if (and (< (cadar opp-moves) (car (cdadr opp-moves))) (> (cadar opp-moves) (- (car (cdadr opp-moves)) 2)) (valid? (car opp-moves) open-positions)) counter2
(if (and (> (cadar opp-moves) (car (cdadr opp-moves))) (< (cadar opp-moves) (- (car (cdadr opp-moves)) 2)) (valid? (car opp-moves) open-positions)) counter2
(blockv (cdr opp-moves) position))))))
(define (blockh opp-moves position)
(if (null? opp-moves) 'false
(if (= (cadar opp-moves) (car (cdadr opp-moves)))
(if (and (< (caar opp-moves) (caadr opp-moves)) (> (caar opp-moves) (- (caadr opp-moves)) 2) (valid? (car opp-moves) open-positions)) counter2
(if (and (> (caar opp-moves) (caadr opp-moves)) (< (caar opp-moves) (- (caadr opp-moves)) 2) (valid? (car opp-moves) open-positions)) counter2
(blockh (cdr opp-moves) position))))))

(cond ((and (eq? (blockh opp-moves 0) 'false) (eq? (blockv opp-moves 0) 'false)) (list-ref open-positions 0))
((eq? (blockh opp-moves 0) 'false) (list-ref open-positions counter2))
((eq? (blockv opp-moves 0) 'false) (list-ref open-positions counter2))
(else (list-ref open-positions 0)))))))

(define (get-move player board)

(position->input (get-player-position board)))


Highlighted is the code I have changed. The code will compile, but when I try to play the game, I get the error:

;The object (#!unspecific #!unspecific #!unspecific #!unspecific #!unspecific #!unspecific) is not applicable.

Was wondering if anyone could help me figure this out.