- Trusty beta..Who has it?
- Cant connect to internet
- Ubuntu 12.04 32bit is wonderful!
- Ubuntu on Mac Air?
- What is ubuntu 12.04 acpi version?
- Ubuntu To Make Amazon Product Results ‘Opt-In’ for future releases.
- Ubuntu update script with dialog
- Linux Foundation has announced.....
- Help: Audio, webcam, wireless network, mousepad not working after a sudden blackout
- Post your opinions on what would make file management simpler for newbies.
- What Happens During a Distro Upgrade?
- SolydK unetbottin thing
- Will Ubuntu 14.04 support tablets
- Do I need a swap partition?
- 10 years of Linux
- [kickstarter] Dead Synchronicity (dystopian sci-fi)
- So I just started using ubuntu, need help installing programs
- New Ubuntu 14.4 (Beta)
- Windows VS.Ford Motor Company
- Thank You Ubuntu
- Congratulations to new moderators
- I want to run unetbootin/uui
- Grub Customizer for Ubuntu 14.04 is now working!
- 14.04 (LTS) Is My Final Linux Release
- Unity 8 to replace Unity 7?
- Links to Linux Forums allowing political discussions
- [elementary OS] A quick glimpse of elementary OS Freya
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Final Beta Release?
- HUGE THANKS TO William E. Shotts, Jr.
- Web browser problem
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Final Beta Release & Adobe Flash Player?
- Does UBUNTU community cares abput getting new ideas and thingh to implement...
- Ubuntu 14.04 final beta - is anyone seeing "new" files go missing??
- How do I learn the scripts you guys use, Distros, & other questions
- Why 14.04lts?
- Why are open source Radeon drivers worst than the official ones?
- Back to Ubuntu
- Goodbye Ubuntu - it has been . . . frustrating.
- Why does the GNU foundation promote uncommon distros?
- Simple NAT traversal techniques
- Downloading 14.04 ISO
- Portable Apps/Games for Ubuntu ! and other Linux Distros!
- Problem editing grub
- Just doing some research
- Will other *buntu 14.04 LTS versions be released tomorrow?
- Need Macintosh Purchase Advice
- For those downloading Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- yiu know i dont wanne be divisive
- Former Windows XP User
- Ubuntu should have a new default shell in the terminal emulator, possibly fish
- Share with us your Trusty (14.04) Upgrade & Installation Experiences
- No Nvidia HDMI audio option in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Are KDE/QT Fonts Rendered Differently Than Gnome/Unity/GTK?
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Windows problems
- how to piece it all together?
- Surprised
- Startup script to prevent Xubuntu reloading previous session - safe or not?
- I really tried but.....goodbye ubuntu
- ubuntu store
- something's wrong with Trusty's logo
- Feedback on 14.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 14.04 & Webapps
- some of my fundamentel knowledge gaps about Ubuntu and Linux
- Leaving Ubuntu
- Xubuntu 14.04
- Impressed by Unity [ surprised myself ]
- OMGUbuntu Arch and Manjaro
- How do you pronounce Lubuntu?
- Thank You Ubuntu
- Trusty Tahr is amazing
- ubuntu-14.04-alternate-amd64.iso
- Ubuntu, Ubuntu Gnome, & Lubuntu
- having an issue
- Installed 14.04 on Acer Netbook D250 So Happy!
- I like unity
- what parts of ubuntu do canonical make ?
- Is there any hope that MTP will ever work properly?
- Network blocked via Network Adapter?
- Ubuntu 12.04 appears more stable than Windows &
- Ubuntu 14.04 apache 2.4 custom directory 403 forbidden
- Successful migration to 14.04 ...
- How Do You Leverage KDE/Kubuntu?
- Icon Theme
- Parental controls for 14.04
- issues with 14.04 Xubuntu
- Very Good Job
- Unhappy with 14.04 Nautilus; how many are installing diff file-browser?
- Things that work in a previous build, doesn't work in the new one!
- Future Ubuntu Potential Names List
- How is windows 7/8 on a virtual machine?
- A Linux Overview for a Beginner?
- Ubuntu team infiltrated by Windows developers?
- [Windows] Rescue toolkit suggestions for 6-up?
- I might love Ubuntu 14.04 too much...
- Will Ubuntu Software Centre end?
- Linux Deepin's 2014 new DDE desktop.. What are your thoughts?
- 14.04 LTS Failed To Start Groovy/Grails Tools Suite, Seems Problem with GTK Libraries
- Working with iphone pics and dropbox 14.04
- Ubuntu can HP can't
- top cmd - what is consider a high "wa"
- No network connectivity in Lubuntu 12.04 after failed update. HALP!
- Developing on Open-Source
- Setup Samba and Transmission on Ubuntu Server
- I'm Leaving
- 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) known bugs without work arounds
- Internet Browsers & Security
- Voyager 14.04
- want to learn to program in Linux, need help with where to start
- Firefox update - change of appearance
- Using 14.04 with i5 13" Model 8,1 MB Pro
- Adobe Flash Player
- why is the Unity default scroll bar still "white on white" after almost 3 years?
- Simple Ubuntu 14.04 lock screen bypass discovered
- Rolling Release Best Choice for XP Replacements
- Microsoft porting Office to Linux?
- Support confusion with LTS
- [lubuntu] Start button image bigger size
- Dell Studio 1555 on ElementaryOS can't connect to password protected wifi
- apt-get update errors
- "Replace Fedora" replaced everything
- I am very excited!!
- Nvidia Optimus remove unkown screen
- Trying out Ubuntu Gnome 14.04
- Do you use (X,K,L)Ubuntu as your one an only OS?
- Help with Midnight Commander (MC)
- Windows 7 key
- What will happen when Adobe flash support end?
- Ubuntu - Excellence
- ubuntu os
- What's so great about this Ubuntu thing..
- Which CalDAV/CardDAV/WebDAV server, encrypted, without root access?
- 14.04 if you hate Unity, stay with Gnome-Flashback ...
- File System Management
- Can I search for files and file contents with GUI
- No Google Chrome?
- theme help
- Dual boot??
- Windows 7
- Ubuntu 14.04 CTRL-ALT keyboard shortcuts not working (again)
- Already dissapoint with new ubuntu 14.04 on VM
- Ubuntu Membership Board call for nominations
- Chromium is much faster than Firefox on Linux...
- Thank you Ubuntu!!!
- im so in love
- After a week with Gnome 3.10
- xubuntu
- Lubuntu To Offer LTS Users Select App Updates Through New PPA
- Unity is for the Birds
- Is there a Tech Toy you would like to try but not sure it is worth it?
- Feels great to be back.
- Where is Ubuntu up to and what to use ?
- A Week With The Mac OS X Mavericks
- Change size of /cow while running Ubuntu 12.04 Live-CD
- Deepin 2014 Beta Released
- Donations: The sad face got me
- Looking for paid support
- Creating a New Install Config Sticky for Absolute Beginners?
- Setting up a personal server - best software
- Any good ways to have both OSX and ubuntu, while ubuntu is main and server like
- Gwibber in 14.04 Gone
- Looking for Linux+ questions - what did you use?
- Linux app installer (Ubuntu / Debian / Linux Mint / LMDE)
- Next-Gen Linux Desktop LXQt
- EFF Privacy Badger
- My experiences with Xubuntu
- Ubuntu AIO DVD
- How Good Would Ubuntu Be For Me
- Ubuntu and Hp ProBook 450 G1 compatibility
- Pepper flash for Firefox
- Chrome 35 no more NPAPI plugins
- Now for something completely different... My review of my new Nokia Lumia 929 (Icon).
- Can I use After Effects cs6 on a Ubuntu computer if I dual boot it with a Mac OS?
- Ubuntu roadmap leads to cloud, hyperscale computing
- Android-x86 4.4 RC2
- Auto-hide delay for launcher and click to minimize. (suggestions)
- Community suggestion for FLOSS oriented project as thesis proposal
- Ubuntu personality disorder
- is it possible to do update or upgrade by using using download manager
- How to reduce power consumption in Ubuntu 14.04
- Lubuntu theme discussion
- Grub rescue after upgrade
- Why in the world, at version 14+ does Lubuntu have so many terminals
- Advice from a curious newbie
- Ebay website hack - is the password encryption method similar for all websites?
- Best distro for linux newbies
- 60FPS video conversion software
- Ubuntu One being forced on us through Update Manager
- Ubuntu's appearance in official Google self-driving car video!
- Is there an open source chromium-based browser for Windows?
- Vote Here to voice your support for an official Gnome Shell version of Ubuntu
- Install Fresh Player Plugin in Ubuntu via PPA (this is a pepper flash wrapper FF)
- linux beginner needs a direction
- No need to choose Chrome over Chromium on Ubuntu now.
- Software Center to be Dashed?
- Dissappointed
- "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
- Need a list of Linux distros which uses SELINUX by default
- Google Chromecast Solution for Ubuntu/Chrome
- First post, just installed 14.04
- Trusty Tahr Incremental Releases
- Google Chrome 37, Aura and GTK
- Chromebooks for running other Linux distros
- My story with Lubuntu 14.04 amd64 with some problems and their solutions
- Ubuntu vs Win 8.1
- Xubuntu, Zorin OS, Mint, other XFCE suggestions
- Anyone else decide to stay with 12.04 instead of upgrading to 14.04? Why?
- What am I missing with the latest Ubuntu?
- > 4 GB RAM = Bragging Rights and Nothing More
- Avoid Gender-Specific "Guys" on Ubuntu Forum?
- Debian, Mint (LMDE), SolydX and Tanglu, compared and contrasted
- Any UEFI Issues Dual-Booting Linux?
- Steam Download Filtering
- Next Linux Box?
- Selling Laptop with Ubuntu Preinstalled
- Heads up for Firefox 30. It Disables Plugins By Default
- Thinking of moving to Arch for my new machine. Any reason(s) I should/shouldn't
- Update about-ubuntu page
- Search Xubuntu Forums, get Ubuntu
- Is it user friendly?
- A/UX (Apple unix) emulator is available for Linux (open source project)
- What an Ubuntu dev said about Linux Mint
- FOSS licence
- HP Elitebook Folio 1040
- Ubuntu documentation and learning resources
- New to Linux - Want to be a master of it.
- Programming in Ubuntu / background information about the system
- Be Careful who you Trust - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
- Why use Ubuntu Linux
- how to remove xserver-common-lts-raring from ubuntu 14.04
- 32 bit or 64 bit Ubuntu on 2 GB RAM with E300 AMD processor?
- Do IT professionals use Linux a lot in their work?
- How can I be 100% sure that the installed distro is not corrupt?
- Installer Script.
- File Manager ??
- The future of Unity3D on linux
- Opinion please: Upgrade LTS or Not?
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64-bit Desktop client) greek graphical support (menus, ribbons)
- what is distro means?
- Ubuntu vs Kali Linux
- Did you try other OS's before trying and keeping Ubuntu?
- Alternate 14.4+ GUI
- Are there any good apps to make Linux easier to use?
- Gnome 3.12.2 packages?
- Using OpenVPN between two firewalled machines?
- Crowdfunded WebWeaver code editor.
- New opera for linux
- Why is Ubuntu so hot
- Ubuntu Server vs NAS4free as a headless multi-function media server - an experience
- where are all the "good" distros...