View Full Version : Forum Feedback & Help

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  1. Post your forum suggestions..
  2. User Reputation / User Ratings?
  3. Fun Error with forums
  4. Time on forum over 10 minutes out
  5. Change user name?
  6. Site not remembering login
  7. Safari Issues
  8. Suggestion
  9. Registering Help
  10. Invalid CSS
  11. Request: a Kubuntu forum
  12. Linking forum with mailing list
  13. Troll alert
  14. Too many forums?
  15. IRC links on forum home page
  16. suggestion
  17. ubuntu is a free/open source soft, why not the board is one of the open source also??
  18. what needs to improve on forum?
  19. Similar thread
  20. To the Admin regarding this vbulletin installation:
  21. Automatic newline woes
  22. Font size
  23. Typo!
  24. Opera 8 & ubuntu site...
  25. Posting to Art Gallery
  26. FAQ page missing on ship-it site?
  27. New Quicklink please
  28. missing smileys?
  29. My scroll wheel doesn't work on 'Post New Thread' pages
  30. Zero repsonse threads
  31. [SOLVED] Firefox can't remember my password
  32. "forums forums" - notification mail typo
  33. Creating new threads in "Tips and Tricks Section"
  34. XFce4-specific forum...
  35. Forums web site disappears repeatedly for a time!
  36. Funny thing about messenger here...
  37. No box for jabber?
  38. I suggest redesigning the shipit website
  39. Tabs on home page
  40. Boo ! Hiss !!! Forum search facility is poorly implemented.
  41. Please post comments/questions about ONLY THE FORUMS in this section!
  42. [SOLVED] shipping to the US
  43. Another suggestion to stop questions from being posted in Tips and Tricks
  44. This is odd.
  45. noobie impression
  46. HTML Code
  47. URL enforcement
  48. New Forum: Testimonials
  49. Recent Posts
  50. No apt proxy definition in installer?
  51. And what about the french forum ?
  52. shipit?
  53. Backports Went Down
  54. Mailing lists down?
  55. Vbulletin Ubuntu theme
  56. Hmm... When did I become a "Contributor"?
  57. Forum email is gibberish?
  58. Forums, wikis and other corners of the Ubuntu web
  59. [SOLVED] [SOLVED] Search is not working properly
  60. Missing Hyperlinks
  61. Smilies Not Working Like They Should?
  62. Why the Ubuntu Forums use VBulletin
  63. What happens when breezy is released
  64. Unanswered thread paging
  65. Package Listings ...
  66. Do I really deserve the "Supporter" title?
  67. voluntary deleting of posts? shame on you...
  68. I'm sorry but i find this disgusting.
  69. I want to donate, but..
  70. In Programming Folder
  71. Requesting: Advertising Forum
  72. What happened to the old stylesheets?
  73. network discussion
  74. rss feed..
  75. 1-2-3.... cups of Ubuntu
  76. Why there is no a words filter?
  77. Forum Reputation
  78. Messenger Icons
  79. marking a thread?
  80. [SOLVED] Bye, I guess
  81. small bug in post counting?
  82. Change the forum font
  83. "Customization Tips & Tricks" Sub-forums
  84. A fly in the ointment
  85. Keeping track of daily "new posts"
  86. Message in a bottle
  87. Server section
  88. Fast Reply
  89. Log out of forum
  90. returning to new posts from long threads
  91. Thread Branching Question
  92. How to discard "Discard changes?"
  93. Changing my username
  94. Please, Add A Xfce Forum ;)
  95. How to sticky post section
  96. resolved tag
  97. [SOLVED] Monthly Screenshot Thread
  98. Ubuntu Forums = proprietary software
  99. Problems with emoticons, somebody could fix them :p
  100. How can I view my Reputation comments?
  101. Time Date Issue
  102. Unanswered threads timeout
  103. dancing smiley is broken
  104. what does a blue tick mean in the ratings column
  105. changed titles?
  106. Donation feedback
  107. Search functionality
  108. IM in profile: where is jabber?
  109. "pre-pay" text errata
  110. Bug at the Quick Reply
  111. Should HOWTOs be linked to stickies?
  112. How do I list my posts?
  113. Cups of Ubuntu
  114. Request for Modem Ethernet/Network forum Section!
  115. Unanswered Threads bug - can't view past page 1
  116. Marketing
  117. Top Menu in White? Why the change?
  118. searching the FAQ?
  119. Logo linked to home
  120. Search Issues.
  121. User CP option request of this forum
  122. Searchtool for Ubuntu forums
  123. Gentle Suggestion to Site Maintainer: Make searching more visible and easier to use!
  124. Missing an installation howto
  125. there are similiar smilies on the "smilies" bar
  126. Ubuntu Workhorse forum section for Ubuntu in the workforce!
  127. Security Fix vBulletin 3.0.8
  128. Not english related area?
  129. Can we use a Open source software section
  130. <User> is online
  131. Forum Suggestion: "View your posts" link under Username
  132. Forums Donation Sytem
  133. Duplication of KDE forums?
  134. MSN & AOL in Ubuntu?
  135. Printing (Sub) Forum?
  136. Thread Display Modes
  137. Instant email notification
  138. My Question was answered button
  139. RSS Feed would be so nice
  140. 3rdParty Projects - kudos link
  141. When logged in as a Guest, EVERYTHING becomes clickable and links to Register
  142. Fully-expanded Hybrid or Threaded mode
  143. Annoying script error popping up
  144. what do u think of the site
  145. The ubuntu picture of people holding hands
  146. Seach function broken?
  147. Weirdness In The User Blogs
  148. unanswered threads section-vmessage bulletin
  149. forum database errors
  150. Layout search forums
  151. FR: Jabber for post notification
  152. Back to Top button
  153. Automatic Subscribe
  154. Search HOWTO
  155. HOWTO pages and the Wiki
  156. Less stickies in Community Chat
  157. Remeber me doesn't work!
  158. Stopping crap posts
  159. Bug Reporting For Ubuntu Forums
  160. Suggestion: Hello forum
  161. Locked Threads
  162. Statistics Panel On Hold
  163. Forum link
  164. Political correctness = humanity towards others?
  165. Changing forums username
  166. ubuntu breezy
  167. Unanswered Threads link
  168. 12/07/2005 - Forum Updates Archive
  169. [SOLVED] Ubuntu Mocha Blend's
  170. The galleries seem to be broken
  171. Thread management strategies
  172. Delete posts?
  173. Donations
  174. Post count frozen?
  175. OTW proposal
  176. Reputation
  177. pin for Ubuntu
  178. Link to 'unanswered threads'
  179. Site Discussion Title
  180. Major Html Issue - Please Fix!
  181. .png's in gallery
  182. multimedia forum and mark problems solved
  183. [SOLVED] Those Tabs at the Top
  184. Last Posted Stats Needed
  185. Need a Wine section
  186. Innapropriate Thread Deletion
  187. Searching Problem
  188. HEI KingBahamut!
  189. Quick reply
  190. new forums
  191. minor usability issue
  192. Buttons for post formatting disabled
  193. User CP in gallery...
  194. why was the development mailing list removed from the forums?
  195. Non Synatic Software Forum section.
  196. Blog Tab/Journals
  197. REQUEST: ability to modify thread title to reflect a problem resolution [Resolved]
  198. Game Review Thread?
  199. Links Directory
  200. X # of messages + Stickys
  201. Editing comments on uploaded images
  202. Need Ubuntu Kubuntu Xubuntu forum sections Links
  203. "Forum is Closed for Posting" Icon
  204. Art section ? Ubuntu themes?
  205. What Exactly Is Needed?
  206. Sticky in KDE with llink to Kubuntu forums
  207. A problem for anyone else?
  208. Sloooooooooow!
  209. How to troubleshoot ??? subcategory (suggestion)
  210. 'Preview Post' causes loss of formatting
  211. Why have the enhanced Search functions gone?
  212. Post count problem
  213. [SOLVED] Ubuntulinux.com not showing up!
  214. Star smiley in posts please
  215. Ubuntu Gaming Forum
  216. Posts with attachments
  217. About tab - nothing there?
  218. The views counter is broken
  219. New Experimentation Forum Section
  220. Layout changes coming...
  221. Please, make the Gallery accessible!
  222. population map
  223. Is the Private Message link broken?
  224. why did they move Announcements to the bottom?
  225. Ubuntu User's Mailing list
  226. [SOLVED] what is the tweaker team?
  227. New layout,
  228. Rename this FORUM!!! AMD, not ADM!
  229. HTML issue
  230. Spiralling forum fragmentation
  231. Forum is all funky??
  232. No pictures..at all?
  233. Post it How to/tutorial sticky sections which are links to how tos
  234. Broken Images
  235. Great work to all - Thanks!
  236. Clicking topic takes to last post.
  237. Switch places on Preview and Submit
  238. closed politics thread???
  239. Emails aren't being sent
  240. What happed to the LiveCD forums?
  241. How to get a good how to sticky'd! How to!
  242. VBulletin vs phpBB
  243. Ubuntu Forms missing Quick Quote Function
  244. will there be Edubuntu forums?
  245. Make a "Serious" forum
  246. Coffee cups?
  247. Suggestion: Make the logo a link
  248. Change Forum Themes good idea maby not!
  249. The Big 50,000?
  250. [SOLVED] Make the Customization tips and tricks forum pre-post moderated