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  1. how to use environment variable in configure
  2. How to compile modules for release kernels?
  3. Ubuntu package doesn't appear in dash
  4. /usr/include/sys/ is gone. I have compiling problem.
  5. Ubuntu 12.04 graphical interface is gone
  6. Command line method of removing LVM during installation?
  7. Resetting debconf values bash
  8. Packaging commercial software
  9. Trying to build libimobiledevice 1.2 on 14.04
  10. Install some metapackage dependencies*without recommends
  11. Compiling zdoom sources halts because SDL include folder is NOTFOUND
  12. gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-V' and 'qversion'
  13. Rebuilding exisiting linux kernel on hardware(microzed zynq)
  14. Trying to compile GNUPG from source, having some issues
  15. iOS Toolchain for Linux utils make failing
  16. [SOLVED] Source format '3.0 (quilt)' not supported by target series y-series
  17. Building Linux Kernel Module Package
  18. Remove .sh
  19. Unable to install wimlib
  20. Q: Compilation problems for SVOX pico2wave on Ubuntu 14.04
  21. Help with Python IDLE
  22. Ubuntu kernel compilation error
  23. Compiling Ubuntu
  24. Can't Compile/Install Libusb 1.0.9
  25. Error while trying to compile source package
  26. Deb package only contains doc folder
  27. cross comiler error while building android ROM
  28. Kernel compile without clean
  29. What Alternative Java Compilers are Available for Ubuntu?
  30. Launchpad invoking 64-bit programme in 32-bit build environment
  31. How to make launchpad builder to use g++-4.9 in trusty
  32. Adb freezes Ubuntu
  33. Problems with Python Idle program
  34. Compiling driver error: include not found
  35. .deb packaging - different control file per architecture
  36. Make error when trying to build program
  37. chmod of files in .deb
  38. create an installer for a custom LAMP package
  39. Code::Blocks 16.01
  40. Compilation problem, cmake and FreeCAD source code
  41. Why i get undefined references for all pcap functions?
  42. How to create DPKG Package?
  43. SDL2 problem compiling 32 bit program
  44. OS compilationn
  45. experience with publishing web-apps to store?
  46. [SOLVED] libcurlpp linking problems
  47. Problem in creating a deb package in Ubuntu
  48. [14.04] CPack builds broken DEB
  49. Problem Editing .img file, no space left on device!
  50. Unmet dependencies trying to install crossbuild-essential-armhf
  51. How to add .desktop icon under program list?
  52. Why wxWidgets naming change?
  53. Compiling and running 32-bit programs on 64-bit flavor
  54. Building qBitorrent with qt5 fails (qt4 works)
  55. github to launchpad, scons source autobuild
  56. [C++] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
  57. Meeting package requirements for libsdl1.2-dev:i386 on an x86-64 system
  58. Trying to create executables fails (c++ compiler not working)
  59. Can't make deb-pkg linux kernel 3.18.30
  60. 14.04 LTS - GNU C/C++ compiler missing g++
  61. Coding Ubuntu touch apps, and other mobile apps
  62. [SOLVED] Prevent GCC from fixing my Mistakes
  63. copy directory using install file
  64. unable to install gstreamer-sdk-dev (Ubuntu 16.04)
  65. unable compiling program using qt 5.6
  66. Building a Unity3d .snappy package?
  67. [SOLVED] Python 3.5 problem
  68. How to implement insertion and deletion operations on string in the following program
  69. i am trying to package openssl 1.0.2h for trusty/amd64
  70. apt-get keeps updating the same package over and over
  71. Brand new installation of 14.04 with upgrades, and g++ with gtkmm NG
  72. Can anyone help with FLASH Code: make Error1 and hdf5
  73. [SOLVED] Speed-up custom kernel build process.
  74. Error in compiling vasp 5.3
  75. make: Nothing to be done for $program
  76. Where to store application code?
  77. off-the-shelf post-install tooling for installing daemon scripts?
  78. Package 'gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf' has no installation candidate
  79. Looking for gcc-arm-none-eabi in all the wrong places
  80. [SOLVED] /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
  81. NOt able to install lsb-core
  82. Mingw cross compiler undefined reference to __gcov
  83. How to compile seccomp test program
  84. Boost application build fails in precise.
  85. issues with make when compiling
  86. makefile, cpp-6, missing debug symbols
  87. Lubuntu
  88. Ubuntu 16.04 Renaming Packages
  89. change default directory to store configurations
  90. Sharing a .deb package with the community
  91. Compile PHP 5.3.8 with checkdnsrr() undefined function
  92. Compiling RTMPDump with 64-bit system.
  93. Executable binary is now shared library
  94. Turning .bat into .sh
  95. cannot find -lluabindd when trying to compile S-Daver project
  96. Cross-compiling
  97. Compiling Testdisk 7.1 from source code on ubuntu 16.04 64bit Failed
  98. Compiler issue with Ubuntu 16.04
  99. static linking curl
  100. [SOLVED] How to create a .deb package of qt5ct version 0.25?
  101. Compiling 32-bit code with gcc failure
  102. Hello, I am not able to install VTK in UBUNTU Xenial 16.04.
  103. Repack a game in a .deb-package to a snap, problems with audio.
  104. Assign name to kernel version
  105. [SOLVED] Compiling a single C file in deb package
  106. [SOLVED] Creating deb file locally: dependencies
  107. Packaging a Ruby on Rails app for 16.04
  108. Issues packaging Qt5 project
  109. 96boards OpenHours: demo with Ubuntu Core, ROS, dragonboard and turtlebot
  110. gnu oleo build error
  111. pip compiling vs not
  112. undefined reference errors when compiling with enet
  113. xuggle for java?
  114. How to run install.sh scripts
  115. Running a new kernel, kernel panic
  116. [SOLVED] Load different version of libfdk-aac.so than ldd is showing
  117. how can I build with "nmmintrin.h" on ubuntu 14.04?
  118. snapcraft - What's wrong with my snapcraft.yaml file?
  119. [SOLVED]Make Error
  120. trying to compile a simple 'hellow world' kernel module in ubuntu
  121. gcc compilation error: can't link required Gtk2.0 libraries
  122. NASM: Cannot find symbol _start
  123. Stencyl Compile Error 17.04
  124. Simplescalar miBench Compilation
  125. php5.3 compile problem (16.04lts)
  126. [SOLVED] Help to compile the WaveWatch3 code
  127. /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lvalgrind
  128. Can't build a kernel
  129. Missing sys/event.h when compiling PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 16.04
  130. [First MOTU Patch] Patch does not seem to apply to built .deb
  131. I need help to compiling ChatScript
  132. Compiling VICE with glxWaitVideoSyncSGI
  133. OpenCV should be version 3.3.0 by now
  134. NetBeans IDE 8.1 Couldn't connect to accessibility bus
  135. Creating .deb package that depends on a github-hosted dependency
  136. Cannot open executable -config with simplescalar sim-outorder?
  137. Can't link against libcurl statically
  138. Compiling Ubuntu 3.14 for PS3
  139. Compile errors with cmake in Kubuntu 17.10
  140. Unable to compile C++ program in Anjuta
  141. readelf -d gives different output for the same c++ shared folder
  142. is building a .deb from .sh script
  143. Program does nothing
  144. How to compile glibc with "disable-multi-arch" option on Ubuntu
  145. How to provide packages for multiple Ubuntu series at same time?
  146. Got error when compiling a program with gtest using cmake
  147. Packaging a finite element c++ library
  148. Libc6 Package not installing - Help
  149. Package software
  150. f77 not found - but not mentioned in the Makefile, and alias defined
  151. Regarding compilation of f77
  152. compile error for rocket raid 620 card ubuntu 17.10
  153. What's $(MAKE) or ${MAKE} actually in makefile doing ?
  154. cant run mpi program because library not found error
  155. Ubuntu 16.0.4; Building stable Debian tool chain on Ubuntu for ARM
  156. How to create Launchpad PPA from Ubuntu binary
  157. How to build a software along with its dependency from source?
  158. compiling a script for climate data modeling
  159. Package xcb not found
  160. Is it possible to use git inside debian/rules or convert from ...?
  161. Having trouble installing pyqt5 on ubuntu
  162. Gambas3
  163. Cannot install packages for armhf on amd64
  164. [SOLVED] launchpad: dpkg-buildpackage: error
  165. [SOLVED] BURST PPA error and rejection email. Please Help
  166. CC1 ERROR after running the make command
  167. patch prerequisite
  168. debootstrap-dist can't find gpgv
  169. Kernel build name
  170. Compile problems
  171. Error compiling Unity
  172. Can I install .deb dependencies automatically?
  173. Which Ubuntu 18.4 dev package includes gdbus.h?
  174. Can someone help with a simple script
  175. Installing package
  176. trying to learn c++ but g++ not working
  177. CMake, and Qt env variable issue
  178. Compiling RT Kernel
  179. Handling duplicate package names in multi-release repos?
  180. Concorde and PIE changes in Ubuntu: build fails.
  181. a C fille including a header file that in turn includes another header file
  182. Installing from a local .deb file AND installing dependencies?
  183. How to compile a windows compatible exe under Ubuntu
  184. [recipe build #2332996] of ~ipfinder ipfinder-cli in eoan: Failed to build
  185. Package nvidia-kernel-source-435
  186. Need help in forking a project in Launchpad and/or packaging it
  187. New to packaging .debs. Looking for a pointer on something. :)
  188. unable to find vtk files
  189. Is there a way to upload source to Launchpad?
  190. 20.04 Unable to recompile kernel module -> no rule for .mod
  191. [SOLVED] Compiling QMC2 on Ubuntu 20.04
  192. [SOLVED] Compiling on HWE system, running on non-HWE system
  193. Needing to build package with debugging information
  194. Compiling glibc on Ubuntu 18.04
  195. Error creating the package: cannot create directory ‘/opt/simplest_studio’
  196. A snap question
  197. libc issues
  198. Gnome Builder Won't Build
  199. failure installing compiled deb file
  200. Failure repacking RPM-package
  201. [SOLVED] missing file
  202. [SOLVED] Compiling Netplan.IO from source Make command exits with an error
  203. debconf questions only asked in terminal, not in GUI frontends
  204. Using boot USB Ubuntu to repair Ubuntu Install
  205. [SOLVED] compilation of SSL Squid proxy server
  206. Information request: How "easy" is it to add Debian package (experimental) to PPA?
  207. Need SocketW package from Centos in Ubuntu?
  208. Guidelines to package Ubuntu for software release
  209. How to manage system updates and upgrades
  210. Perl certificate
  211. Building Linux kernel (in Home folder)
  212. apt-cacher-ng ... were to ask questions in case of errors
  213. Add dependency in deb file
  214. compiling arrayfire examples: undefined reference to cungtsqr_row_
  215. Building debian packages for all architectures from one package and scanning to repos
  216. Deploying C++ Apps On Different g++ versions
  217. How to fix build yocto error ?
  218. modprobe: FATAL: Module snd-aloop not found
  219. Help creating snapstore apps, need info on the app icon...
  220. Error "No rule to make 'XXX. Bin', stop" when using make to make bin file
  221. Sample Snapstore app?
  222. error with sudo-ldap package
  223. Missing -> cciobjc, but !
  224. Issue packaging Rust program for PPA
  225. help compiling baresip
  226. libgccjit packages confusion
  227. recompiling Ubuntu kernel from source package
  228. Trying to ld a program (assembly language)(make executable from .o)
  229. old GCC needed to recreate old project
  230. kernel compile changelog error
  231. BASH read directory contents into an array and execute command
  232. Ratfor not found???
  233. PNG Icons not displaying on Pop OS and other distros
  234. Distributing improved ppa-purge