- how to use environment variable in configure
- How to compile modules for release kernels?
- Ubuntu package doesn't appear in dash
- /usr/include/sys/ is gone. I have compiling problem.
- Ubuntu 12.04 graphical interface is gone
- Command line method of removing LVM during installation?
- Resetting debconf values bash
- Packaging commercial software
- Trying to build libimobiledevice 1.2 on 14.04
- Install some metapackage dependencies*without recommends
- Compiling zdoom sources halts because SDL include folder is NOTFOUND
- gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-V' and 'qversion'
- Rebuilding exisiting linux kernel on hardware(microzed zynq)
- Trying to compile GNUPG from source, having some issues
- iOS Toolchain for Linux utils make failing
- [SOLVED] Source format '3.0 (quilt)' not supported by target series y-series
- Building Linux Kernel Module Package
- Remove .sh
- Unable to install wimlib
- Q: Compilation problems for SVOX pico2wave on Ubuntu 14.04
- Help with Python IDLE
- Ubuntu kernel compilation error
- Compiling Ubuntu
- Can't Compile/Install Libusb 1.0.9
- Error while trying to compile source package
- Deb package only contains doc folder
- cross comiler error while building android ROM
- Kernel compile without clean
- What Alternative Java Compilers are Available for Ubuntu?
- Launchpad invoking 64-bit programme in 32-bit build environment
- How to make launchpad builder to use g++-4.9 in trusty
- Adb freezes Ubuntu
- Problems with Python Idle program
- Compiling driver error: include not found
- .deb packaging - different control file per architecture
- Make error when trying to build program
- chmod of files in .deb
- create an installer for a custom LAMP package
- Code::Blocks 16.01
- Compilation problem, cmake and FreeCAD source code
- Why i get undefined references for all pcap functions?
- How to create DPKG Package?
- SDL2 problem compiling 32 bit program
- OS compilationn
- experience with publishing web-apps to store?
- [SOLVED] libcurlpp linking problems
- Problem in creating a deb package in Ubuntu
- [14.04] CPack builds broken DEB
- Problem Editing .img file, no space left on device!
- Unmet dependencies trying to install crossbuild-essential-armhf
- How to add .desktop icon under program list?
- Why wxWidgets naming change?
- Compiling and running 32-bit programs on 64-bit flavor
- Building qBitorrent with qt5 fails (qt4 works)
- github to launchpad, scons source autobuild
- [C++] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- Meeting package requirements for libsdl1.2-dev:i386 on an x86-64 system
- Trying to create executables fails (c++ compiler not working)
- Can't make deb-pkg linux kernel 3.18.30
- 14.04 LTS - GNU C/C++ compiler missing g++
- Coding Ubuntu touch apps, and other mobile apps
- [SOLVED] Prevent GCC from fixing my Mistakes
- copy directory using install file
- unable to install gstreamer-sdk-dev (Ubuntu 16.04)
- unable compiling program using qt 5.6
- Building a Unity3d .snappy package?
- [SOLVED] Python 3.5 problem
- How to implement insertion and deletion operations on string in the following program
- i am trying to package openssl 1.0.2h for trusty/amd64
- apt-get keeps updating the same package over and over
- Brand new installation of 14.04 with upgrades, and g++ with gtkmm NG
- Can anyone help with FLASH Code: make Error1 and hdf5
- [SOLVED] Speed-up custom kernel build process.
- Error in compiling vasp 5.3
- make: Nothing to be done for $program
- Where to store application code?
- off-the-shelf post-install tooling for installing daemon scripts?
- Package 'gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf' has no installation candidate
- Looking for gcc-arm-none-eabi in all the wrong places
- [SOLVED] /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
- NOt able to install lsb-core
- Mingw cross compiler undefined reference to __gcov
- How to compile seccomp test program
- Boost application build fails in precise.
- issues with make when compiling
- makefile, cpp-6, missing debug symbols
- Lubuntu
- Ubuntu 16.04 Renaming Packages
- change default directory to store configurations
- Sharing a .deb package with the community
- Compile PHP 5.3.8 with checkdnsrr() undefined function
- Compiling RTMPDump with 64-bit system.
- Executable binary is now shared library
- Turning .bat into .sh
- cannot find -lluabindd when trying to compile S-Daver project
- Cross-compiling
- Compiling Testdisk 7.1 from source code on ubuntu 16.04 64bit Failed
- Compiler issue with Ubuntu 16.04
- static linking curl
- [SOLVED] How to create a .deb package of qt5ct version 0.25?
- Compiling 32-bit code with gcc failure
- Hello, I am not able to install VTK in UBUNTU Xenial 16.04.
- Repack a game in a .deb-package to a snap, problems with audio.
- Assign name to kernel version
- [SOLVED] Compiling a single C file in deb package
- [SOLVED] Creating deb file locally: dependencies
- Packaging a Ruby on Rails app for 16.04
- Issues packaging Qt5 project
- 96boards OpenHours: demo with Ubuntu Core, ROS, dragonboard and turtlebot
- gnu oleo build error
- pip compiling vs not
- undefined reference errors when compiling with enet
- xuggle for java?
- How to run install.sh scripts
- Running a new kernel, kernel panic
- [SOLVED] Load different version of libfdk-aac.so than ldd is showing
- how can I build with "nmmintrin.h" on ubuntu 14.04?
- snapcraft - What's wrong with my snapcraft.yaml file?
- [SOLVED]Make Error
- trying to compile a simple 'hellow world' kernel module in ubuntu
- gcc compilation error: can't link required Gtk2.0 libraries
- NASM: Cannot find symbol _start
- Stencyl Compile Error 17.04
- Simplescalar miBench Compilation
- php5.3 compile problem (16.04lts)
- [SOLVED] Help to compile the WaveWatch3 code
- /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lvalgrind
- Can't build a kernel
- Missing sys/event.h when compiling PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 16.04
- [First MOTU Patch] Patch does not seem to apply to built .deb
- I need help to compiling ChatScript
- Compiling VICE with glxWaitVideoSyncSGI
- OpenCV should be version 3.3.0 by now
- NetBeans IDE 8.1 Couldn't connect to accessibility bus
- Creating .deb package that depends on a github-hosted dependency
- Cannot open executable -config with simplescalar sim-outorder?
- Can't link against libcurl statically
- Compiling Ubuntu 3.14 for PS3
- Compile errors with cmake in Kubuntu 17.10
- Unable to compile C++ program in Anjuta
- readelf -d gives different output for the same c++ shared folder
- is building a .deb from .sh script
- Program does nothing
- How to compile glibc with "disable-multi-arch" option on Ubuntu
- How to provide packages for multiple Ubuntu series at same time?
- Got error when compiling a program with gtest using cmake
- Packaging a finite element c++ library
- Libc6 Package not installing - Help
- Package software
- f77 not found - but not mentioned in the Makefile, and alias defined
- Regarding compilation of f77
- compile error for rocket raid 620 card ubuntu 17.10
- What's $(MAKE) or ${MAKE} actually in makefile doing ?
- cant run mpi program because library not found error
- Ubuntu 16.0.4; Building stable Debian tool chain on Ubuntu for ARM
- How to create Launchpad PPA from Ubuntu binary
- How to build a software along with its dependency from source?
- compiling a script for climate data modeling
- Package xcb not found
- Is it possible to use git inside debian/rules or convert from ...?
- Having trouble installing pyqt5 on ubuntu
- Gambas3
- Cannot install packages for armhf on amd64
- [SOLVED] launchpad: dpkg-buildpackage: error
- [SOLVED] BURST PPA error and rejection email. Please Help
- CC1 ERROR after running the make command
- patch prerequisite
- debootstrap-dist can't find gpgv
- Kernel build name
- Compile problems
- Error compiling Unity
- Can I install .deb dependencies automatically?
- Which Ubuntu 18.4 dev package includes gdbus.h?
- Can someone help with a simple script
- Installing package
- trying to learn c++ but g++ not working
- CMake, and Qt env variable issue
- Compiling RT Kernel
- Handling duplicate package names in multi-release repos?
- Concorde and PIE changes in Ubuntu: build fails.
- a C fille including a header file that in turn includes another header file
- Installing from a local .deb file AND installing dependencies?
- How to compile a windows compatible exe under Ubuntu
- [recipe build #2332996] of ~ipfinder ipfinder-cli in eoan: Failed to build
- Package nvidia-kernel-source-435
- Need help in forking a project in Launchpad and/or packaging it
- New to packaging .debs. Looking for a pointer on something. :)
- unable to find vtk files
- Is there a way to upload source to Launchpad?
- 20.04 Unable to recompile kernel module -> no rule for .mod
- [SOLVED] Compiling QMC2 on Ubuntu 20.04
- [SOLVED] Compiling on HWE system, running on non-HWE system
- Needing to build package with debugging information
- Compiling glibc on Ubuntu 18.04
- Error creating the package: cannot create directory ‘/opt/simplest_studio’
- A snap question
- libc issues
- Gnome Builder Won't Build
- failure installing compiled deb file
- Failure repacking RPM-package
- [SOLVED] missing file
- [SOLVED] Compiling Netplan.IO from source Make command exits with an error
- debconf questions only asked in terminal, not in GUI frontends
- Using boot USB Ubuntu to repair Ubuntu Install
- [SOLVED] compilation of SSL Squid proxy server
- Information request: How "easy" is it to add Debian package (experimental) to PPA?
- Need SocketW package from Centos in Ubuntu?
- Guidelines to package Ubuntu for software release
- How to manage system updates and upgrades
- Perl certificate
- Building Linux kernel (in Home folder)
- apt-cacher-ng ... were to ask questions in case of errors
- Add dependency in deb file
- compiling arrayfire examples: undefined reference to cungtsqr_row_
- Building debian packages for all architectures from one package and scanning to repos
- Deploying C++ Apps On Different g++ versions
- How to fix build yocto error ?
- modprobe: FATAL: Module snd-aloop not found
- Help creating snapstore apps, need info on the app icon...
- Error "No rule to make 'XXX. Bin', stop" when using make to make bin file
- Sample Snapstore app?
- error with sudo-ldap package
- Missing -> cciobjc, but !
- Issue packaging Rust program for PPA
- help compiling baresip
- libgccjit packages confusion
- recompiling Ubuntu kernel from source package
- Trying to ld a program (assembly language)(make executable from .o)
- old GCC needed to recreate old project
- kernel compile changelog error
- BASH read directory contents into an array and execute command
- Ratfor not found???
- PNG Icons not displaying on Pop OS and other distros
- Distributing improved ppa-purge