View Full Version : Ubuntu, Linux and OS Chat

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  1. Trusty beta..Who has it?
  2. Cant connect to internet
  3. Ubuntu 12.04 32bit is wonderful!
  4. Ubuntu on Mac Air?
  5. What is ubuntu 12.04 acpi version?
  6. Ubuntu To Make Amazon Product Results ‘Opt-In’ for future releases.
  7. Ubuntu update script with dialog
  8. Linux Foundation has announced.....
  9. Help: Audio, webcam, wireless network, mousepad not working after a sudden blackout
  10. Post your opinions on what would make file management simpler for newbies.
  11. What Happens During a Distro Upgrade?
  12. SolydK unetbottin thing
  13. Will Ubuntu 14.04 support tablets
  14. Do I need a swap partition?
  15. 10 years of Linux
  16. [kickstarter] Dead Synchronicity (dystopian sci-fi)
  17. So I just started using ubuntu, need help installing programs
  18. New Ubuntu 14.4 (Beta)
  19. Windows VS.Ford Motor Company
  20. Thank You Ubuntu
  21. Congratulations to new moderators
  22. I want to run unetbootin/uui
  23. Grub Customizer for Ubuntu 14.04 is now working!
  24. 14.04 (LTS) Is My Final Linux Release
  25. Unity 8 to replace Unity 7?
  26. Links to Linux Forums allowing political discussions
  27. [elementary OS] A quick glimpse of elementary OS Freya
  28. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Final Beta Release?
  29. HUGE THANKS TO William E. Shotts, Jr.
  30. Web browser problem
  31. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Final Beta Release & Adobe Flash Player?
  32. Does UBUNTU community cares abput getting new ideas and thingh to implement...
  33. Ubuntu 14.04 final beta - is anyone seeing "new" files go missing??
  34. How do I learn the scripts you guys use, Distros, & other questions
  35. Why 14.04lts?
  36. Why are open source Radeon drivers worst than the official ones?
  37. Back to Ubuntu
  38. Goodbye Ubuntu - it has been . . . frustrating.
  39. Why does the GNU foundation promote uncommon distros?
  40. Simple NAT traversal techniques
  41. Downloading 14.04 ISO
  42. Portable Apps/Games for Ubuntu ! and other Linux Distros!
  43. Problem editing grub
  44. Just doing some research
  45. Will other *buntu 14.04 LTS versions be released tomorrow?
  46. Need Macintosh Purchase Advice
  47. For those downloading Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  48. yiu know i dont wanne be divisive
  49. Former Windows XP User
  50. Ubuntu should have a new default shell in the terminal emulator, possibly fish
  51. Share with us your Trusty (14.04) Upgrade & Installation Experiences
  52. No Nvidia HDMI audio option in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  53. Are KDE/QT Fonts Rendered Differently Than Gnome/Unity/GTK?
  54. Ubuntu 14.04
  55. Windows problems
  56. how to piece it all together?
  57. Surprised
  58. Startup script to prevent Xubuntu reloading previous session - safe or not?
  59. I really tried but.....goodbye ubuntu
  60. ubuntu store
  61. something's wrong with Trusty's logo
  62. Feedback on 14.04 LTS
  63. Ubuntu 14.04 & Webapps
  64. some of my fundamentel knowledge gaps about Ubuntu and Linux
  65. Leaving Ubuntu
  66. Xubuntu 14.04
  67. Impressed by Unity [ surprised myself ]
  68. OMGUbuntu Arch and Manjaro
  69. How do you pronounce Lubuntu?
  70. Thank You Ubuntu
  71. Trusty Tahr is amazing
  72. ubuntu-14.04-alternate-amd64.iso
  73. Ubuntu, Ubuntu Gnome, & Lubuntu
  74. having an issue
  75. Installed 14.04 on Acer Netbook D250 So Happy!
  76. I like unity
  77. what parts of ubuntu do canonical make ?
  78. Is there any hope that MTP will ever work properly?
  79. Network blocked via Network Adapter?
  80. Ubuntu 12.04 appears more stable than Windows &
  81. Ubuntu 14.04 apache 2.4 custom directory 403 forbidden
  82. Successful migration to 14.04 ...
  83. How Do You Leverage KDE/Kubuntu?
  84. Icon Theme
  85. Parental controls for 14.04
  86. issues with 14.04 Xubuntu
  87. Very Good Job
  88. Unhappy with 14.04 Nautilus; how many are installing diff file-browser?
  89. Things that work in a previous build, doesn't work in the new one!
  90. Future Ubuntu Potential Names List
  91. How is windows 7/8 on a virtual machine?
  92. A Linux Overview for a Beginner?
  93. Ubuntu team infiltrated by Windows developers?
  94. [Windows] Rescue toolkit suggestions for 6-up?
  95. I might love Ubuntu 14.04 too much...
  96. Will Ubuntu Software Centre end?
  97. Linux Deepin's 2014 new DDE desktop.. What are your thoughts?
  98. 14.04 LTS Failed To Start Groovy/Grails Tools Suite, Seems Problem with GTK Libraries
  99. Working with iphone pics and dropbox 14.04
  100. Ubuntu can HP can't
  101. top cmd - what is consider a high "wa"
  102. No network connectivity in Lubuntu 12.04 after failed update. HALP!
  103. Developing on Open-Source
  104. Setup Samba and Transmission on Ubuntu Server
  105. I'm Leaving
  106. 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) known bugs without work arounds
  107. Internet Browsers & Security
  108. Voyager 14.04
  109. want to learn to program in Linux, need help with where to start
  110. Firefox update - change of appearance
  111. Using 14.04 with i5 13" Model 8,1 MB Pro
  112. Adobe Flash Player
  113. why is the Unity default scroll bar still "white on white" after almost 3 years?
  114. Simple Ubuntu 14.04 lock screen bypass discovered
  115. Rolling Release Best Choice for XP Replacements
  116. Microsoft porting Office to Linux?
  117. Support confusion with LTS
  118. [lubuntu] Start button image bigger size
  119. Dell Studio 1555 on ElementaryOS can't connect to password protected wifi
  120. apt-get update errors
  121. "Replace Fedora" replaced everything
  122. I am very excited!!
  123. Nvidia Optimus remove unkown screen
  124. Trying out Ubuntu Gnome 14.04
  125. Do you use (X,K,L)Ubuntu as your one an only OS?
  126. Help with Midnight Commander (MC)
  127. Windows 7 key
  128. What will happen when Adobe flash support end?
  129. Ubuntu - Excellence
  130. ubuntu os
  131. What's so great about this Ubuntu thing..
  132. Which CalDAV/CardDAV/WebDAV server, encrypted, without root access?
  133. 14.04 if you hate Unity, stay with Gnome-Flashback ...
  134. File System Management
  135. Can I search for files and file contents with GUI
  136. No Google Chrome?
  137. theme help
  138. Dual boot??
  139. Windows 7
  140. Ubuntu 14.04 CTRL-ALT keyboard shortcuts not working (again)
  141. Already dissapoint with new ubuntu 14.04 on VM
  142. Ubuntu Membership Board call for nominations
  143. Chromium is much faster than Firefox on Linux...
  144. Thank you Ubuntu!!!
  145. im so in love
  146. After a week with Gnome 3.10
  147. xubuntu
  148. Lubuntu To Offer LTS Users Select App Updates Through New PPA
  149. Unity is for the Birds
  150. Is there a Tech Toy you would like to try but not sure it is worth it?
  151. Feels great to be back.
  152. Where is Ubuntu up to and what to use ?
  153. A Week With The Mac OS X Mavericks
  154. Change size of /cow while running Ubuntu 12.04 Live-CD
  155. Deepin 2014 Beta Released
  156. Donations: The sad face got me
  157. Looking for paid support
  158. Creating a New Install Config Sticky for Absolute Beginners?
  159. Setting up a personal server - best software
  160. Any good ways to have both OSX and ubuntu, while ubuntu is main and server like
  161. Gwibber in 14.04 Gone
  162. Looking for Linux+ questions - what did you use?
  163. Linux app installer (Ubuntu / Debian / Linux Mint / LMDE)
  164. Next-Gen Linux Desktop LXQt
  165. EFF Privacy Badger
  166. My experiences with Xubuntu
  167. Ubuntu AIO DVD
  168. How Good Would Ubuntu Be For Me
  169. Ubuntu and Hp ProBook 450 G1 compatibility
  170. Pepper flash for Firefox
  171. Chrome 35 no more NPAPI plugins
  172. Now for something completely different... My review of my new Nokia Lumia 929 (Icon).
  173. Can I use After Effects cs6 on a Ubuntu computer if I dual boot it with a Mac OS?
  174. Ubuntu roadmap leads to cloud, hyperscale computing
  175. Android-x86 4.4 RC2
  176. Auto-hide delay for launcher and click to minimize. (suggestions)
  177. Community suggestion for FLOSS oriented project as thesis proposal
  178. Ubuntu personality disorder
  179. is it possible to do update or upgrade by using using download manager
  180. How to reduce power consumption in Ubuntu 14.04
  181. Lubuntu theme discussion
  182. Grub rescue after upgrade
  183. Why in the world, at version 14+ does Lubuntu have so many terminals
  184. Advice from a curious newbie
  185. Ebay website hack - is the password encryption method similar for all websites?
  186. Best distro for linux newbies
  187. 60FPS video conversion software
  188. Ubuntu One being forced on us through Update Manager
  189. Ubuntu's appearance in official Google self-driving car video!
  190. Is there an open source chromium-based browser for Windows?
  191. Vote Here to voice your support for an official Gnome Shell version of Ubuntu
  192. Install Fresh Player Plugin in Ubuntu via PPA (this is a pepper flash wrapper FF)
  193. linux beginner needs a direction
  194. No need to choose Chrome over Chromium on Ubuntu now.
  195. Software Center to be Dashed?
  196. Dissappointed
  197. "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
  198. Need a list of Linux distros which uses SELINUX by default
  199. Google Chromecast Solution for Ubuntu/Chrome
  200. First post, just installed 14.04
  201. Trusty Tahr Incremental Releases
  202. Google Chrome 37, Aura and GTK
  203. Chromebooks for running other Linux distros
  204. My story with Lubuntu 14.04 amd64 with some problems and their solutions
  205. Ubuntu vs Win 8.1
  206. Xubuntu, Zorin OS, Mint, other XFCE suggestions
  207. Anyone else decide to stay with 12.04 instead of upgrading to 14.04? Why?
  208. What am I missing with the latest Ubuntu?
  209. > 4 GB RAM = Bragging Rights and Nothing More
  210. Avoid Gender-Specific "Guys" on Ubuntu Forum?
  211. Debian, Mint (LMDE), SolydX and Tanglu, compared and contrasted
  212. Any UEFI Issues Dual-Booting Linux?
  213. Steam Download Filtering
  214. Next Linux Box?
  215. Selling Laptop with Ubuntu Preinstalled
  216. Heads up for Firefox 30. It Disables Plugins By Default
  217. Thinking of moving to Arch for my new machine. Any reason(s) I should/shouldn't
  218. Update about-ubuntu page
  219. Search Xubuntu Forums, get Ubuntu
  220. Is it user friendly?
  221. A/UX (Apple unix) emulator is available for Linux (open source project)
  222. What an Ubuntu dev said about Linux Mint
  223. FOSS licence
  224. HP Elitebook Folio 1040
  225. Ubuntu documentation and learning resources
  226. New to Linux - Want to be a master of it.
  227. Programming in Ubuntu / background information about the system
  228. Be Careful who you Trust - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
  229. Why use Ubuntu Linux
  230. how to remove xserver-common-lts-raring from ubuntu 14.04
  231. 32 bit or 64 bit Ubuntu on 2 GB RAM with E300 AMD processor?
  232. Do IT professionals use Linux a lot in their work?
  233. How can I be 100% sure that the installed distro is not corrupt?
  234. Installer Script.
  235. File Manager ??
  236. The future of Unity3D on linux
  237. Opinion please: Upgrade LTS or Not?
  238. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64-bit Desktop client) greek graphical support (menus, ribbons)
  239. what is distro means?
  240. Ubuntu vs Kali Linux
  241. Did you try other OS's before trying and keeping Ubuntu?
  242. Alternate 14.4+ GUI
  243. Are there any good apps to make Linux easier to use?
  244. Gnome 3.12.2 packages?
  245. Using OpenVPN between two firewalled machines?
  246. Crowdfunded WebWeaver code editor.
  247. New opera for linux
  248. Why is Ubuntu so hot
  249. Ubuntu Server vs NAS4free as a headless multi-function media server - an experience
  250. where are all the "good" distros...