View Full Version : Ubuntu Women
- Announcing Ubuntu Women
- When jokes go wrong
- Making your Ubuntu desktop, better.
- Respect for all users.
- A Game for Women - elements & ideas
- Gender-based Software Philosophies
- The response to this section
- Idea for Ubuntu Women project
- Creation of Gnome Women
- Rough outlines
- Linuxchix courses
- KDE Women
- Debian Women
- Gnome Women
- LinuxChix Mailing Lists
- Educational linux
- Why "Ubuntu Women"?
- Women in Free Software
- Getting in touch with the feminine side of open source
- Suggestions please?
- #ubuntu-women?
- female Ubuntu developers/motds?
- MS shuts up on number of women engineers
- UbuntuWomen Interview #0: <redacted>
- How to create a women-only linux course
- Developing a mission statement
- HOWTO Encourage Women in Linux
- #ubuntu-women is open for business on!
- Dumb Question: Can women post here their technical questions?
- Help me write about women in open source
- LXer Feature: Survival Tactics For Women In FOSS, part 1
- Suggestion for new name for forum
- Discussion this Saturday!
- Good morning!
- News
- Log of last meeting
- [SOLVED] Case modding with Amberella
- Sexism in the ubuntu forum
- Instant Hotness?
- Careers
- Men posting in the Ubuntu Women section--it's okay!
- Body Image and Jiggle Technology
- The Ubuntu Women website
- In computer science, a growing gender gap
- In computer science, a growing gender gap
- Why girls need to switch on to computing
- What got you started in technology?
- A non-traditional question to women ...
- Haven't got any workable answers yet
- firefox gets also womenpower
- Congratulations to 'Ubuntu Women'-today is International Women's Day
- don't mind... just for women
- #ubuntu-women
- Women in Brazil
- how should I market my parent focussed website to tech aware women?
- My wife
- Mom digs Ubuntu
- I'm doing aRun/Walk for women's cancers
- scrapbooking on linux
- Progressive Tech Jobs?
- what to do with my thesis
- Thoughts on why women should be, but aren't so, attracted to Ubuntu
- Problem with my fiancee
- Paris Developers Summit
- Suggestion
- Women are there...
- Why is Ubuntu Women "official"?
- A development project not for women, but done by women
- I’m looking to start an office cleaning business.
- Just thought I would say
- Gnome Summer Women's Outreach Program
- Stickers!
- oh... sigh..
- Linux for da fam....
- IT Goddesses
- Supporting and enabling non-Western women through Technology - Project ideas?
- any girls/women in this forum ???
- Granny rockin the Ubuntu!
- A Reuters clip states some statistics of techy women
- LoCoTeams
- Technicality vs Community
- Mom would LOVE to install ubuntu but can't
- let's make Ubuntu charity ware, like vim
- Linux Conf Au- Women's miniconf
- LGBT Ubuntu and Ubuntu Women
- Moved my wife to Ubuntu!
- Hats off to you!
- How can we make the forums more accessible to women?
- Top Ten "Girl" Geeks
- Resources for women using Ubuntu
- Lend me your voice.
- ubuntu is my boyfriend.
- What other "kind" of geek are you
- Women in Technology Advocacy
- The Third-Person Singular Pronoun
- Ubuntu-Women IRC Meetup
- Bug #2 ?
- Ubuntu-Women IRC meetings - Schedules
- Puberty and Math
- Activities for middle school girls - women in computing day
- it's quiet....too quiet...
- What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?
- Ubucon?
- How Do You make a daemon process to send a message?
- International Women's Day -- March 8
- any 'inmates' here ?
- Do you feel the Unity in this community
- Question to all
- As a girl/woman do you find it easier to talk to other girls/women
- A Question about Ubuntu Women
- Help wanted: Web admin(s)
- GNOME Bug Day Training, March 20th, 2007
- Laptop Bag Shopping!
- Uk Ubuntu Mailing List -- Sexist Joke and Code of Conduct
- What's up with this? Death threats?
- i luv ubuntu
- Welcome
- "Fanboy" - a sexist term?
- Inspiration
- An Invitation
- Taking Ubuntu-Women forward
- Neophyte wanting to say hello + OSCON request
- What is/was ubuntu women?
- Ubuntu Women Mentoring & Courses Program - Status Update
- Got a Linux installed and all the hardware working
- Course: IRC Op
- Women in Technology
- Any SAHM Ubuntu users?
- Making LUGs co-ed
- chaining bootloaders
- ca (un)conference oct 22-23
- looking for writers!
- The automount problem in Gutsy
- Ubuntu, Techies, and Women
- [SOLVED] Ubuntu Women ???
- calling all girls
- virtualization
- lookin for "pretty" wallpaper, theme, etc for ubuntu
- Offensive screenshots
- "Linux for ladies" shirt
- Personality Anomalies
- ComputerWorld Article: "Why women quit technology careers"
- Nut launches death threats at Debian women
- Hello Girls!
- Ever Get irritated with being mistaken for male online?
- Women and Equal Pay in Tech
- ahh! I feel better now (ubuntu women)
- Hello, to the Ubuntu women!
- List the name of women using Ubuntu
- Hi!,happy day ubuntu women!!!
- [SOLVED] Need advice: Teaching computers to 13 yo non-geeky girl
- What to do to get women into Linux
- Kid/Teen-Friendly LUGs?
- Ubuntu Push to Youth
- 5 Tips for Raising your Girl Geek
- Does your daughter use Linux?
- Hello from a ubuntu woman
- Just a Question from a man
- SHEBUNTU Project
- 14 Year old Linux guru(guy), where do find girl interested in FOSS and Linux
- hi
- Workshop in
- Mark Shuttleworth's little feux Pas
- Nominations for the Ubuntu Women Project Leadership Position
- Woman CEO at Canonical
- International Womens' Day 2010 - Competition
- Reviving the Ubuntu Women Mentoring Program
- Global Women's Strike
- Article about Women in the Linux community
- Ubuntu Women World Play Day Competition
- daughter playing Sauerbraten on Linux
- Logs and Overview of May 27th, 2010 2200 UTC Meeting
- Interesting blog post to do with wow and women in the game
- Which field for woman to start own business?
- GNOME Outreach for Women Program
- Cool Projects using Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Nail Decals- Guys want any?
- GNOME Outreach Program for Women: May to August 2012.
- Curious ?
- Lubuntu Women - Please identify yourselves! Who are we?
- "GetInvolved" Wiki Page Improvement Project Thread
- an Ubuntu woman
- My Ubuntu/Linux Story + Discussion
- UbuntuStudio Women
- Ubuntu Openbox Remix can use your help
- Ubuntu and STEM
- Looking for participants for a study on Xubuntu (EU-based, paid up to £100/€135)
- Neophyte wanting to say hello + OSCON request
- Just started switching to Lubuntu in my store
- Interview with Jane Silber
- Can this board be killed
- Why?
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