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  1. Persistent compiler error - please help
  2. How do i use mono to create a terminal app?
  3. fclose() causes segment fault on i686
  4. building Python-Libpcap
  5. Specifying alternative dependencies in control file
  6. Cannot find -lXi
  7. somebody help here.
  8. Launchpad bug statuses
  9. Help: Installing Java-Access-Bridge
  10. Problem with my first package
  11. [SOLVED] My first .deb :-) doesn't work :-(
  12. Packaging a .jar with Java3D in Eclipse
  13. AssaultCube on launchpad
  14. Flash now works with webkitkde?!?
  15. untar file to specified directory
  16. KDevelop unable to compile. New installation.
  17. Protection from accidental deletion in Nautilus
  18. Compiling Ubuntu Kernel
  19. Compiz simple plugins 32-bit compile needed
  20. can you give me the file of the vim colorscheme ----Php
  21. Problem with OpenGL GLX
  22. Starting FOSS Project: Ubuntu Gaming Shack, need help
  23. How to create triggers in .deb ?
  24. Shared libraries and external Kernel Modules
  25. Crossdev for Ubuntu?
  26. Need help compiling
  27. xml-xalan-c make errors in Ubuntu 9.04
  28. Predicted remaining battery time no longer showing
  29. dpkg-shlibdeps couldn't find library libpthread.so.0
  30. Debugging changes in code
  31. Net::Twitter on Ubuntu 8.10
  32. [SOLVED] Running program after compilation
  33. How to translate description in deb package?
  34. help compiling. Easy question?
  35. Gtk-Warning: Could not find signal handler
  36. How to make a .patch file?
  37. libqt4 4.1.1 required
  38. [SOLVED] How to make a .deb package?
  39. [SOLVED] dpkg-genchanges: error: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory
  40. Packet grabber script
  41. Just cannot get KDevlop to compile programs.
  42. [SOLVED] Which option for compiling the kernel?
  43. Netbeans 6.8 beta crash
  44. replacing in-dependency packages with self-compiled _safely_
  45. glade-doc does not install in Karmic
  46. Cannot get menu item to register properly with custom-built .deb
  47. [SOLVED] can not install panflute after compiling its source code
  48. Cross compiling Glade-3 applications for ARM architecture
  49. Creating a really simple deb package...
  50. Pyshared?
  51. Problem with cblas.h in package libblas3-dev
  52. [SOLVED] Error in compiling device driver
  53. Cross compiling packages
  54. Taking Programing course in C++, none of the programs I write compile
  55. How to get the selected text from the syatem ?
  56. gnome2-global menu and giftwrap
  57. dpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source
  58. Compiling javascript alongside C++ project
  59. [SOLVED] How to replace multiple old packages with one new one?
  60. kernel packages
  61. would someone please package this for me?
  62. [SOLVED] Repackaging libcanberra
  63. cross-compile(on ubuntu for win32) glib gnet application
  64. Help Packaging A Script Library For Installation
  65. utube ripper needs packaging
  66. [SOLVED] Username of who invoked install?
  67. Building Package in PPA That Depends on a package Another PPA
  68. notes of amsn 0.99b on karmic
  69. What does dpkg-buildpackage do that "fakeroot debian/rules binary" doesn't?
  70. javac compiler package, which one? for open source preferences?
  71. Compiling openGL programs
  72. Write Programs for Wireless Barcode Scanner
  73. hello Kernel
  74. [SOLVED] Patching Question
  75. debuild: fatal error at line 1247:
  76. compiling x246 to deb
  77. [SOLVED] gcc help
  78. Compiling Video Server in ubuntu
  79. need help with VERY easy package creation
  80. compiling pianobar, a Pandora CLI program
  81. compileing ZynAddSubFX-2.4.0 in ubuntu 9.04
  82. Compile squid3-common deb
  83. Install coreboot
  84. Dependences for Mono
  85. Gcc help needed
  86. Help packing DEB - missing something
  87. Building DeSmuME
  88. gcc 4.4 (any subversion) in Ubuntu 9.04?
  89. Creating deb Pacakge Help
  90. How to setup Netbeans with C++ in Ubuntu?
  91. How can I use the Qt AWT peer for Java programs?
  92. How to create deb of a Python script?
  93. How to compile the same program for another ubuntu release
  94. Error while building Linux/ARM tool chain
  95. Need help with package that just copies files
  96. Help getting dependencies working with Makefile
  97. Anybody able to compile libgpod on Karmic?
  98. Ho can I do manual packaging/deb? What's wrong?
  99. eglibc error? undefined reference to 'main'
  100. Segmentation fault when I compile with gfortran
  101. errors trying to compile monodevelop 2.2
  102. need a program to render BASIC in Ubuntu 9.10! any ideas?
  103. Trying to compile " Discretizer" - problem with FXruby "fox16"
  104. [SOLVED] Location to store a database.
  105. [SOLVED] Thunderbird 3
  106. make install and make datainstall
  107. [SOLVED] Phoronix Test Suite v2.2.0 w/ GUI & Ubuntu Karmic
  108. Monodevelop 2.2
  109. How do I get build-dependencies for something not in repositories?
  110. [SOLVED] 64-bit g++ fails to search for libstdc++ with a -m32 option
  111. [SOLVED] Compiling In Windows
  112. Compiling for different architectures
  113. Reboot problem
  114. using setupapi library
  115. Standalone Ubuntu source code access
  116. Someone can complete a keylogger for a invalid person?
  117. Diplomacy concerning backend
  118. [SOLVED] How to include man page in package
  119. GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library)
  120. Looking for code flow documentation tools
  121. Decompiling a .deb file
  122. Problem compiling. stdio and cstdio not included
  123. [SOLVED] The best way to include .desktop file?
  124. Change required depen version without recompiling?
  125. Trouble Compiling Abiword from Source
  126. stuck compiling 32bit mplayer on amd64 9.10 karmic
  127. Simple packaging - help required!
  128. Help on compiling on remote PPA for amarok
  129. make fails while trying to compile glibc-2.2.5
  130. Compiling PHP-GTK fails on Karmic ("LTOPTIONS_VERSION: command not found" etc.)
  131. [SOLVED] Compiling Apple //gs Emulator
  132. compiling online for your especific pc
  133. PLT Scheme compilation problem
  134. does anyone know how to build newlib-source on 9.10?
  135. Best practice for shared library
  136. [SOLVED] Creating source packages with pdebuilder
  137. Global cflags/makeflags
  138. gcc trunk on Hardy Heron amd64
  139. Trouble Packaging Own Shared Library
  140. Help with cross compiling (code blocks & wxwidgets)
  141. An unrelated (to my previous post) question about wxWidgets
  142. Help, I need a guide to the Basics
  143. Can't compile avld Ubuntu KK: v4l_compat_ioctl32 undeclared
  144. can i "extract" a makefile
  145. Announcing Ubuntu Developer Week
  146. py2exe build issues
  147. Compiling errors and using Cmake Set Policy
  148. Fixing the “diff-contains-git-control-dir .git” Lintian error message
  149. Git Version Numbers in Ubuntu Packages
  150. Custom C Libraries
  151. Could we get in the next release : /usr/bin/system-config-authentication ?
  152. Creating .deb to install in prefix other then /usr ?
  153. Tutorial for autogen, autoconf, & automake?
  154. understanding a.out files (assembler's output) -- their structure
  155. Kernel PPA questions by a first-timer aka noob
  156. Help with C++ programming
  157. "emulate" dpkg-reconfigure via manual commands?
  158. error compiling qt4 app for arm chip
  159. help -- compiler problem with driver source
  160. Linker not searching for lib in /usr/local/lib
  161. [SOLVED] problems with ftgl & freetype2
  162. Compiling Net::Packet fails
  163. python-xml???
  164. compiling voddler for ubuntu 9.10, problems doing make
  165. Packaging python app (Submitting to debian?)
  166. [SOLVED] Error in compilation, problem with linker?
  167. Need help with first package
  168. Where firefox saves the proxy details
  169. Help me to compile Movino Video Server in Ubuntu . Please ....
  170. [SOLVED] apt: mark package as alternative/upgrade of another
  171. Compiling for 32-bit on 64 - "cannot find -lgcc"
  172. Help me create a .deb file for lightwieght volume control appler
  173. To compile need a .sh script
  174. Make a DEB of a program which uses CMake?
  175. [SOLVED] C++ Compiler for Ubuntu?
  176. xserver hangs up after installing self-compiled evtouch
  177. Compiling c++ on ubuntu, running it on debian 4.0
  178. Spring Project Compilation issues
  179. installing NACHOS
  180. [SOLVED] Packaging problem:Compiled file doesn't actually get included in deb
  181. compiling java deb using mmake
  182. howto pass -m32 option to ld command?
  183. Automated Package Installation Problem
  184. [SOLVED] Python Lesson 1 Question
  185. [SOLVED] Help! Ppa chroot problem!
  186. n00b that needs to compile some python into a .deb
  187. [SOLVED] checkinstall errors: fail to create DEST because DEST doesn't exist?!?
  188. error on compiling OpenGL stuff on Ubuntu 9,10 using Code::Blocks
  189. Build SAMBA from source
  190. [SOLVED] Cannot compile kernel
  191. Back to basics
  192. installing SDL
  193. conversion program
  194. AWN 0.4: no such file or directory /usr/share/pygtk/2.0/defs/desktopagnostic.defs
  195. [SOLVED] running dh_make non-interactively
  196. C++ debugger
  197. Need help compiling when headers are not available in repos
  198. Compiling Delphi
  199. Make .deb from binary file
  200. Include paths not set for g++
  201. Getting my package accepted into multiverse
  202. compiling xmms/dependancies issue
  203. Error for compiling AMD64 Jaunty
  204. SVN, GIT and their problems (or my network)
  205. How do I obtain build dependencies that are not in repositories?
  206. Linux-headers
  207. Problem linking a static library
  208. First Time Installing a Library
  209. Options for a C/C++ IDE
  210. Linux header file problems
  211. install G++
  212. Mark file in /etc as not being a config file in a .deb?
  213. Where do I look for fortran Libraries/compiler?
  214. Standard c++ functions not recognized...
  215. makefile command prompt issue
  216. Can't compile v4l-conf
  217. Basic compiling question
  218. Custom kernel build
  219. cross compiling gtk/glade app in Ubuntu 8.04
  220. [SOLVED] Problem with compiling GENtle
  221. Patch driver in kernel
  222. Trying to compile game, need a little help
  223. Parallel build with make
  224. [SOLVED] Installing PyQt for python 3.1
  225. javac can't find my jdk1.6.0_18
  226. how to install ctags
  227. Installing PyQt4 for Python3.1
  228. [SOLVED] fdisk source
  229. compile error when including netinet/in.h
  230. svn co ...
  231. Can't Install SDL Dev
  232. libtool not detected
  233. How to build object files to specific directory using automake?
  234. difficult to compile from source
  235. [SOLVED] Kernel compiled & --print-installation-architecture
  236. The Ubuntu Packaging Guide: Where art thou?
  237. make-kpkg unknown option: overlay-dir
  238. I want to upload the neccesary files to my PPA
  239. My First Time Trying IDE's
  240. Launch failed. Binary not found.
  241. Getting IDLE
  242. Anjuta Build Issue
  243. permission issue after installation packaged application
  244. Compliling Kernel Modules
  245. Version problem
  246. Deb debian/install file
  247. Packaging my python imgur uploader
  248. C++ - compiling a program on different platforms with library support
  249. Need Help 8086/08
  250. building debs for rpm builders