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  1. android sdk-adb question
  2. [SOLVED] makefile with header file issue
  3. GNU tool chain for ARM
  4. c++ compiling issue
  5. [SOLVED] Add lpthread in makefile
  6. Compile gnome-control-center from source?
  7. Errors building Unity from source (12.10)
  8. No support for jpeg_reset_huff_decode in libtiff ?
  9. [SOLVED] Building old kernel headers for cross compiler
  10. [SOLVED] importing OpenCV in Python 3.2
  11. Problem when packaging my app (dh_make missing file)
  12. Compile error: undefined reference to `usb_control_msg'
  13. Problem compiling Wine on 12.04 x64 --- Fail building on x64, then no X devel files
  14. Setting Up config.h Defines from configure Script
  15. [SOLVED] Linking Problem while Compiling glib
  16. Compiling cheese dev branch gnome-3-2
  17. [SOLVED] Can't compile from source anymore
  18. feature request: ffmpeg mainline
  19. ./configure parameter
  20. Creating Deb package from Mono application
  21. [SOLVED] Creating SOURCE and binary package from scripts
  22. Combining Two Static Libraries
  23. Compiling Autotrace with libpng15
  24. Help! I need a .so from source!
  25. [SOLVED] Can't Compile w/G++
  26. Create an Upstream Tarball
  27. Linking Problem while Compiling gettext
  28. help with desktop entry in package
  29. Convert an existing DEB package to use a more up to date official source of a program
  30. Customized Ubuntu kernel installation problem
  31. building fcoe-utils from source,
  32. precompiled crosstool-ng toolchain failed on ubuntu server 12.04
  33. how to compile filter statically in cups
  34. Re: ./conifgure error while building Empathy
  35. compiling from command line
  36. Setting up eclipse for C++
  37. Error while executing server program in rpcgen
  38. Compiling libimobiledevice
  39. Launchpad can't build my package, EVEN THOUGH THERE'S NOTHING TO BUILD.
  40. availablePrinters() function does not work on UBUNTU 12.04(64 bit) with Qt 5.0.0 (64
  41. Error linking to lapack has appeared in 12.04
  42. Cups Server Error: client-error-document-format-not-supporte
  43. Linking against libs in non-standard libdir
  44. Setting up development enviroment
  45. Error compiling xchat
  46. How to setup debian/control to force updating a library?
  47. how can I open a rails project in gmate?
  48. ./configure and libssl-dev
  49. How does this get compiled? Python C Extension
  50. Ubuntu 12.04LTS and Lotus Notes 8.5
  51. compiler specified in makefile isn't found
  52. make: *** [all] Error 2 while installing webcam driver
  53. How to use same personal key across multiple computers?
  54. Can't add my own ppa to pbuilder
  55. How re-mapping gnome-terminal shortcut keys
  56. What to do after compiling kernel
  57. possible to remove the ruby-rvm package entirely?
  58. aria2c cross compile for android on ubuntu
  59. start app on login
  60. PyInstaller and Python 2.7.3 ? (.py to .exe)
  61. compiling composer for windows (in any way possible)
  62. Cannot install focus writer
  63. Building NUX from Source (to Build Unity from Source)
  64. Unable to run 32 bit assembly programs on 64 bit ubuntu Nasm / ld
  65. c++ terminal compiling problem
  66. CPU-specific flags when building from source?
  67. Packaging help for a beginner
  68. Ubuntu + NetBeans + JDK Error
  69. c++ header files
  70. c++ ( and geany ) compile problem ( missing g++ )
  71. Webkit2/Webkit2.h -- what package?
  72. [SOLVED] c++ header files
  73. Beginning a Career?
  74. /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llibopencv_highgui.so
  75. Compatible "app-bundle" approach
  76. Java-gnome 4.1.2 unique.h no such file or directory
  77. dh_shlibdeps cannot find symbol
  78. Tracker make error
  79. libgfortran.so.3: version GFROTRAN_1.4 not found
  80. Cross Compilig Issue of udev-151 for MIPS Little Endain Architecture
  81. Problems compiling
  82. Error packaging python program
  83. Compiling BFTsim
  84. error while loading shared libraries: libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared obje
  85. compile error with pbuilder
  86. Why is Eclipse Juno running very slow?
  87. Getting into development
  88. Help compiling Scilab Image Processing Toolbox
  89. apt-cache shows old version of cmake?
  90. Lintian errors with Ubuntu 12.10
  91. dpkg-buildpackage and fakeroot and private git access
  92. problem during write data to thermal printer using cups filter.
  93. Compilation error while executing make
  94. Cross-compile from Windows to Ubuntu
  95. JAR to DEB
  96. Builds taking a very long time in Launchpad
  97. GNU C++ struct _attribute_ packed...compile error
  98. Ultimate ++ - compiling
  99. Packaging Ruby on Rails App with deb or rpm
  100. Packaging deb with license using prebuilt binaries
  101. How to Write Correct copyright File?
  102. chkconfig or update-rc.d for setting up a new service?
  103. application doesn't run
  104. gfortran dependency hell
  105. error: C compiler cannot create executables
  106. Debian package for the software-center
  107. g++: error: missing argument '-l'
  108. error: argument to -O should be a non-negative integer
  109. Can't get my program to use my modified glib
  110. How to get started with OpenGL on Linux with C++?
  111. request pointers on how to get started with opengl under unity/weyland
  112. Qt5 packaging problem
  113. Program compilation inside Ubuntu Server 12.04
  114. Mingw-w64 cross-compiler errors.
  115. Linphone: Terminate Existing Call With New Incoming Call
  116. Help needed on compiling my C code using gcc
  117. Compiling netcat-openbsd
  118. error compilation
  119. Problem with GFortran
  120. Help build the program under dcp2icc 64amd
  121. Creating installation package for python application
  122. issues packaging a QT 5 a application
  123. Python- Pygame
  124. IBM ServeRAID Management debian conversion- Packaging help.
  125. Simple packaging question
  126. Recompile unity without launcher
  127. compile java code
  128. Voip with Linphone and G729
  129. empty.c:(.text+0x10f8): undefined reference to `openpty'
  130. Re: Install and configure quagga
  131. which rt_preempt patch to take
  132. Cannot build game from source
  133. how i can compile firefox on ubuntu 12.10 ? how i can set optimization for i7
  134. activate custom CFLAGS & CXXFLAGS on dpkg-buildpackage system (for firefox20 build)
  135. Cannot compile Gnofract4d 3.1.3 from source code
  136. Helllp! Firefox20 compiled. Checkinstall giving core dump at hyphenation files
  137. Notifiying users that a restart is required.
  138. compiling DSSI plugins.
  139. how to from 12.04 LTS ubuntu desktop restore to ubuntu server?
  140. Error compiling MAME.
  141. DocuCanvas
  142. updating glibc
  143. [Solved] Problem with dh_python2 --compile-all
  144. Self-Signed package still gets apt authentication warning
  145. package control file - how to automatically install depending packages
  146. GCC paths WRONG but CodeBlocks Compiles OK??
  147. C code problem with ALSA
  148. Java image path problem
  149. 13.04 appears to have a special way with include-paths
  150. Problem compiling wxsvg-1.1.14
  151. how to receave info with html
  152. Problem compiling DVDstyler-2.5b3
  153. Compiling NS3 C++ program environment variables
  154. Help setting up gtk+ on Ubuntu 12.04
  155. MonkeyStudio signal and slot connectivity for Python
  156. trouble configuring - going old and senile
  157. Linux Kernel module build “make modules” get error
  158. Makefile and Dependencies
  159. make: *** [all] Error 2
  160. compile squid3.1.19 from source, error: Neither SASL nor SASL2 found
  161. Need help understanding debuild error
  162. Portable packing for Linux
  163. makefile -D option
  164. compiling gimp on lubuntu 12.04 PowerPC! G3
  165. cmake reports gcc is broken. Where do I start?
  166. Error while trying to compile with gcc -m32
  167. cannot compile bgrabitmap in lazarus 1.0.8, fpc2.6.2, ubuntu 13.04
  168. Packaging repo definition and packages in a meta-package
  169. device driver
  170. Packing JAVA to .deb executable package
  171. problem with pysol
  172. Is it possible to move compiled programs ?
  173. upgrade or dist-upgrade?
  174. Resigning .deb packages
  175. Make a compatible binary with differents versions of Ubuntu
  176. Update installed package from new source
  177. Packaging .deb files with quickly.
  178. GDM tar.gz Issue
  179. Got an error when tried to compile the linux kernel with ubuntu 12.04
  180. Error compiling DeSmuME
  181. Application runs fine from the IDE but when run from the exe, the app crashes
  182. qt or dbus problem?
  183. [SOLVED] Compiled Awesome WM won't start
  184. about intall pyclewn
  185. Help me about /usr/local/bin/as !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  186. Help me build glib2.0 libarary (I'm use glib-2.36.3) for ARM use arm-linux-gcc !!!!
  187. Can't find version.h
  188. unable to compile delegate, forkpty error
  189. How to compile a ns-3 simulation code which uses GMP library
  190. Adding a new SYSCTL variable to the kernel
  191. Trouble building package using GSL
  192. Having problems compiling Squid with SSL and ecap
  193. Building Oracle Client 11gR2 on 13.04 fails can't find sys/types.h
  194. Problem compiling c script (driver example: hello world)
  195. I can't create an instance of File class in java
  196. Beginners lsqlite3 problem
  197. general compilation problems on raring
  198. Problem compiling wxsvg 1.1.15
  199. .gtk-bookmarks editing by shell script
  200. self-compilation of procps on Ubuntu 64-bit
  201. Error while compiling Tibia server (CMAKE ERROR)
  202. problem in make
  203. fatal error: No such file or directory compilation terminated
  204. Creating a package like flashplugin-installer or netflix-desktop
  205. [SOLVED] make problems
  206. Makefile - Seperator Not Found
  207. compiling multi-arch packages with apt-build
  208. Distributing your software professionally in ubuntu?
  209. Linking errors when compiling a simple glfw program
  210. [SOLVED] can't exec "pyversions" && dh_auto_clean: failed to run pyversions
  211. cross-compilation for armhf: problem finding linker library
  212. Email::Send unable to install
  213. gcc-3.4 installed on ubuntu 13.04 but not found
  214. [SOLVED] Compiling Cirkuit - Qt5 & Qt4 collisions
  215. Ubuntu with luarocks/sqlite3
  216. SDL2 - Undefined references
  217. Creating custom .deb packages from source packages
  218. Debian Control File: How to tell amd64 arch systems they depend on libudev1:i386
  219. "undefined reference" with g++ compiler in 12.04
  220. 32 bit libraries under 64 bit machine
  221. Missing Headers / configure problems
  222. Compiled Kernel and problems with the network
  223. Freeglut and Qt creator
  224. NS3 (C++) new module (example and tutorial)
  225. Permission denied while building package
  226. Return to castle Wolfenstein - XF86DGADirectMouse undeclared
  227. compiler error in geany C++
  228. Unable to Compile Gmote Source on Ubuntu 12
  229. *.so warming: not found
  230. /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxrandr
  231. C++ Compiling
  232. cmake error on kubuntu
  233. Where can I find these kernel files?
  234. Compiling C code for FFmpeg on Ubuntu
  235. need help with RTAI C library
  236. Error compiling VLC Players on Ubuntu 12.04.
  237. [SOLVED] Compiling old driver for 12.04 kernel needs rt_linux.h
  238. QtCreator help pages are messed up
  239. [SOLVED] Packaging newer versions of software and "Apps Available for Download"
  240. ar & ranlib commands in Makefile
  241. Problem finding gnuradio-core
  242. realtek firmware not compling
  243. How to install PaperBox in Ubuntu 12.04
  244. gedit R command history issue
  245. [SOLVED] Where are the trig declarations?
  246. [SOLVED] need help compiling a plug-in for xfce4
  247. Cross Compile Help
  248. DAHDI 2.6.1 does not build in Linux kernel 3.8.0-29-generic
  249. use newer version of dev package on older version of ubuntu
  250. Using MAKE and CMAKE for FreeCAD and Open Cascade (OCE)