View Full Version : Ubuntu Women

  1. Announcing Ubuntu Women
  2. When jokes go wrong
  3. Making your Ubuntu desktop, better.
  4. Respect for all users.
  5. A Game for Women - elements & ideas
  6. Gender-based Software Philosophies
  7. The response to this section
  8. Idea for Ubuntu Women project
  9. Creation of Gnome Women
  10. Rough outlines
  11. Linuxchix courses
  12. KDE Women
  13. Debian Women
  14. Gnome Women
  15. LinuxChix Mailing Lists
  16. Educational linux
  17. Why "Ubuntu Women"?
  18. Women in Free Software
  19. Getting in touch with the feminine side of open source
  20. Suggestions please?
  21. #ubuntu-women?
  22. female Ubuntu developers/motds?
  23. MS shuts up on number of women engineers
  24. UbuntuWomen Interview #0: <redacted>
  25. How to create a women-only linux course
  26. Developing a mission statement
  27. HOWTO Encourage Women in Linux
  28. #ubuntu-women is open for business on freenode.net!
  29. Dumb Question: Can women post here their technical questions?
  30. Help me write about women in open source
  31. LXer Feature: Survival Tactics For Women In FOSS, part 1
  32. Suggestion for new name for forum
  33. Discussion this Saturday!
  34. Good morning!
  35. News
  36. Log of last meeting
  37. [SOLVED] Case modding with Amberella
  38. Sexism in the ubuntu forum
  39. Instant Hotness?
  40. Careers
  41. Men posting in the Ubuntu Women section--it's okay!
  42. Body Image and Jiggle Technology
  43. The Ubuntu Women website
  44. In computer science, a growing gender gap
  45. In computer science, a growing gender gap
  46. Why girls need to switch on to computing
  47. What got you started in technology?
  48. A non-traditional question to women ...
  49. Haven't got any workable answers yet
  50. firefox gets also womenpower
  51. Congratulations to 'Ubuntu Women'-today is International Women's Day
  52. don't mind... just for women
  53. #ubuntu-women
  54. Women in Brazil
  55. how should I market my parent focussed website to tech aware women?
  56. My wife
  57. Mom digs Ubuntu
  58. I'm doing aRun/Walk for women's cancers
  59. scrapbooking on linux
  60. Progressive Tech Jobs?
  61. what to do with my thesis
  62. Thoughts on why women should be, but aren't so, attracted to Ubuntu
  63. Problem with my fiancee
  64. Paris Developers Summit
  65. Suggestion
  66. Women are there...
  67. Why is Ubuntu Women "official"?
  68. A development project not for women, but done by women
  69. I’m looking to start an office cleaning business.
  70. Just thought I would say
  71. Gnome Summer Women's Outreach Program
  72. Stickers!
  73. oh... sigh..
  74. Linux for da fam....
  75. IT Goddesses
  76. Supporting and enabling non-Western women through Technology - Project ideas?
  77. any girls/women in this forum ???
  78. Granny rockin the Ubuntu!
  79. A Reuters clip states some statistics of techy women
  80. LoCoTeams
  81. Technicality vs Community
  82. Mom would LOVE to install ubuntu but can't
  83. let's make Ubuntu charity ware, like vim
  84. Linux Conf Au- Women's miniconf
  85. LGBT Ubuntu and Ubuntu Women
  86. Moved my wife to Ubuntu!
  87. Hats off to you!
  88. How can we make the forums more accessible to women?
  89. Top Ten "Girl" Geeks
  90. Resources for women using Ubuntu
  91. Lend me your voice.
  92. ubuntu is my boyfriend.
  93. What other "kind" of geek are you
  94. Women in Technology Advocacy
  95. The Third-Person Singular Pronoun
  96. Ubuntu-Women IRC Meetup
  97. Bug #2 ?
  98. Ubuntu-Women IRC meetings - Schedules
  99. Puberty and Math
  100. Activities for middle school girls - women in computing day
  101. it's quiet....too quiet...
  102. What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?
  103. Ubucon?
  104. How Do You make a daemon process to send a message?
  105. International Women's Day -- March 8
  106. any 'inmates' here ?
  107. Do you feel the Unity in this community
  108. Question to all
  109. As a girl/woman do you find it easier to talk to other girls/women
  110. A Question about Ubuntu Women
  111. Help wanted: ubuntu-women.org Web admin(s)
  112. GNOME Bug Day Training, March 20th, 2007
  113. Laptop Bag Shopping!
  114. Uk Ubuntu Mailing List -- Sexist Joke and Code of Conduct
  115. What's up with this? Death threats?
  116. i luv ubuntu
  117. Welcome
  118. "Fanboy" - a sexist term?
  119. Inspiration
  120. An Invitation
  121. Taking Ubuntu-Women forward
  122. Neophyte wanting to say hello + OSCON request
  123. What is/was ubuntu women?
  124. Ubuntu Women Mentoring & Courses Program - Status Update
  125. Got a Linux installed and all the hardware working
  126. Course: IRC Op
  127. Women in Technology
  128. Any SAHM Ubuntu users?
  129. Making LUGs co-ed
  130. chaining bootloaders
  131. ca (un)conference oct 22-23
  132. looking for writers!
  133. The automount problem in Gutsy
  134. Ubuntu, Techies, and Women
  135. [SOLVED] Ubuntu Women ???
  136. calling all girls
  137. virtualization
  138. lookin for "pretty" wallpaper, theme, etc for ubuntu
  139. Offensive screenshots
  140. "Linux for ladies" shirt
  141. Personality Anomalies
  142. ComputerWorld Article: "Why women quit technology careers"
  143. Nut launches death threats at Debian women
  144. Hello Girls!
  145. Ever Get irritated with being mistaken for male online?
  146. Women and Equal Pay in Tech
  147. ahh! I feel better now (ubuntu women)
  148. Hello, to the Ubuntu women!
  149. List the name of women using Ubuntu
  150. Hi!,happy day ubuntu women!!!
  151. [SOLVED] Need advice: Teaching computers to 13 yo non-geeky girl
  152. What to do to get women into Linux
  153. Kid/Teen-Friendly LUGs?
  154. Ubuntu Push to Youth
  155. 5 Tips for Raising your Girl Geek
  156. Does your daughter use Linux?
  157. Hello from a ubuntu woman
  158. Just a Question from a man
  159. SHEBUNTU Project
  160. 14 Year old Linux guru(guy), where do find girl interested in FOSS and Linux
  161. hi
  162. Workshop in Delft.nl
  163. Mark Shuttleworth's little feux Pas
  164. Nominations for the Ubuntu Women Project Leadership Position
  165. Woman CEO at Canonical
  166. International Womens' Day 2010 - Competition
  167. Reviving the Ubuntu Women Mentoring Program
  168. Global Women's Strike
  169. Article about Women in the Linux community
  170. Ubuntu Women World Play Day Competition
  171. daughter playing Sauerbraten on Linux
  172. Logs and Overview of May 27th, 2010 2200 UTC Meeting
  173. Interesting blog post to do with wow and women in the game
  174. Which field for woman to start own business?
  175. GNOME Outreach for Women Program
  176. Cool Projects using Ubuntu
  177. Ubuntu Nail Decals- Guys want any?
  178. GNOME Outreach Program for Women: May to August 2012.
  179. Curious ?
  180. Lubuntu Women - Please identify yourselves! Who are we?
  181. "GetInvolved" Wiki Page Improvement Project Thread
  182. an Ubuntu woman
  183. My Ubuntu/Linux Story + Discussion
  184. UbuntuStudio Women
  185. Ubuntu Openbox Remix can use your help
  186. Ubuntu and STEM
  187. Looking for participants for a study on Xubuntu (EU-based, paid up to £100/€135)
  188. Neophyte wanting to say hello + OSCON request
  189. Just started switching to Lubuntu in my store
  190. Interview with Jane Silber
  191. Can this board be killed
  192. Why?