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  1. Compiling GGC cross-compiler for x86_64
  2. Run a Program
  3. Ubuntu, OpenCV 2.0 and the new Python API.
  4. Link a library in Anjuta
  5. compile java
  6. Compile a MacOS X10 code source on ubuntu
  7. Wanted some help...
  8. Key Board Buffer
  9. Looking for Ubuntu packagers and testers
  10. How can you compile APPORT and THE UBUNTU SOFTWARE CENTER from source?
  11. I made my first package, and manually, can someone comment please, or test (LL64bit)
  12. Need help compiling this...
  13. How to create Debain package
  14. Promote a *.deb for Intellij IDEA to PPA
  15. Build Firefox PGO with intel compiler
  16. Looking for PulseAudio Patches
  17. Compilation error
  18. Tcl Rivet Make Problem
  19. Compiling .deb file
  20. Cmake errors attempting to compile KDE
  21. Changing the name of the kernel
  22. Recommendations for a compiler to run on school computers
  23. how to add library files to current library
  24. 32-bit binary generation by gcc on 64-bit Karmic (x86_64)
  25. chrooted DKMS compilation for another kernel
  26. Haxe Sandy Class not found
  27. Lost source file after compilation with GCC
  28. Creating package for python program - shared module
  29. kernel compile fails on dpkg-shlibdeps
  30. /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.1/include/stddef.h:149: error
  31. [SOLVED] Setting dependencies for package
  32. Beginner's questions: packaging Gimp with addons
  33. trying compiling vlmc
  34. [SOLVED] Groovy & Ubuntu
  35. PDANet (self moved)
  36. BrainStorm: Problems installing from source
  37. Compile c files from matlab
  38. Faild to create Symlink
  39. Compiling KexxBros
  40. printf doesn't work :( *confused*
  41. [SOLVED] Compiling simple c++ gtk code (can't do it) :'(
  42. Gstreamer Library Problems
  43. Porting To Linux
  44. compile gcc-4.5.0 & error
  45. g++ command not found
  46. Ns2
  47. [SOLVED] Getting source code to compile
  48. Alternative to IDLE (Python IDE)
  49. [SOLVED] Question about Debian packages
  50. Kernel package > 390MB ???!!!
  51. Amarok14 on 10.04
  52. [SOLVED] ddd debugger: cannot enter arguments
  53. How to check for errors in code without compiling?
  54. Create a GUI for a Visual Basic project in Mono
  55. Lucid - compiling upstream kernel 2.6.34
  56. Packaging for multiple architectures
  57. [netbeans] Subfolder packaging
  58. HOWTO: Compile php-gtk2 for Lucid Lynx
  59. OpenCV + Unstripped FFmpeg + Ubuntu 10.04
  60. Cross Compiling for mips target on X86 host
  61. pymedia installation via synaptic?
  62. quick rebuild of Lucid
  63. Making buoh work on Lucid
  64. [SOLVED] CK patch set
  65. Glade install for Lucid
  66. [SOLVED] [C++] Dynamically Linked Executable Larger than Static
  67. [C++] Understanding Dynamically Linked Libraries (Win & Lin)
  68. How to make Alsa .deb files
  69. [SOLVED] [LUCID] Can't buld v4l-dvb
  70. [SOLVED] [C++] Is There a Reason to Create an Object File?
  71. Cross-compiling PHP
  72. compile Ncap
  73. [SOLVED] /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL
  74. cross compiling GNU-pdf
  75. [SOLVED] Compiling wx for Mingw Errors - wxDword
  76. debian/rules build works / dpkg-buildpackage fails
  77. [SOLVED] .deb Built with dpkg .vs .deb Build with ar
  78. Some unresolved issues about platform-specific cross-compiling
  79. Packaging help for JAVA Web Application
  80. Precompiled binary in .deb
  81. mcopidl in Ubuntu 10.04
  82. Gcc help
  83. Can't run files from code blocks
  84. Packaging Teamspeak 3 Client for Ubuntu
  85. Author of an app, confused about packaging
  86. psyco install question
  87. help making debs
  88. Building a modified version of a package
  89. Perl To Executable For Windows
  90. [SOLVED] "Un-link" a library
  91. [SOLVED] Makefile - ifdef LINUX else ifdef WIN32 endif
  92. Mograso-modelling tool in ubuntu 10
  93. where can i get kernel source code which uses O(1) scheduler ?
  94. Cannot Compile Java Code From Command Prompt
  95. Problem packing a python program
  96. Creating Repository with multiple versions
  97. gnuradio radio installation: Error - E: Couldn't find package lib libboost-all-dev
  98. Deb Maker for Eclipse
  99. installing and using openCV
  100. Convert binaries into .debs
  101. build an external module from linux-backports-modules-alsa
  102. Where is function if_nametoindex() and its header file if.h ?
  103. Symbolically link /usr/local to /opt by default
  104. [SOLVED] Failed to run a newly built program, except chmod, what could possibly be the cause?
  105. Compiling ChromiumOS can't find fuse.ko module
  106. compiling checkinstall 1.6.2
  107. Library integration in makefile.am
  108. Best way to prevent overwrite of patched or ppa version of a .deb on upgrades?
  109. ‘uint’ does not name a type
  110. Debian packaging postinst
  111. Versioning issue after successful debian package creation
  112. non-technical: newbie coming in
  113. weired issue with gcc / segfault only with Lucid
  114. Installing Patched Kernel, System won't boot
  115. Lost With Trying to Package Python Script
  116. [SOLVED] Need help modifying some source before compiling to deb
  117. How do I create a deb package with basic dependencies?
  118. packages will be REMOVED: GTK+
  119. Application Directory Structure
  120. handling database dependence
  121. Libtool version mismatch error
  122. 0.1.1 Is Newer Version Than 0.1.1~ppa1~lucid1?
  123. Building evolution (Openchange problem)
  124. [SOLVED] MonoDevelop and MySQL
  125. [SOLVED] adding entries to gnome-menu in postinst
  126. Geany - compiler
  127. How to contribute a game?
  128. Include dependency package inside main package? (or other solution?)
  129. [HOWTO] Execute java programs ala command-line utilities
  130. How can my programs discover their Execution privileges?
  131. How to use old libc6-dev to compile older Ubuntu versions
  132. Assert only when running from a different path
  133. [SOLVED] Compiling error 'strlen' was not declared in this scope
  134. running programs
  135. [KDevelop] How dose it compile ?
  136. postinst without root
  137. Error when trying to install pianobar
  138. Compiling Chromium OS
  139. Errors installing gcc-4.5.0 on lucid lynx
  140. packaging question
  141. No DWF reader [can`t install DWFtoolkit 7]
  142. [SOLVED] From helloworld.c to helloworld.deb
  143. Gumstix buildroot problem
  144. how to compile SDL?
  145. [SOLVED] .deb - Home directory
  146. Ubuntu Developer Week is back!
  147. Trying to update Ubuntu's ancient Jython packages - installer requires X11?
  148. 2.6.33 with RT patch troubles compiling
  149. Compileing 2.6.33 with realtime Patch
  150. [SOLVED] Packaging Help
  151. Problem in creating a software package in linux?
  152. Can't find X Includes
  153. Makefile for Thunderbird extension
  154. Compiling on one machine and executing on another (C/C++)
  155. Creating a Documentation Package
  156. Need hand-holding for first deb package creation...
  157. python 2.7 error
  158. Can i package a web site ???
  159. [SOLVED] Permissions Problem After Installing DEB
  160. [SOLVED] dh_make doesn't recognise the .orig.tar.gz file...
  161. kernal modules in ubuntu10.4
  162. strange invocation of gcc vs. gcc-4.x
  163. FreeSWITCH/mod_managed: jit.h and glib.h Not Found
  164. FreeSWITCH: While Processing Program 'check_dlopen_sofia'
  165. Apache over ubuntu
  166. [SOLVED] - Please delete this thread -
  167. Is there a GUI for debian changelog control rules etcetera and ppa?
  168. How to install from a source without configure file?
  169. Ubuntu developer's mentors mailing list
  170. [SOLVED] Trying to Fix Lintian Errors in my Package
  171. Building Pyclutter
  172. Codeblocks SVN compile error
  173. No /usr/lib/libmd5.so in 10.04 LTS
  174. Problem while recompiling qt 4
  175. [SOLVED] Is there a way to get a deb package to add a repository and install a package?
  176. General guidelines for {C#,Java,Python} wrappers?
  177. dh_make Outputs "Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}"
  178. Extracting uBLAS module from boost library
  179. mysql issue
  180. VirtualBox-3.2.6_OSE
  181. Building x11vnc from source - X includes
  182. Where can I find the x11vnc source for ubuntu ?
  183. [SOLVED] undefined reference to `assert'
  184. [SOLVED] basic c++ compile error : copy is not a member of std
  185. How to make a Debian package of shell scripts?
  186. Creating a PPA for Simon (speech recognition software)
  187. read forked processes info from inside a c plus plus program
  188. libglib2.0-dev won't install
  189. [SOLVED] Adding a taskbar icon for deb package?
  190. change file permissions during install
  191. compile assembly code
  192. maintainer script logging
  193. problem compiling with g++ (/usr/include/g++/ vs. /usr/include/c++/)
  194. problem with Qt creator compiling
  195. segfault when compiling with new glib version
  196. Tortured by Packaging
  197. QMAKESPECS settings on Qt4
  198. compiling gcc 4.5 errors out without an error message
  199. What's Ubuntu packages build system?
  200. Ubuntu GameSpace Help
  201. GCOV: Cannot Open Graph File
  202. Creating a Debian package
  203. [SOLVED] Kernel Compilation Resulting Name
  204. Error locating gdu headers
  205. Debianise QT program
  206. Recommended C++ editor and compiler
  207. Is there a GUI find&grep tool? Should I make one?
  208. Module insert not working on ubuntu 10.04.
  209. [SOLVED] CMake fails to find Java on PPA
  210. [SOLVED] Launchpad Packaging Dependencies
  211. [SOLVED] Exclude files when packaging
  212. Compiling stand alone programs
  213. Problem with ncurses library
  214. Need help to link SDL to a Qt Creator project
  215. [SOLVED] march targets
  216. Compiling Gambatte; (ossengine) ‘perror’ was not declared in this scope
  217. [SOLVED] I spend more time packaging than writing program
  218. The practise of debianizing
  219. cross-compiling gtk+
  220. Packaging git-core problem
  221. How to see object files of C?
  222. postgresql from source code on lucid
  223. [C#] CS0246 (namespace not found) while compiling
  224. [SOLVED] Bazaar branch for debian packaging
  225. Gambas2 newbie needs help compiling
  226. Anjuta Agony
  227. Local PPA
  228. error: implicit declaration of function ‘gdk_gc_new’
  229. Creating debian package with symlinks
  230. Change build path
  231. [SOLVED] Still spending more time packaging then writing the app
  232. New Install / Customized Packaging
  233. simple deb package question
  234. Installing Ruby on Rails and mysql support
  235. Altering PATH in packages
  236. [SOLVED] install library
  237. unable to compile MESA on ubuntu 10.04
  238. OpenGL glActiveTexture is missing ...
  239. [SOLVED] How to create a new package in PPA
  240. Adding things into the user folder with a DEB package? - Ubuntu
  241. Software Best Practices Training topics required
  242. Packaging and Installing a Java Program...
  243. Showing Authentication Dialog
  244. [SOLVED] DEB packaging for ruby programs/libraries (with setup.rb).
  245. [SOLVED] Benefits of Packaging from Source?
  246. Naming conventions for original packages in PPA
  247. Building packages for Hardy
  248. PPA Intrepid packages - possible?
  249. Ubuntu mono dock icons
  250. Support multiple versions of Ubuntu in PPA