View Full Version : Ubuntu/Debian BASED

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  1. Problem update from Terminal "sudo dpkg --configure -a"
  2. Testing Linux lite based on ubuntu
  3. Grub2 won`t load
  4. Continues graph print like in Oscilloscope
  5. [Noob] How to remove/hide widgets on desktop
  6. dualboot 2 harddisks (how to add in grub)
  7. Pairing a Bluetooth keyboard with a dual boot (Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.04)
  8. Elementary Os Freya freeze after logo
  9. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] Bento Openbox Trusty (Ubuntu Openbox Remix) available for test
  10. [Zorin] Is it possible to increase the graphics output speed to the display?
  11. How to make your own Ubuntu Repository DVDs for Ubuntu 09.04
  12. Asus X205TA hardware support
  13. Elementary OS black screen on boot
  14. Can't install dependecies
  15. Update repository (Some index files failed to download. 404 error)
  16. how to enabled wireless on startup on elementray os luna
  17. Help Installing Dual Boot Ubuntu on Secondary Hard Drive that has Stuff on it
  18. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ON LINUX HELP!!
  19. [SOLVED] Black Lab Linux 2015.7 with XFCE. scrollbar too thin
  20. [SOLVED] I can not open The Software Center or Synaptic Package Manager.
  21. Boot-Repair after wonderful windows 10 update
  22. Ubuntu or any other linux distribution will not boot, even in recovery mode
  23. Custom resolution and xrandr agony
  24. [SOLVED] Installation Problems on Acer Aspire Notebook
  25. Wifi issues acer aspire ms2346
  26. Who created the Ubuntu Software Center ?
  27. Lyx publishing (ebooks) and collaborating.
  28. SSH X11 Forwarding -- Ensuring that my (trusted) computer remains secure
  29. Screen save the last image of cursor
  30. [Kali] Netgear A6100 Mini USB Driver Help
  31. Chalet Os Start Button nessed up
  32. Downgrading kernel
  33. Can't Remove KaliTools from system
  34. [Kali] Cant install DLink DWA 171 on Kali
  35. Can't install Freya on my SSD drive
  36. [Elementary] Activate HDMI Bitstream Audio passthrough to reciever
  37. Can I backup my applications and change the distribution
  38. Netspeed Applet Gone after system crash.
  39. Dual Boot Problem ...
  40. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] disconnecting and reconnecting monitor results in black screen
  41. Compiling kernel from scratch
  42. [Elementary] How to display left navigation bar in Files
  43. Resolution problem with AMP and HTPC
  44. [SOLVED] install backtrack r3 kde on acer e1-572g (cant install)
  45. [Elementary] USB ports do not work properly
  46. Backtrack Listening Error
  47. [Elementary] eOS No network
  48. network UNCLAIMED what do i do
  49. Elementary Os problema inicio
  50. [Kali] Tried to reimage, now grub rescue, other fixes haven't worked what am I missing?
  51. Kali Linux cannot execute binary file error
  52. KVM installation in Kali
  53. What i do to get like this terminal
  54. [Elementary OS] Getting grub command line prompt after new install
  55. [Kali] asking for edit something for me
  56. [Elementary] Determining CPU temperature?
  57. Re: lxle error errno30 on laptop
  58. Unable to find operating system after Mac installation (Elementary OS)
  59. Ralink wifi adapter
  60. [SOLVED] Xubuntu 14.04.3 can't change file ICON in properties window
  61. How to install chromium on lxle 12.04.5
  62. how go to a path on cinnamon
  63. [Elementary] Lync on Ubuntu
  64. [SOLVED] LXLE file explorer issue
  65. [LXLE] Cannot get Wifi to Ethernet bridge working no matter what for Xbox 360
  66. ElementaryOS - cannot see updated version of website after DNS change.
  67. Ubuntu can't boot after moving partitions
  68. Minimal Bash like line editing error.
  69. Reading Binary (systemd) Log Files On a System That Won't Boot?
  70. Unusable WiFi connection on VirtualBox
  71. Kodibuntu: irsend - blaster not working
  72. [Bodhi Linux] Printing problem
  73. BT5 R3 - Network adapter missing.
  74. BackTrack 5, Vbox, wireless
  75. Dell Chromebook 11 (Candy-2015) - Hardware problems
  76. [Elementary] [SOLVED] Grub install not working
  77. How to Create a custom Language Pack for Debian Based Systems
  78. [SOLVED] Re: Elementary OS Freya Boot Issues
  79. [Zorin] Printer STAR SP700(SP712) USB - Memory Switching
  80. [Elementary] Trouble Installing Steam
  81. [Elementary] Failing hard drive(s) - software recommendations please
  82. Boot DVD from GRUB
  83. Unable to see Windows after attempting to dual boot with Elementary OS
  84. [Elementary] Broadcom 14e4:4312 - Wifi WPA2: Bad password
  85. Laptop not working after installing elementary os
  86. [SOLVED] W: An error occurred during the signature verification NO_PUBKEY
  87. elementary OS failing to boot after install, boot-repair dosen't help
  88. [Elementary] Disk Likely to Fail Soon - Reallocate Sector Count
  89. [Elementary] How to dual-boot without having to type commands in GRUB each time?
  90. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] Lubuntu 14.04 LXDE - Where are the system settings
  91. Deleting Win Recovery Partitions to add more Linux
  92. Different distros and display issue
  93. [SOLVED] SSDs Overheat in Zorin but not in Windows
  94. Nginx With Drupal 7 Help with Cron.php
  95. [Elementary] After uninstall wingpanel not a login
  96. Atheros Wireless Card Not Working (ElementaryOS)
  97. [Deepin] Dota2 crashes before loading
  98. sound problem aspire 7720g
  99. [Kali] [kali] Grub problems: Minimal BASH-like line..
  100. [SOLVED] web app icons
  101. [SOLVED] KodiBuntu Text, Toolbars and Desktop Very Small
  102. 14.04 LXLE intermittent bootup crashes at binfmt-support phase
  103. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] How to compile ffmpegthumbnailer with Cmake?
  104. Update with iso
  105. [Elementary OS] Problems installing network printer attached to DSL moded
  106. Trouble with elementary os
  107. [Elementary] MacBook Pro 2010 tweaks and issues
  108. problem with Wireless card in kali
  109. [Kali] USB Wireless adapter not working anymore!
  110. [Zorin] Update error
  111. WiFi veeeery slow on LinuxLite
  112. Access point with two wifi cards
  113. [Elementary] New to Linux but already frustrated - WNA3100
  114. [Zorin] Time runs behind by inactivity Zorin OS 9 Core
  115. help
  116. New user, trying to fix freezes
  117. [SOLVED] Name of Disks app in Lubuntu?
  118. How to install RT5572 Wifi Drivers on Pi running Ubuntu
  119. Problems with Zorin install
  120. [Kali] installing Boot Repair
  121. Help installing Maliit on screen keyboard on x86 tablet running Elementary OS
  122. How can I increase my partition to use my whole hard drive?
  123. [SOLVED] Ubuntu live cd won't boot: Error Child Device Config Size 27 is too small
  124. Share applications between linux os'es
  125. Help with script to change drive naming
  126. [Peppermint] Spellcheck Malfunctioning
  127. [SOLVED] xenomai os
  128. [Kali] Trouble installing Realtek RTL8188EE Driver on Kali Linux
  129. Lenovo X131e Chromebook won't Turn on After Elementary OS Logout
  130. [Elementary] Custom Backgrounds not working
  131. [Kali] Problem with WiFi (hardware disabled)
  132. Using a Wacom tablet on Crouton Ubuntu question.
  133. rpm2cpio Error
  134. [Elementary] Can't configure a dual boot in Lenovo G40-80
  135. Prevent newly opened apps to steal the focus
  136. [Elementary] Nfs drive causing hang at boot
  137. System hangs on startup
  138. Adding Puppy linux iso to multiboot usb
  139. My Elementary OS [Freya] boots only terminal mode
  140. Ubuntu Kylin thinking it's Kali linux GNU ?
  141. TRENDnet TEW-664UB
  142. Elemetary OS - app only runs from terminal
  143. [Zorin] How to get chrome to handle magnet links via qBittorrent
  144. Bluetooth not detecting any devices | elementary freya | Thinkpad T420s
  145. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] Bug in rhythmbox???
  146. Update Manager cannot update packages
  147. Elementary WiFi Issue
  148. Synaptic won't run on PlayLinux Distro
  149. [SOLVED] System Swap of New SSD...good BUT no internet (Hardware?)
  150. Steam killed my external monitor
  151. Lenovo U31 - 2 problem
  152. [Help] Home Server Setup
  153. Please help me - cannot connecting to enternet
  154. [SOLVED] Problem with Linux and ASRock motherboard.
  155. Using Joystick in WinXP guest on Vbox. Zorin/ubuntu is host
  156. CUPS-PDF: standard output folder changed
  157. Cant connect to my server, from any pc on my local network
  158. Lost My Data After Install Ubuntu Kylin
  159. SSL Error in Maxthon using Debian based OS
  160. [SOLVED] Brightness Adjustmen on my screen [TV]
  161. Cannot get Flash installed
  162. uninstall linux from dual boot linux
  163. bash command : c_rehash
  164. Atheros Device [168c:003e] (rev 32) Zorin(Ubuntu) not connecting at all.
  165. Transmission issues.
  166. Openshot video editor crashes
  167. Ubuntu Openbox live iso based on 16.04
  168. [Ubuntu 14.04] Ethernet Network
  169. Solved - ThinkorSwim - Getting Build 1880.62 or later to run on Ubuntu 14.04 or later
  170. Sound card setting will not stick
  171. [SOLVED] Connectivity gone after libnl upgrade
  172. [SOLVED] Network manager disabled on boot
  173. [SOLVED] WiFi doesnt Work on my Acer E5-574G
  174. [Elementary] Post External HDD Install support urgently required
  175. Need copy of Ubuntu to install avoiding security issues
  176. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] <FOG server> Slow Swap partition clone speed?
  177. Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 fails to connect - Ubuntu 14.04
  178. starcraft broodwar bnet menus problems
  179. All Tuners Busy
  180. BIOS driver failed
  181. [SOLVED] [Debian 8]HDDs not seen after editing mount options to mount on startup, gnome-disks
  182. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
  183. cant install grub
  184. [SOLVED] Deleted Partion and grub is now a black console...
  185. [Zorin] Install Zorin OS 11 on UEFI next to Windows 10
  186. Mysql dpkg error
  187. grub is dead, i can't boot to windows vista neither linux
  188. [SOLVED] How to get lirc working on Raspbian
  189. package conflict
  190. Elementary Startup Automount (Disks)
  191. Raspberry Pi and ffmpeg
  192. Chrome Chromium Crash
  193. [SOLVED] Zentyal postfix RBL config will not take
  194. Intel Skylake, Nvidia and kernel support
  195. [Zorin] Ubuntu goes off screen a bit.
  196. [SOLVED] DELL Vostro 3560 usb issue
  197. Lastest Flash Player Works Well Please tell me how secure
  198. Lost Sidebar in LXLE 14.04
  199. Wireless card and Lan card
  200. [LXLE] How to set Dejavu as default font for all applications in my lxde?
  201. overrides LSB defaults of failed service in systemd
  202. I am a beginner and I cannot download Adobe Acrobat
  203. Can't use Brother Scanner
  204. Linux Lite not multi-boot-friendly with other Linux OS, but...
  205. no sound using zorin 9 lite and sony viao vgn-a397xp
  206. [Elementary] Wifi Out of Range and or Drops Frequently
  207. [Pinguy] Multiple User logins after waking up
  208. [Kali] Any Kali Experts In The House?
  209. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] Real Time!
  210. my ubuntu (macbuntu) installation is stuck at ubuntu splash screen
  211. updating issue E: The package mcp-account-manager-uoa needs to be reinstalled, but I
  212. Cant update Raspbian
  213. Making a second HDD automount at boot
  214. Lenovo S10 battery issue with Peppermint 6?
  215. WARNING: Receive timeout occurred
  216. will a dedicated GPU help in my situation
  217. [Elementary] Missing Sound Adapter/Icon
  218. [SOLVED] Zorin _
  219. Can i run Elementary OS?
  220. Netgear USB WiFi with Kodibuntu (Lubuntu)
  221. [Kali] Linux version of MS's sfc /scannow? For offline system repair.
  222. [SOLVED] how to install gimp
  223. Leave external monitor on when lid is closed
  224. Where can I find linux-image-extra-4.5.0 for ubuntu 16.04
  225. Installing Ultimate Edition: based on ubuntu
  226. Screensaver based on webcam motion detection.
  227. chat protocol that will work with facebook chat
  228. How to recover list of installed S/W from defunct Debian O/S?
  229. FluidSynth doesn't run
  230. [Other Ubuntu/Debian based] sudo pip install Matplotlib returning error
  231. No Wireless Extension
  232. win 10 failed SAFE_OS dual boot ubuntu
  233. elementary os luna - held packages error, interrupted upgrade
  234. [LXLE] Lubuntu installs then locks up
  235. Tori OS or Tahr Pup?
  236. [Zorin] What to actually install for drivers? (GTX 970)
  237. Where to find video driver?
  238. [Zorin] Weird updates?
  239. Knoppix Newbie - Help Recovering Files from 8TB External Raid Drive
  240. Cub Linux live cd wont boot , stuck at blinkng courser [IBM R40E]
  241. Ubuntu Based, Ultimate Edition
  242. Can't save copy files or delete files on hard drive partition.
  243. Hibernate using lots of power
  244. Still fighting UEFI to get computer to boot and not just lock up on mobo splash scree
  245. Can't run VMware PLAYER
  246. UFW Rules File
  247. [Elementary] Pepper Flash
  248. Zorin and Brother MFC-8220 printer
  249. [SOLVED] Debian derivative - Kali
  250. No wireless internet access and hard block after suspend/log out, Ubuntu 16.04