- How to package a python project?
- Compiling lcd module for gpsim
- Compile xmms plugin error
- Learning to patch and compile the kernel.
- help with installing ns3 in fedora 10
- Cross compiling arm with (cx)freeze for python
- Creating .debs - not exactly easy
- Torque Compilation Errors
- Compiling Broadcom STA driver in kernel 2.6.30RC
- New package sblim-cmpi-fsvol (v1.4.4) for jaunty
- Launchpad compiles with wrong architecture for hardy
- User interface made by GTK+ and arm cross copiler
- Cannot find -lXtst
- Compiling ProjectM 2.0 from SVN for Jaunty
- ubuntu-kernel 2.6.28 compilation problem
- Compiling network-manager-applet in Jaunty
- How Do You Get Python 2.6 as Default?
- Automatic package creation
- screenshot in synaptic
- Scripts for deb packages - what are the options?
- [SOLVED] cannot find c++ and fortran compiler
- [SOLVED] What is the c++ compiler for ubuntu?
- Creating dev package
- Packaging for Karmic in Jaunty
- make reinstall best practices?
- Compiling a linux kernel
- Patch dependency after install
- Java classpath
- Compiling Amarok 1.4.10 in Jaunty Jackalope
- Cant get c# programs running under linux
- Findings Header Files in Library's
- Executing several bash scripts in succession even after reboot
- Editing a file using sed/ed
- Automization of server installation
- Qutecom Compilation Problem(can't find FFMPEG)
- Make dpkg-source include removal of debian files in diff?
- compiling with "c" commented lines with gfortran
- Trying to include <gst/gst.h>
- linking to debug libs for use with valgrind
- Do you need apt-get for MS Windows?
- compiling kernel
- Package updates for libsoap-lite-perl/SOAP::Lite 0.71
- Compiling OpenGL in Ubuntu 9.04
- Which licence is better
- Packaging Games
- joomla hiccup
- Why are Python programs usually put in "Source Packages" rather than "Binary"
- How do I compile Gtk applications?
- Compiling driver against custom kernel fails
- Compiling Jack-Rack 1.4.7
- error at ./configure - dmraid upstream patch
- How to prompt information from user during postinst?
- QT Creator build error
- Make variables.... lazy-simple expandable?
- create deb from java project
- CDBS Issues
- creating python modules from Pascal
- veryvery simply question about complieing c
- How do I create programs (in .deb format) for ubuntu?
- [SOLVED] Script for Xubuntu Share 9.04
- How to run C file
- How to 'compile' a .py file?
- clapack.h missing...
- Trouble with Boost on Ubuntu
- Adding a command to menu using terminal
- Help building USB core drivers
- problem on importing modules
- Problems with QT build dependencies
- scons - compiling GTKmm program
- Fail to load the *.so files in the same directory ?
- How to see the ./configure options for a binary package?
- Make Program Look In Right Place for Shared Objects
- Building the latest rubygems into a debian package
- expected ')' before ';'
- How to specify dependacies libwxgtk
- Apache and ssl
- The bar is _WAY_ too high for people to get involved
- I am trying to get HTML Tidy to work on Bluefish
- Reproducing a build
- Looking for help packaging my project
- How to create an executable from a ".o" file?
- QT Won't Compile
- Force my custom debian package to resolve R dependency from specific repository
- Building a debug build of Firefox-3.0 from the source package
- build dependencies automatically
- QT-programs won't compile
- Making an ubuntu application.
- Pkg-Config Error
- header file <linux/config.h> not found
- Need help on MAKE variable value transfer up the hierarchy
- Include a plugin in the main repo
- Can't locate ExtUtils/PkgConfig.pm
- portable java?
- kdebase-dev Dependency Wait
- ldconfig without root permissions?
- Need Help With Firefox Build
- Improve translations offline
- Help with broken distutils
- cpp fails sanity check
- unable to backport gtk2-engines-qtcurve from karmic to jaunty
- dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable
- Profile-Guided Optimization questions
- Makefile compile question
- How to change compiler parameter of dpkg-buildpackage
- distro independent script
- Building firefox on 9.04 64bit - configure can't find gtk+-2.0
- confliction between python and trac
- sometning must be wrong
- Creating static packages
- How to build Kftpgrabber from SVN? Problems encountered
- Cross-platform compiling.
- gcc-4.4 with intrepid?
- info documentation missed vs man files for libgsl
- Induction needed for an Ubuntu Fresher
- Makeing a small custom kernel
- Multiple Series Changelog Conventions
- Compileing Gyachi!!
- Issues creating Makefile with Autotools
- Packaging a Firefox extension as deb?
- Noob needs help compiling first Tarball
- Problem with GSL
- Building Evolution
- Cannot make libocap
- Packaging Pidgin plugins?
- Help with LFS
- package 'mozilla-gtkmozembed' not found
- Need help compiling kernel 2.4.31 for the xbox...
- Error compiling Python's matplotlib from svn
- How do I perform an Android (Linux) kernel patch?
- custom kernel ppa on lunchpad - how-to?
- installation error
- after compiling, do you remove dependency packages?
- QT4 problem
- Make .deb from binary.
- C++0x error - "error: braces around initializer for non-aggregate type"
- tcp server compilation
- error compiling open obex
- error gedit externel tool
- Problems seting up g++ for compiling gtk stuff (complete newbie to ubuntu and c++)
- Packaging Notalon as a DEB file?
- Compiling USBIP staging modules
- .deb vs. repository .deb, difference?
- Problem of compiling 32bit binary in 64bit machine
- MonoDevelop VB Compiler?
- Newbie .deb build : apt-get build-dep after install + more
- Error in compiling firefox, missing iwlib.h
- Can anyone help me with cross compiling?
- make file that links in sdl
- Compiling Acetoneiso
- [SOLVED] make deb file for ppa
- can't find pygtk-devel
- Build a package without patches
- 2.6.31 kernel patch compilation help needed.
- having the same problem with many different music players
- Deb Created : gdebi-gtk does not show "Reinstall Package" after successfull install !
- Copied a C++ class but my version fails to compile
- Convert ISO file to many CD (bootable)
- Update Ubuntu's eclipse package
- Python 3.1
- Ubuntu Developer Week
- Problem porting aircrack to mips with ubuntu
- Making a vector of func. pointers accept funcs of all types
- Errors making Synergy
- Meta package for build toolchain
- Recursive Makefile Help
- powerpc-linux-gnu cross toolchain
- a question about makefile
- sprosslnk/ sunwsproc issues.. needed help asap.. Please
- Help to compile Pisces simulator
- unable to install any pkgs,please help
- Open-dent
- How do i start building .deb ? (Is it necessary in this case)
- How to crate .deb package from svn?
- Can't compile Epiphany in Karmic
- Help releasing my new project
- Building Device Drivers - Kernel Source or Headers Required ?
- malloc problem
- c++ error. iomanip.h
- Multicore / Multithreaded Debuild?
- tool to add new line at the end of file
- How do I change permission for a file in debian/rules
- Directing linker to debug library
- No module found in the object
- Compiling Custom Kernel
- Package for application with a plugin
- [SOLVED] Attempting to package Aptana... unsuccessfully.
- How to downgrade to gcc 3.4?
- How to build a deb with check install?
- Compiling a MacOSX source on Jaunty 64
- How can I install libusb and libfprint form source code?
- code does not compile after upgrading to jaunty
- can not run it on server? weird?
- Libexif and ImageMagick header/src issue
- Error on compile: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXrandr
- Help Adding brand new packages to a ppa
- Compiler Error: undefined reference to `_install_allegro_version_check'
- [SOLVED] pbuilder build dependencies.
- Really can't figure out how to install g++
- glib version confusion when trying to compile atk (for gimp)
- [SOLVED] GSPCA make error 2
- [SOLVED] How do I add a screenshot in the description of my package?
- installing shared object files
- configure errors
- MPX: The Multi-Pointer X Server
- Boost - cross compile - "Windows libraries" from "Linux"
- Inserting text in for loop variable of makefile.
- Installing Netbeans IDE
- compiling hello.c
- Permision denied
- Pbuilder --create fails
- Debuild packages the wrong folder?
- packages from debian sid into ubuntu?
- Rolling a package with dpkg-deb
- [SOLVED] pbuilder and "virtual packages"
- Any fully-standard-compliment C++0x compiler?
- Compiling MXML to SWF
- Writing A Script To Make Then Execute A File?
- [SOLVED] How to pass options to checkinstall?
- Eclipse can't find mysql.h
- clearsign failed : Answers
- Compile php 5.3 and build deb package
- Public CVS server for everyone to use?
- need good C++ IDE
- Need help with a complicated package - salome
- package a binary server and create a user that run it as a daemon
- Linux source\headers needed for compiling
- Darkroom(KDE4) 1.3 not building in hardy
- network manager missing after update
- Strange gcc error
- GCC installed cannot run
- Looking for 3.1.1 equivalent of python-dev
- Running python3.0
- netbeans and mysql connector
- How do I get single patches applied to the Ubuntu kernel?
- gedit install command and location
- will nubuilder be in karmic??
- MINGW Cross Compile Linker problems
- How to make a .deb create menu shortcuts?
- Error compiling gcc 4.4.1
- Python Help
- How do you force setup.py to use X compiler?
- monkeystudio crach!
- My First .deb: Have I Done it Right?
- [SOLVED] Prevent package from being upgraded - how?
- error running pkgsrc bootstrap
- Dual GCC
- G++ - option to don't register system/compiler data in binary.
- stdlib under Eclipse 3.2.2 w/ CDT & gcc 4.3.3
- Missing asm/io.h when compiling?
- mplayer with ordered chapter support...