- Buildroot or moblin image-creator?
- coding in objC
- boot questions!
- Linux directory structure - where should shared data files be located?
- Eclipse won't start on first run.
- Really Fix It!
- Trying to build a deb for my anjuta application
- [SOLVED] compile a 32-big g77 code on AMD64
- Problem when compiling a Fortran-77 coded program (ISAAC)
- Any interest in this usenet poster program?
- Is there an easy way how to compile Xorg from vanilla sources?
- Help with Compiling FreeRa
- Lua 5.1.3: How to Make and Install?
- Compile galaxium IM
- GTk compilation
- Using local repository for pbuilder
- Compiling: undefined reference to `main'
- [SOLVED] Java compilation error after updates
- Compilling MPlayer with compiz patch
- Sgi Stl
- Compiling against webkit
- boost & dicomlib
- Probably stupid compiling question
- Pyamanith
- Banshee -1-0.98.1 Alpha
- derived packages
- gdebi-gtk error
- a C++ problem
- help me configure cmake please
- [SOLVED] 64 bit 7.10 compiled code segfaults in: "strlen () from /lib/libc.so.6"
- Self compiled alsa
- What means "Chroot Problem" in PPA?
- bash-script and wine
- compile 64 bit on a 32 bit using distcc
- 'Include' Not Found
- pbuilder problems
- What do I need to create C cross-platform development ?
- what to do to be able to compile c programs without internet connection
- How do I help translate a program?
- Compiling 32 bit mplayer on a 64 bit system?
- Cannot compile source code
- ERROR compiling xserver from git
- Putting a program on Ubuntu repositories
- Noob needs the help with programming.
- packaging new version of pam
- Need help in compiling firefox on ubuntu 7.10
- OpenBUGS
- Problem with Anjuta
- Compiling a module...
- SMPlayer failing to pass file to mplayer
- Weird GCC error
- Make configure script use lib32
- Where to put new liberary (new to c programming)
- Compiling driver for Safecom SWMULZ-5400
- Where to Start?
- weird program execution after compiling
- armv5tl-montavista-linuxeabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lpoppler-glib
- Complete Beginner Help needed
- conferencing software using java media framework
- poppler make error
- Create .deb package for Ubuntu in Eclipse?
- scp -r
- packaging tora with oracle support
- Problems compiling crrcsim parallel port kernel module
- Embedded Ubuntu
- Help on a old library
- Gah gcc on AMD64 not compiling 32 bit assembler code
- Require guidance on windows registry and Windows Script Component
- Compiling st2205tool and a gdlib error
- Compiling the OSS components of NX from NoMachine
- [SOLVED] Compiling Torque Game Engine gives an error about x86-64 instruction set
- Help compiling openpegasus 2.6.2 on ubuntu 7.10
- custom live cd kernel
- portaudio
- requisites for a compiz developer
- a better way to compile?
- Trying to build glibc packages (part of them)
- Openoffice.org 3.0 beta - testing
- cpan install Device::USB fails
- Deploying/Parsing/Building a self-created asp.NET website
- makefile help
- dpkg-genchanges: failure: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory
- Python email modules not found
- Pbuilder not picking up libming-dev build dependency
- ghost viewer 2.12.0 launching problem
- Package Manager update for Filezilla
- implicit declaration of function ‘memcpy’...
- C++ Compile
- Creating .deb without dpkg
- Need to compile X server and intel driver
- C++ Compiler errors
- Compiling emacs 22.2 with gtk from source
- help to create gmameui package
- OGG/Vorbis Linking Problems
- Trying to add library
- Stuff not working with new kernel
- Learn python packaging in the Ubuntu Open Week
- qmail errors
- compiling C++
- Installing Gcc G++
- Adobe Flash CS3
- [SOLVED] help me in compiling gnuarm
- Trying to compile kernel
- nptl libc vs the other libc
- fmod error in gcc
- Help me install SciTE without su ..
- problem with compiling
- OpenTouch
- GNU Patch Broke
- Unable to create Sid and Intrepid pbuilders
- C# Error on Console.WriteLine()
- Cross-compiling with mingw32
- local(personal) repo for checkinstalled compiled .deb:s
- script.mv dir from compiling dir 2subdir in path + create symlink for excutable
- How to modify/repack a binary-only package?
- /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL
- meta package
- Problem with "make install"-ing the Bless Hexeditor
- Optimizing and replacing a system package
- Compiling own programs
- Rules Regarding Software in Repositories
- Undefined Refrence when function is defined?
- Ubuntu package versions - updating
- Helping for packing Java application
- Packaging Python Programs
- How to downgrade GCC?
- Making a deb from python distutils project
- Compiling a new kernel into Ubuntu?
- Compiling with mingw32
- Packaging custom translations of application names separately - how?
- Packaging a game, easiest way to make it easy for ubuntu users to install?
- How to create .deb package ?
- [SOLVED] Unknown CMake command "kde4_install_icons"
- Compiling GnuCash
- local repository and dput/mini-dinstall?
- C compiler - problems using Geany
- lolcode compiler
- [SOLVED] Compiling for a 32-bit system on a 64-bit Ubuntu
- GUI version of make and make install?
- Need help with cmake
- G++ usage
- Compiling Ubuntu Modules for Custom Kernel
- How to create a .deb
- make file compilation, YACC!!
- Compiling Driver for Plextor-Videobox
- [SOLVED] Make and Run Problems
- MonoDevelop question
- complie kernel rt flavour
- Making msttcorefonts install offline
- anjuta glade walkthrough
- Adding shortcut automatically with .deb package
- Missing Ada.Calendar.Time_Zones?
- [SOLVED] Slow menu with custom kernel
- Help packaging my project for next release
- libgobject?
- Contributing to ubuntu
- Driver Module : serial/8250.c ReCompile
- [SOLVED] Making a C program with multiple files
- 'control' file
- PHP debian/modulelist file
- revision numbers in changelog
- Code::Blocks
- Handling Configuration Files of other packages
- Repackaging Upstream Packages and its consequence on receiving updates
- glibc-2.6.1 and glibc-2.7 can not be build correctly with apt-get source -b lib6
- how to compiling this code to *.so ?
- Creating a package of a web application
- Building kernel from sources. undefined references
- Compiling fortran with PLplot
- scripts for repackaging debian packages
- changing manpage helloworld example
- Audio-Related errors when compiling Torque Game Engine 1.5.0 in Hardy
- Site-specific settings package
- Can't compile speech tools! To use -fno-strict-aliasing maybe?
- How do i run a .php file
- Custom kernel compile on Hardy.
- Installation of MIME icons
- makefile//Result directories
- g++ won't compile - missing libs?
- [SOLVED] g++ won't compile - missing libs?
- gcc 4.2, how to use libdecnumber?
- Ubuntu libboost broken?
- [SOLVED] Installed Boost from source, but isn't found by linker
- undefined reference to 'init_disassemble_info
- [SOLVED] setting QTDIR and KDEDIR
- pkg-config + OpenGL
- making an Ubuntu 8.04 Live CD with custom kernel?
- [SOLVED] compile kicad from svn
- Repackaging help
- stuck at creating library package
- DSDT(ACPI) Fix incorporating into the Kernel
- C++ running exe
- rpm .so depency issue
- cmake create deb -not using checkinstall
- kb2kskype
- KDevelop C/C++
- Creating .deb packages
- getting custom packages installed using metapackages
- Weee.... Custom Restricted Modules Development.
- learning java, already compiled, what next?
- Compiling PolyPaint, GPL WhiteBoard
- Compilation problems
- hello world not compiling
- [B]autobuilder server[/B]
- DSSI-VST problem
- How can i find out what are the symbols in a .a file?
- Gcc cannot find ld
- Cocoa applications
- Demand for gmake?
- building firefox 3.0 with antialiasing (ubuntu 7.10)
- Which folder should I put my program into?
- Help, firefox 3 wont compile
- java runtime
- pbuilder cheatsheet
- Creating .deb containing bash scripts
- Creating Application Menu entries??!?!? I'm totally lost!
- How to compile linux-ubuntu-modules for a custom kernel
- simple fortran program compile problem
- Libraries in Code::Blocks
- Compiling a hello world program c++
- [SOLVED] Running JUnit tests
- Compiling Kernel
- some kernel questions
- Scratch File for Ubuntu
- Timer POSIX compilation error?
- dpkg-genchanges problems
- Good first package
- packeging kde3*5 svn for ppa
- Pbuilder build fails
- compiling simple error
- Dependencies broken for zlib1g-dev
- Libtool 2.2
- how to include 3rd party custom rpms into my customized live cd
- compile, link and run?
- Compiling without ./configure
- Compiling FBX SDK and WxWidgets together
- Compiling Nautilus against Tracker for tagging
- [newbie]Installing libs and removing them afterwards
- buidling embedded modules??
- openlibraries make error
- make error with gtkpod SVN. For the love of god help me.
- Looking to get to HKEY files.
- [SOLVED] lxml 2.1 w/ gcc 4.2.3
- Integrating php-java-bridge in dapper?
- Issues compiling glibc-2.7 on Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy)
- Checkinstall - overwrite existing files?
- [SOLVED] Understanding makefile error (Clutter)
- How to compile my own (newer) version of a program?
- [SOLVED] Bigloo 3.1a does not compile on Win32 with MinGW
- Compiling Clanlib 0.8.X in Ubuntu Hardy