View Full Version : Packaging and Compiling Programs

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  1. trying to install getting permission denied
  2. Rebuilding the PHP packages
  3. Building Firefox from source
  4. [SOLVED] Packaging a .deb from a binary file
  5. How to compile a program with static lib by automake?
  6. Error while loading shared libraries
  7. [SOLVED] Cannot find library libboost 1.34.1
  8. compiling Kdevplatform
  9. Error while ./configure
  10. help with Remix
  11. Compile error with makefile
  12. Can't detect gtk during compile...
  13. Do I Always Have To Compile A Python Script?
  14. Package Request: Keytouch 2.4.1
  15. Magic Ermine
  16. Attempting to package monsoon
  17. Need help with Upstart
  18. Why there is so "server" item in eclipse's preference?
  19. Problem in making .deb package
  20. Help with compiling for windows!
  21. [SOLVED] Packaging ruby programs...
  22. I just created a pbuilder environment, but what do I do with it now?
  23. A better setup for this package?
  24. Unable to upload home-made packages to my ppa
  25. [SOLVED] .desktop menu entries (ARGH!)
  26. Trying to make kernel .deb via prevu
  27. [SOLVED] [KDE]Compiling Notepad++ for Linux
  28. Hotplug missing on this system. Cannot Install
  29. gdb can't open coredump
  30. cross compiling rpcbind
  31. what is the order?
  32. Java Problem with Hardy
  33. Building a shared object in Anjuta
  34. what does it mean "building in local lpia" ?
  35. dpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source
  36. Compile with math.h,
  37. Octave scripting
  38. [SOLVED] no rule to make target
  39. advice on what language to use for building simple GUI in windows
  40. Creating script for debian packaging
  41. programming Java in UBuntu? which editor can I use
  42. Is it easy to pach a .deb package?
  43. [SOLVED] Compiling acerhk modules - scripting
  44. Can't compile C++ program with hid.h
  45. [SOLVED] problem with include path with g++
  46. [SOLVED] How do I install latest cmake ahead of ubuntu?
  47. Compiling Scanhill under Feisty.
  48. compiling stuff with ICC
  49. [SOLVED] Basic question about Ubuntu's capabilities of allowing source builds
  50. Basic question about proper directory to place source-compiled program in before make
  51. Updated Debian Packaging
  52. Compiler like Turbo C?
  53. Kernel Build Systems
  54. Can someone help me implement this patch?
  55. Dynamips & Dynagen
  56. [SOLVED] apt-get not installing my ppa packages
  57. [SOLVED] Install Perl module
  58. Preserve permissions on a file?
  59. Compile 32 bit library on x86_64 with Autotools
  60. [SOLVED] Compiling Firefox from source... Minefield??
  61. a eye candy based distribution of ubuntu
  62. c compiler
  63. <stdio.h> not found
  64. [SOLVED] Problems With Getting MySQL off the Ground
  65. [SOLVED] Help me to make windows exe from my python game!
  66. Compiling Gnometris from source
  67. Cannot find -lperl
  68. Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH from Makefile?
  69. Linux to MS Windows
  70. [SOLVED] compile glib2 from source / error with old glib
  71. problem when coding jsp
  72. autoconf issue -- configure linking issue
  73. USBCORE missing from kernel-
  74. Is there any tool to buildup a GUI installer?
  75. packaging a dictionary
  76. make-jpkg on x64
  77. Motivation to package maintainers
  78. c++ help
  79. Lots of errors while compiling good code
  80. [SOLVED] Compiling new Kernel - trouble mounting USB drive.
  81. QT headers not found.
  82. Trying to build c++ program with boost libraries
  83. running compiled program
  84. Fresh Install n Poopy Makes
  85. need a package archive like ppa, but for ppc...
  86. Install JMF with 8.04, error on GLIBC_2.1
  87. Packaging Ada software
  88. cross compiling issue
  89. Problems Running 'Agide'
  90. compiling virgin
  91. Premake + Make Always Rebuilds The Whole Thing
  92. trouble re-compiling php
  93. Wrong gcc search path
  94. HowTo - Make your program be listed in Add/Remove
  95. C++ Pointers confusion
  96. Self-compiled Pidgin "forgets" about installed protocals
  97. Whats Worng with My Simple C++ Code?
  98. python for windows
  99. Compiling Java Program Errors
  100. Building totem from source
  101. Remove junk in home dir after program deinstallation?
  102. creating exe from py within ubuntu
  103. easy help with a makefile
  104. gcc cpu optimizations
  105. [Request] Package for Gluplot!
  106. Link problem when using Eclipse CDT
  107. Building custom package with desktop backgrounds
  108. Help compiling iwar analog/voip war dialer
  109. Is there much of a difference between the more and less commands?
  110. sslexplorer community & Ubuntu 8.04
  111. Creating a linux browser?
  112. [SOLVED] Basic use of deb creator
  113. How to package a ruby script in a deb?
  114. Error with syscall6
  115. Error in postrm script
  116. Remove gconf keys
  117. [SOLVED] psptoolchain
  118. Network Simulator packing required
  119. Creating library debs
  120. Pbuilder won't build package
  121. Can't Automatically create menu entry
  122. When do you prefer REVU Days to happen?
  123. Nautilus 2.24 on Hardy
  124. c++ compiling problem.................
  125. problem in using meta characters
  126. [SOLVED] C# and linux
  127. Getting started with Mono in ubuntu
  128. Need Help for a MySQL++ problem
  129. error in compiling
  130. Mysql jdbc error!
  131. gcc compiling error
  132. [SOLVED] How to include cstdlib &amp; ctime when compiling a C program with GCC
  133. How can i compile gtkmm programs with geany?
  134. Use --disable-werror without configure?
  135. Problem: Compiling Taoframework from Hardy Source
  136. need to compile kmail from deb-src but debian/rules file has changed
  137. How to make work python2.6 and Tkinter (TCL/Tk) work ?
  138. c programming, Kdevelop & terminal
  139. Repository Packaging Problems
  140. Finding Dependencies For Programs
  141. Looking for a portable version of g++ for windows ?
  142. A graphical C compiler?
  143. /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lCg
  144. Compiling a module for PS3eye
  145. Compiling C++ classes into an so
  146. compiling c++ files
  147. libversion needed to compile python module
  148. Questions about packages in repos (n00b)
  149. How do i extract .package files?
  150. headers and configure.ac
  151. Dependecy to compile usplash
  152. How to install GCC 3.0 in Ubuntu 8.04
  153. i can't install ddd in ubuntu 8.04, help me!!!
  154. installing build-essentials
  155. What's wrong with packaging a Python app this way?
  156. Problem with update-initramfs in chroot
  157. [SOLVED] Change default user on live session
  158. [SOLVED] Anjuta Compile problems
  159. problem in c/c++ n java programming
  160. Teng package
  161. How to include Poco without precompilation?
  162. Need Help Compiling Linksys/Tomato Firmware
  163. Compiling ANN library with g++
  164. Modifying existing software (gthumb)
  165. Need help in compling C++ program using STL in ubuntu 8.10
  166. Help Compiling SMTSIM
  167. [SOLVED] PSPToolChain can not include libraries
  168. setting a general relative classpath in ubuntu
  169. [SOLVED] Having deb packages create desktop shortcuts.
  170. How to install gcc in Ubuntu 7.04 [Please help me]
  171. help in creating standard ".tar.gz" source code archive
  172. cc isn't working !! how to install cc package after a fresh setup of ubunu 8?
  173. Need a scriptable way to get font information
  174. Clutter ./configure problem
  175. compiling xspim in Intrepid - errors
  176. OpenGL/FreeGlut program compiles with no result
  177. [B]Compiling dr'ex source code...!?!?!?[/B]
  178. gtk-sharp2 installation problem
  179. Compile gnome-screensaver for Windows?
  180. Automatic deb updates?
  181. compiling Openoffice
  182. Bluez Application Development
  183. Compiling Clutter
  184. binutils-2.18 fails compiling for arm-elf
  185. Compiling Firefox 3.0 in 64-bit - buffer overflow?
  186. sun java/openjdk
  187. Compiling program with -mthumb and -mthumb-interwork instruction
  188. compiled on GCC2.9 but showing error on GCC4.1
  189. How to modify rules-file if source is in ckit/ckit-0.1/src/
  190. MySQL troubles
  191. stop rebuilding entire tree
  192. Howto compile ubuntu-packages on your own?
  193. Automatic "make"-- nautilus compiling script.
  194. [SOLVED] Make package out of java app FAQ?
  195. GTK library broken with C++?
  196. Building Monodevelop fails!!
  197. linking against libssl.a: relocation R_X86_64_32 error
  198. [ubutnu] Installing Gettext
  199. [SOLVED] Should Graphical Applications be verbose?
  200. Automatically installed libraries have the wrong name?
  201. schemas don't get completely unregistered
  202. digikam in 8.10 has too many dependencies.
  203. Packaging rsnapshot
  204. [SOLVED] Linux Logo for Distribution: Where is it?
  205. PSP toolchain Compile Issues
  206. [SOLVED] Cannot compile archaic C++ code with gcc
  207. Help compiling program with cairo
  208. Help with packaging Herwig++. Won't build.
  209. compiling and installing a kernel module
  210. libtool version mismatch error
  211. Glade help (linking menu items to objects)
  212. Driver will not compile
  213. linux-libc-dev_2.6.24-19.34_amd64.deb 404 Not Found
  214. How to Create a sound driver for My Laptop
  215. Errors while compiling
  216. error compiling audacity from source
  217. How to create Mac installers on Ubuntu?
  218. Where are my headers?
  219. How does one take only the needed stuff?
  220. Programming in C
  221. Calling a C function in Java: JNI gcc flags
  222. Create a Debian Package
  223. Please help!! Compiling errors.......
  224. Distribution on a CD
  225. Can't compile Kwebget - Qt 3.0.2 problem
  226. Compile a so module from a patch
  227. Appending a Text File With a Script
  228. oppenoffice cross compilation
  229. problem with configuring freeciv 2.1.8 (gtk problem)
  230. Help with License??
  231. Problems installing from .sh file.
  232. apache: compiling apr-utils with mysql driver
  233. SDL on ubuntu
  234. Is getch() function there in c library?
  235. my tree cant delete its children
  236. [SOLVED] Problem with creating Live-CD package!
  237. Is it possible to build packages for 64-bit on a 32-bit machine?
  238. [SOLVED] Package changes rejected on PPA; Section not valid
  239. Build errors on PPA; No such file or directory, etc.
  240. Can I do this with a deb package?
  241. ld-linx-x86-64 segfault Just After Compiling (but Only Once) What's Happening?
  242. okay i'm a toal n00b. need help with using the ubuntu compiler
  243. Sword of Fargoal compiling
  244. can't run shell scripts
  245. Hard-core user package
  246. Failed to fetch... Size mismatch
  247. how do i know what library to use
  248. in dpkg installation post script is return error
  249. Compile, Link and Debug C/C++
  250. Portable Coding Platform?