View Full Version : Ubuntu/Debian BASED

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  1. [SOLVED] Spectacle opening Dolphin as root
  2. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] XF86TouchpadToggle pressed, but not working (need for hardware issue)
  3. Many problems with Acer Aspire
  4. trying to get dwa-182 working
  5. Audio suddenly not working, seems to be a software issue
  6. ProtonVPN failing with new protonvpn.service
  7. is it possible to boot to terminal?
  8. [SOLVED] Mounting Problems
  9. Bootmanager moved Ubuntu on Windows Partition
  10. [SOLVED] removing dual boot
  11. [SOLVED] black screen after awhile
  12. Install library GD
  13. Corrupted OS, What ever I install as OS or softw.
  14. Issues connecting Mini PC with Linux Lite 6.6 to LG TV; no HDMI signal on startup.
  15. Ubuntu error
  16. Ridiculous program I wrote to search for -doc packages. Wanted to share.
  17. Re: Searched the forums, ‘_apt’. – pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied) solutions
  18. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] Weird Internet Issue
  19. Firefox and Github - Problem rendering PDF
  20. auto suspend not working
  21. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] Sound n Video: Thinkpad T480 - PopOS (& Ubuntu...)
  22. default-display-manager==lightdm, but lxdm runs
  23. Zorin grub-boot issues on system with UEFI32 / ATOM-64
  24. 22.04 multi(3)-display amd 5100
  25. Rookie Mistake Made
  26. AntiX: Xorg runs under root
  27. Devuan 5: Err: Could not resolve 'deb.devuan.org'
  28. how to solve some of these issues when installing nemo-extensions
  29. GUI launch error with Nvidia GTS 250 and Trisquel 11 (based on Ubuntu 22.04)
  30. strange issues when entering psw for sudo
  31. Cycles blender rendering completely black
  32. [Elementary] can't uninstall older version of MuseScore -- greyed out in "Applications" window
  33. NVIDIA GPU not working on default
  34. How can i remove MangoHud?
  35. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] Pop OS sound issue with new laptop
  36. [SOLVED] Switch Speed (Internet adpater speed)
  37. kde neon: stuck on grub command line after boot-repair
  38. NVME goes odd line
  39. having trouble with unetbootin
  40. Ubuntu 22.04 kernel update 6.5->6.8: no boot, initramfs, busybox
  41. Dual booted kali with windows, deleted kali partition now broken grub exists...
  42. [SOLVED] LXLE Support?
  43. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] Which label printer will allow you to print labels made of paper that are not possibl
  44. wicd on Focal Fossa
  45. no internet connection
  46. Multiple EFI boot entries -> change default