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  1. Linux Lite Vs Lubuntu Which one ?
  2. Thinking about switching to elementaryOS - experiences?
  3. Which version is best for my needs???
  4. Lock to Launcher Works as Admin But Not as Standard User
  5. *** full concise step by step guide to installing ubu ***
  6. What Linux or BSD do you suggest?
  7. [SOLVED] Remastersys and Vivid Vervet - Xubuntu/Ubuntu 15.04
  8. It's 2015 and I still have to manually configure internal hard drives to even mount.
  9. Which desktop environment do you recommend?
  10. An Ubuntu HDMI dongle that runs Intel hardware is going on sale next week for $110
  11. Why Was Unity 2D Discontinued?
  12. Which is the most lightweight torrent client?
  13. Which one is the most lightware video player ?
  14. [SOLVED] Copying system to a new computer.
  15. Continuing to run Trusty Tahr on a ten year old PC
  16. When is Firefox 39 coming to Ubuntu 14.04?
  17. GRUB Alternative
  18. Considering Ubuntu Studio
  19. Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 8.1 question
  20. Xubuntu&Xfce keyboard window management. How do you do it?
  21. Canonical partners with Lenovo ... in India
  22. Advice for OS on acer aspire one 1gb RAM
  23. Emoji layout for OnBoard onscreen keyboard
  24. Any real advantage to running Vivid?
  25. if the literal definition says "this can cause issues" then why hide it?
  26. Buying a new laptop/notebook....
  27. Add option at Unity to the proper multi-monitor support along with a quick setup
  28. Is it safe to use Popcorn Time?
  29. which distro should i install
  30. Lite, speedy version of Ubuntu?
  31. 15.04 or 14.02?
  32. Contributing to hardenubuntu.com
  33. The end of Adobe Flash Player nearer than expected?
  34. Getting closer to Windows 10, will you upgrade?
  35. Pluto Astronomers using Ubuntu?
  36. New to Ubuntu - looking for good forum for web development / configuration support
  37. Hello (Linux) World. Views and a Question.
  38. What happened to Sam Rog's PPA?
  39. Windows On USB
  40. Total Noob Question Re: Flash Ubuntu
  41. Dear Windows, I am leaving you for Ubuntu.
  42. Anyone still with 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin
  43. My 6 years with Ubuntu
  44. Questions regarding Ubuntu Touch
  45. Minimal install vs normal install?
  46. Ultra-lightweight Linux Distro
  47. Intel Core i7 5775C Broadwell Processor
  48. Modifying Ubuntu for the Safety of the End User
  49. best distro for a lenovo
  50. no idea, how to take a start using LINUX Ubuntu: HELP
  51. [Graphics card] Best driver support: AMD or NVidia?
  52. Which new computer to get?
  53. PeaZip 5.7.0 released [file archiver]
  54. Lenovo K3
  55. Is 15.04 ready for prime time?
  56. Live CD and USB
  57. Ubuntu Awesome Remix!
  58. Dear PulseAudio, thanks.
  59. Package managment
  60. Firefox Reader View
  61. Apache Solr and Elasticsearch
  62. I love Linux: She’s Smart, Sleek & Teaching Your Kids
  63. compare ADSL to Cable Internet, Safety too
  64. Coming back to Ubuntu/Triple booting MacBook Air
  65. Thinking of getting a NAS
  66. google deepdream
  67. which media player?
  68. So What Now?! It's all working
  69. Audio Toolkit plugins, open source, bsd license
  70. New OS with 1.2 second boot time with a new desktop enviroment!
  71. TBS 6205 Quad T2 PCIe tuner
  72. Windows 10 & Security
  73. Upgrading to Windows 10 with Ubuntu 14.04
  74. To Ubuntu developers
  75. Dell Slimline GX520's or Similar
  76. Found!!
  77. Web search engine
  78. Can I sell Ubuntu media ?
  79. Grub: Add a different sound for each OS
  80. Live CD or USB for testing Ubuntu
  81. Linux badges for blogs?
  82. Root a Sharp (powered by Lenovo) Aquos TV
  83. Issue in triggering application from udev
  84. Ubuntu vs Windows 10
  85. Buy pre-installed Linux computer.
  86. Last day of Monthly Broadband Billing Cycle, hope to download Ubuntu 14.04.3 today.
  87. Ubuntu 14.04.3 64 bit LTS release date and time?
  88. Libreoffice 5.0 from the PPA.
  89. LibreOffice version on 14.04.3
  90. Co - running linux and windows
  91. Firefox exploit found in the wild
  92. The technical problem I have is with ME!
  93. I want to dump Windows 8.1 and move to linux
  94. Pre-dual boot simple (?) questions.
  95. Just wondering - Own server vs AWS (Amazon)
  96. Technical question about DMA, reading data off hard drive, multithreading
  97. MS Attempt at Walled Garden -- Comparisons to Google, Apple?
  98. Happy to be back on Linux
  99. LibreOffice Calc: focus dialog windows
  100. How to create virtual GPIO device on Ubuntu ?
  101. What after Z?
  102. new PPA for proprietary video drivers
  103. Recommendations on Laptops
  104. Improve an existing photo editing application with increased funding or start fresh?
  105. I am scared of uefi dual-boot set-up... am I cowardly lion?
  106. Open Source Windows : 'Definitly possible'
  107. how difficult it is to crack a wpa/wpa2 password using UBUNTU
  108. Free Usenet
  109. Apparently, I am experiencing a "top hat" virus on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS box
  110. apt-get err- Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/Release
  111. VLC 2.1.6 Ubuntu14.04 integration with no-interaction
  112. How to update BIOS
  113. ubuntu/wubi and windows 10
  114. Ubuntu 16.04 Stupendously Hot Charmander concept
  115. How to customize Ubuntu from Windows?
  116. Non-Sudoer for Safer Browsing?
  117. Squid Downloading Issue
  118. Anybody upgraded to Windows 10 (from 8.1) on dual boot installation?
  119. Auto Boot Flash Drive
  120. What worked for me: Installing Xubuntu 15.04
  121. MSLinux
  122. How does Distrowatch count downloads?
  123. Is Ubuntu always buggy?
  124. I am a new Newbie...
  125. Selecting a tool to create USB boot drives from ISO files
  126. Selective persistence, optional user session and more with Ubuntu live CD
  127. Updating Ubuntu 10.04
  128. Repair SSH on image using working Ubuntu Image
  129. This cheap (old) hp compaq with Lubuntu - ?
  130. Red Star OS
  131. Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Mate
  132. How to connect to an existing network - conclusion
  133. Toward a better install for techies with lots of computers
  134. Data transfer rates Xubuntu & Windows 10
  135. How to reduce boot time
  136. Microsoft Windows 10
  137. *buntu decision
  138. Why I have to stop using ubuntu.
  139. VMWare Workstation 64 bit for GNU/Linux
  140. New User warnings
  141. Samsung AHCI SM951 SSD Boot
  142. VMworld 2015
  143. Ubuntu Desktop Customization
  144. Ubuntu or Linux Mint
  145. Dual Presence of Ubuntu & Windows on Virtual Box, Easier than Dual-Boot?
  146. Why I switched to Ubuntu from Debian
  147. new cool mate themes and backgrounds
  148. OS Linux alternative?
  149. About Cloud Call Center
  150. malloc free is 22% slower on ubuntu 14.04
  151. Is mesh networking a viable alternative to the cellphone company "monopoly"?
  152. Grub2 boot-from-LiveCD-iso image on hard drive will not install.
  153. Realtek Bluetooth working out of the box on Wily Daily ISO.
  154. recommendations
  155. yes script addon
  156. Thankyou. You are truly awesome people.
  157. Romanian Ministry of Education and Ubuntu/Edubuntu
  158. Why I don't like Gnome = Gnome Contacts
  159. forum.lxde.org dead or just down?
  160. Programming on Ubuntu
  161. Ubuntu more buggy than Win 7,8 ?
  162. ubuntu vs linux mint
  163. Could Installer Show Message Before Screen Blacks If Nouveau Can't Support Card?
  164. Extremely bored of Linux Mint, Ubuntu, what should I use
  165. Ubuntu mate vs Arch mate?
  166. Just started in Ubuntu
  167. Ubuntu version - battery
  168. Ubuntu on Beagleboard-xM update to 14.04 problem
  169. "Traditionally, file name suffixes are ignored"
  170. Zorin OS 9 Core.
  171. Fed up
  172. Ubuntu copyright and personal project
  173. Is it true that Ubuntu is now, by default, ad-supported and no longer free?
  174. Auto-hiding menu: Are you kidding me??
  175. Libreoffice a headache to use
  176. Netflix and Ubuntu/Firefox
  177. Distro Suggestion for Acer Netbook
  178. How to diagnose/fix massive first time byte?
  179. Offtop - Freenas
  180. Firefox 41: browser.newtab.url to go ???
  181. [SOLVED]android-x86-4.4-r3 live booting to Root Terminal (No GUI)
  182. Linux Lite 2.2
  183. Firefox 41 is a big improvement!
  184. Install Linux on a eMMC card
  185. Any reason after my Firefox upgrade today my search was defaulted to Yahoo?
  186. [Solved] Rdesktop mouse pointer disappears
  187. ALOHA Software
  188. How can I fix ambiance and radience themes?
  189. Father, Son, Grandfather Clones
  190. Hello world! I just installed 15.04!
  191. Re: IBM Thinkpad 600 X (SOLVED)
  192. .config
  193. 15.10: lubuntu-extra-sessions
  194. Ubuntu-Website Transfers
  195. Oh happy day... Goodbye forever Windows.
  196. What is Ubuntu Advantage Desktop or Server
  197. HP 355 laptop after decade...
  198. Will the Ubuntu browser be "flavor-agnostic"?
  199. Hello World! from BunsenLabs
  200. Is it worth installing 14.04 in September 2015?
  201. Hackers/Programmers :: Making it possible to boot Ubuntu up in Windows?
  202. Ubuntu 15.04 vs Ubuntu-Gnome 14.04.3
  203. Submit translation fixes to Ubuntu
  204. Phoronix test suite results
  205. What Flavor of Ubuntu Suits You Best?
  206. Small Linux Distro for USB 512 MB
  207. Rumor that Microsoft is buying Canonical and Ubuntu
  208. Gnome or KDE or Unity or ???
  209. Helping with Ubuntu Newletter
  210. Xubuntu and Linux Frame Buffer (fbset)
  211. Working installation of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on HP Stream 11-inch - My experience
  212. what is ubuntu? is it a service or forum name
  213. When to expect major linux uppgrade
  214. My idea for a perfect gaming machine
  215. All-in-One ISO
  216. The Internet of Toys IoT
  217. Update has broken 14.04
  218. ASUS F555LJ or HP 15?
  219. Ubuntu 15.04 vs. Windows 10
  220. One SSH command to multiple servers
  221. After unknown technical faults, I've moved from Fedora 21 to Debian 8
  222. I'm in trouble for using linux at school?
  223. For Ubuntu Newbie: Step-by-Step Ubuntu 15.04 Installation Guide
  224. Xubuntu or Lubuntu more polished and isn't Lubuntu less system intensive?
  225. Why other distros don't use Unity?
  226. What is the meaning of root=/dev/ram0 in kernel boot parameters?
  227. Crimp nasty privilege escalation bug by running it in Linux instead
  228. Baidu Browser for Ubuntu?
  229. Any old school Linux distros?
  230. Troublleshooting as a game. Something like this is needed
  231. add OpenSpades to Ubuntu Software Center
  232. new to ubuntu
  233. Everlasting bug
  234. Put Ubuntu 12.04 lts then upgraded to 14.04 lts on notebook but problem(s)
  235. Two things that bother me: CPU fans going mad, and language packs
  236. Foot in the Door
  237. Ubuntu LTS and New Hardware (Lenovo G50-45) lesson learnt.
  238. desktop pros and cons
  239. Installing from USB using your phone
  240. Looking for participants for a study on Xubuntu (EU-based, paid up to £100/€135)
  241. Ubuntu 9.10 boot script file location and log files
  242. Ubuntu Forums vs. Ask Ubuntu
  243. Uneccessary packages?
  244. Messing with co-workers
  245. Ubuntu Wily is finally out
  246. How good is ClamTK ?
  247. Viruses against Linux Ubuntu
  248. Anybody having experience with Ubuntu 15.10 and Z170 ?
  249. Building Linux, when does it become Ubuntu?
  250. [Solved] What happened to ubuntu-discourse?