- android sdk-adb question
- [SOLVED] makefile with header file issue
- GNU tool chain for ARM
- c++ compiling issue
- [SOLVED] Add lpthread in makefile
- Compile gnome-control-center from source?
- Errors building Unity from source (12.10)
- No support for jpeg_reset_huff_decode in libtiff ?
- [SOLVED] Building old kernel headers for cross compiler
- [SOLVED] importing OpenCV in Python 3.2
- Problem when packaging my app (dh_make missing file)
- Compile error: undefined reference to `usb_control_msg'
- Problem compiling Wine on 12.04 x64 --- Fail building on x64, then no X devel files
- Setting Up config.h Defines from configure Script
- [SOLVED] Linking Problem while Compiling glib
- Compiling cheese dev branch gnome-3-2
- [SOLVED] Can't compile from source anymore
- feature request: ffmpeg mainline
- ./configure parameter
- Creating Deb package from Mono application
- [SOLVED] Creating SOURCE and binary package from scripts
- Combining Two Static Libraries
- Compiling Autotrace with libpng15
- Help! I need a .so from source!
- [SOLVED] Can't Compile w/G++
- Create an Upstream Tarball
- Linking Problem while Compiling gettext
- help with desktop entry in package
- Convert an existing DEB package to use a more up to date official source of a program
- Customized Ubuntu kernel installation problem
- building fcoe-utils from source,
- precompiled crosstool-ng toolchain failed on ubuntu server 12.04
- how to compile filter statically in cups
- Re: ./conifgure error while building Empathy
- compiling from command line
- Setting up eclipse for C++
- Error while executing server program in rpcgen
- Compiling libimobiledevice
- Launchpad can't build my package, EVEN THOUGH THERE'S NOTHING TO BUILD.
- availablePrinters() function does not work on UBUNTU 12.04(64 bit) with Qt 5.0.0 (64
- Error linking to lapack has appeared in 12.04
- Cups Server Error: client-error-document-format-not-supporte
- Linking against libs in non-standard libdir
- Setting up development enviroment
- Error compiling xchat
- How to setup debian/control to force updating a library?
- how can I open a rails project in gmate?
- ./configure and libssl-dev
- How does this get compiled? Python C Extension
- Ubuntu 12.04LTS and Lotus Notes 8.5
- compiler specified in makefile isn't found
- make: *** [all] Error 2 while installing webcam driver
- How to use same personal key across multiple computers?
- Can't add my own ppa to pbuilder
- How re-mapping gnome-terminal shortcut keys
- What to do after compiling kernel
- possible to remove the ruby-rvm package entirely?
- aria2c cross compile for android on ubuntu
- start app on login
- PyInstaller and Python 2.7.3 ? (.py to .exe)
- compiling composer for windows (in any way possible)
- Cannot install focus writer
- Building NUX from Source (to Build Unity from Source)
- Unable to run 32 bit assembly programs on 64 bit ubuntu Nasm / ld
- c++ terminal compiling problem
- CPU-specific flags when building from source?
- Packaging help for a beginner
- Ubuntu + NetBeans + JDK Error
- c++ header files
- c++ ( and geany ) compile problem ( missing g++ )
- Webkit2/Webkit2.h -- what package?
- [SOLVED] c++ header files
- Beginning a Career?
- /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llibopencv_highgui.so
- Compatible "app-bundle" approach
- Java-gnome 4.1.2 unique.h no such file or directory
- dh_shlibdeps cannot find symbol
- Tracker make error
- libgfortran.so.3: version GFROTRAN_1.4 not found
- Cross Compilig Issue of udev-151 for MIPS Little Endain Architecture
- Problems compiling
- Error packaging python program
- Compiling BFTsim
- error while loading shared libraries: libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared obje
- compile error with pbuilder
- Why is Eclipse Juno running very slow?
- Getting into development
- Help compiling Scilab Image Processing Toolbox
- apt-cache shows old version of cmake?
- Lintian errors with Ubuntu 12.10
- dpkg-buildpackage and fakeroot and private git access
- problem during write data to thermal printer using cups filter.
- Compilation error while executing make
- Cross-compile from Windows to Ubuntu
- JAR to DEB
- Builds taking a very long time in Launchpad
- GNU C++ struct _attribute_ packed...compile error
- Ultimate ++ - compiling
- Packaging Ruby on Rails App with deb or rpm
- Packaging deb with license using prebuilt binaries
- How to Write Correct copyright File?
- chkconfig or update-rc.d for setting up a new service?
- application doesn't run
- gfortran dependency hell
- error: C compiler cannot create executables
- Debian package for the software-center
- g++: error: missing argument '-l'
- error: argument to -O should be a non-negative integer
- Can't get my program to use my modified glib
- How to get started with OpenGL on Linux with C++?
- request pointers on how to get started with opengl under unity/weyland
- Qt5 packaging problem
- Program compilation inside Ubuntu Server 12.04
- Mingw-w64 cross-compiler errors.
- Linphone: Terminate Existing Call With New Incoming Call
- Help needed on compiling my C code using gcc
- Compiling netcat-openbsd
- error compilation
- Problem with GFortran
- Help build the program under dcp2icc 64amd
- Creating installation package for python application
- issues packaging a QT 5 a application
- Python- Pygame
- IBM ServeRAID Management debian conversion- Packaging help.
- Simple packaging question
- Recompile unity without launcher
- compile java code
- Voip with Linphone and G729
- empty.c:(.text+0x10f8): undefined reference to `openpty'
- Re: Install and configure quagga
- which rt_preempt patch to take
- Cannot build game from source
- how i can compile firefox on ubuntu 12.10 ? how i can set optimization for i7
- activate custom CFLAGS & CXXFLAGS on dpkg-buildpackage system (for firefox20 build)
- Cannot compile Gnofract4d 3.1.3 from source code
- Helllp! Firefox20 compiled. Checkinstall giving core dump at hyphenation files
- Notifiying users that a restart is required.
- compiling DSSI plugins.
- how to from 12.04 LTS ubuntu desktop restore to ubuntu server?
- Error compiling MAME.
- DocuCanvas
- updating glibc
- [Solved] Problem with dh_python2 --compile-all
- Self-Signed package still gets apt authentication warning
- package control file - how to automatically install depending packages
- GCC paths WRONG but CodeBlocks Compiles OK??
- C code problem with ALSA
- Java image path problem
- 13.04 appears to have a special way with include-paths
- Problem compiling wxsvg-1.1.14
- how to receave info with html
- Problem compiling DVDstyler-2.5b3
- Compiling NS3 C++ program environment variables
- Help setting up gtk+ on Ubuntu 12.04
- MonkeyStudio signal and slot connectivity for Python
- trouble configuring - going old and senile
- Linux Kernel module build “make modules” get error
- Makefile and Dependencies
- make: *** [all] Error 2
- compile squid3.1.19 from source, error: Neither SASL nor SASL2 found
- Need help understanding debuild error
- Portable packing for Linux
- makefile -D option
- compiling gimp on lubuntu 12.04 PowerPC! G3
- cmake reports gcc is broken. Where do I start?
- Error while trying to compile with gcc -m32
- cannot compile bgrabitmap in lazarus 1.0.8, fpc2.6.2, ubuntu 13.04
- Packaging repo definition and packages in a meta-package
- device driver
- Packing JAVA to .deb executable package
- problem with pysol
- Is it possible to move compiled programs ?
- upgrade or dist-upgrade?
- Resigning .deb packages
- Make a compatible binary with differents versions of Ubuntu
- Update installed package from new source
- Packaging .deb files with quickly.
- GDM tar.gz Issue
- Got an error when tried to compile the linux kernel with ubuntu 12.04
- Error compiling DeSmuME
- Application runs fine from the IDE but when run from the exe, the app crashes
- qt or dbus problem?
- [SOLVED] Compiled Awesome WM won't start
- about intall pyclewn
- Help me about /usr/local/bin/as !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Help me build glib2.0 libarary (I'm use glib-2.36.3) for ARM use arm-linux-gcc !!!!
- Can't find version.h
- unable to compile delegate, forkpty error
- How to compile a ns-3 simulation code which uses GMP library
- Adding a new SYSCTL variable to the kernel
- Trouble building package using GSL
- Having problems compiling Squid with SSL and ecap
- Building Oracle Client 11gR2 on 13.04 fails can't find sys/types.h
- Problem compiling c script (driver example: hello world)
- I can't create an instance of File class in java
- Beginners lsqlite3 problem
- general compilation problems on raring
- Problem compiling wxsvg 1.1.15
- .gtk-bookmarks editing by shell script
- self-compilation of procps on Ubuntu 64-bit
- Error while compiling Tibia server (CMAKE ERROR)
- problem in make
- fatal error: No such file or directory compilation terminated
- Creating a package like flashplugin-installer or netflix-desktop
- [SOLVED] make problems
- Makefile - Seperator Not Found
- compiling multi-arch packages with apt-build
- Distributing your software professionally in ubuntu?
- Linking errors when compiling a simple glfw program
- [SOLVED] can't exec "pyversions" && dh_auto_clean: failed to run pyversions
- cross-compilation for armhf: problem finding linker library
- Email::Send unable to install
- gcc-3.4 installed on ubuntu 13.04 but not found
- [SOLVED] Compiling Cirkuit - Qt5 & Qt4 collisions
- Ubuntu with luarocks/sqlite3
- SDL2 - Undefined references
- Creating custom .deb packages from source packages
- Debian Control File: How to tell amd64 arch systems they depend on libudev1:i386
- "undefined reference" with g++ compiler in 12.04
- 32 bit libraries under 64 bit machine
- Missing Headers / configure problems
- Compiled Kernel and problems with the network
- Freeglut and Qt creator
- NS3 (C++) new module (example and tutorial)
- Permission denied while building package
- Return to castle Wolfenstein - XF86DGADirectMouse undeclared
- compiler error in geany C++
- Unable to Compile Gmote Source on Ubuntu 12
- *.so warming: not found
- /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxrandr
- C++ Compiling
- cmake error on kubuntu
- Where can I find these kernel files?
- Compiling C code for FFmpeg on Ubuntu
- need help with RTAI C library
- Error compiling VLC Players on Ubuntu 12.04.
- [SOLVED] Compiling old driver for 12.04 kernel needs rt_linux.h
- QtCreator help pages are messed up
- [SOLVED] Packaging newer versions of software and "Apps Available for Download"
- ar & ranlib commands in Makefile
- Problem finding gnuradio-core
- realtek firmware not compling
- How to install PaperBox in Ubuntu 12.04
- gedit R command history issue
- [SOLVED] Where are the trig declarations?
- [SOLVED] need help compiling a plug-in for xfce4
- Cross Compile Help
- DAHDI 2.6.1 does not build in Linux kernel 3.8.0-29-generic
- use newer version of dev package on older version of ubuntu
- Using MAKE and CMAKE for FreeCAD and Open Cascade (OCE)