- Unanswered Posts Team
- My thoughts on Ubuntu 12.04
- Customize/personalize/configure/experiment with Ubuntu
- just for fun. Install on OLD hardware
- Adobe flash update on Win 7 bundled mcafee security scan plus.
- 2,000,000 Threads
- Both a traditional and Unity desktop?
- legal to sell ubuntu ?
- Looking for CardDAV / CalDAV server that wouldn't require shell access
- Interesting Unity feature
- Not so much a Coding question, but an Open Sourcing question.
- Mari0 game
- Make a "non-bloated" Ubuntu
- Customization in Ubuntu?
- Should I switch from Windows 8.1 to Ubuntu?
- Has anyone tried the SteamOS Yet?
- Specific .sol Flash cookie, access to and manipulation
- Black Lab Linux 4.1.9 KDE released
- Go deeper in the profile
- Icon for customized ubuntu iso?
- New AMD Radeon 13.12 catalyst for linux... or not?!
- Ubuntu Minimal CD install (Xfce) What do you add on to it?
- staples has ubuntu
- Wayland or Mir
- Upstart or Systemd
- Linux Is Not UniX
- Ubuntu professional qualifications
- newbie to php programmer
- software recommendations?
- If you were an office migrating from XP, would you rather deploy Ubuntu LTS or RHEL?
- An interesting read on Linux used across the Globe
- Don"t make it look like windows 8
- Will Xubuntu 14.04 LTS get faster and lower on system ressources?
- Upgrade to new 13.10 really makes me sad
- Do USC & Synaptic not prompt to remove old kernels?
- Difference between LIVE CD/USB & Actual Installation?
- LiMux - the IT evolution - An open source success story like never before
- Why is PulseAudio the default mixer in Ubuntu?
- Linux is the slowest OS I have ever used on any machine.
- What is the real reason that Google Earth won't install in Ubuntu 13.10 anyway?
- Me being mad
- Mythubuntu: well done job :-) Thanks
- How much authentication is too much?
- Error with call_usermodehelper API
- Black Lab Linux 4.2 Beta 3 released
- Downloading .exe files
- Marked Letter + SHIFT → Uppercase Letter
- CPU/RAM used by netbook
- Where are the jobs?
- I'm hesitant to file new bug reports
- Better battery life on Mint than Ubuntu
- Just how much are Chromebooks based on Linux?
- What are your thoughts on "Android and Windows on the Same Computer"
- Books on Ubuntu/LInux
- Banco do Brasil
- Ubuntu Server instead of Debian?
- Video chat - smart phone / laptop
- Good-bye Ubuntu, going back to Windows
- absolute linux beginner help
- Performance of Ubuntu Studio compared to other Ubuntu's
- disappointed
- User Agent and Android browser?
- One your computer - ONE BUTTON for end-user
- Advice on a Library Management Program
- In Appreciation of The Moderators
- Bizarre scrollbar behaviour in GTK3
- openSUSE forums hacked
- Open source and privacy
- How to "see" what's in "." and ".."
- Help and suggestions for the idea....
- Do you Use Chromium on Linux? Adobe Flash Will Stop Working From April
- Transition from mac to linux user
- Questions about Ubuntu Gnome 14.04
- Look for hIghly safe and failure resistant data file storage format.
- browsers
- Black Lab Linux 4.2 released
- Brightness changer depending on your sitting environment
- Is the Linux kernel interacting with the SSD RAID0 cache?
- Anyone else using GNOME 3?
- Ubuntu 14.** Windows 9 and Gnome Flashback
- Keil and Flash Magic alternatives
- Ministry of Education of Romania rejects Edubuntu
- Can anyone sugest a Distribution for teaching and basic programming.
- A College Student's Review of the Kudo Professional
- Digital Ocean
- Is Ubuntu very buggy compared to Debian?
- OpenBSD project needs funding immediately
- which video driver is better? FGLRX Or X.org
- Why upgrade to 14.04?
- The Ubuntu way...
- ToriOS
- Citing The GPL in MLA?
- upstart, systemd, Canonical and Debian
- Powermac g4
- Plea for desktop environment
- Developing for Ubuntu.
- Hp dv 4000
- Will we ever get past UEFI?
- New kernel not showing up in GRUB
- Recommend me a distro
- Fedora commands
- Writing a manual
- Ubuntu, Netflix, Xfinity, Flash out of sync and players unmotivated to fix
- Is there a newer version of Linux as good as Ubuntu 10.04?
- Trolling in Synaptic description?
- Backing up: worth its own Desktop icon?
- totem (GNOME video player) package needs to be upgraded in Ubuntu
- Stylish for Firefox: possible breakage
- Observation of Instability
- Best Linux for Dell Dimension 2350 (users opinion)
- Coming from windows... many, many basic questions
- Huge Kloxo Hack
- Alternative to ClicktoPlugin for Ubuntu?
- Otaku OS? Know anything about it?
- UK Government sees the light
- NFTables to replace IPTables in Linux Kernel 3.13
- Yay for GIMP single-window mode!
- Who writes linux Kernel modules?
- 15 Ebooks That Any Open Source Lover Should Read
- So everything is already in Linux?
- Replacing Windows 8 on a Dell Inspiron. This is not a problem.
- Simulated training environments
- Gnumeric problem
- lUbubtu istallation
- Does Canonical Inc. fund and recognize X/L/Kubuntu and Ubuntu GNOME?
- Why has Canonical Inc. succeeded where all the others have failed?
- Why have you chosen to use Ubuntu or Ubuntu-based distros?
- Ubuntu, I need stability!
- A quick tip for those with older ati cards!
- Interesting Use for Linux Distro
- Ubuntu GNOME , Unity & VMware
- Just how powerful is the Terminal?
- First time experiences and concerns with Ubuntu 13.10
- why Ubuntu is still not the mainstream OS and will not increase marketshare
- From Ubuntu to Windows 8
- Paranoid or Under Attack ?
- How to continue advancing in linux now that Ubuntu has become so user friendly
- Post-Canonical Linux?
- Cthulhu
- I feel like I'm in an unwinnable war / paranoid questions
- Having great luck with 13.10!
- Firefox 27?
- Ubuntu on hybrids
- Anybody still want to know why one go for Linux?
- from ubuntu to ubuntu and back again
- Firefox's "Open Containing Folder" Highlighting
- What happened to Ubuntu?
- Is there a 100% GNOME-free distro?
- ubuntu based distros
- Unity Containers
- multiple problems with Ubuntu
- How is it Ubuntu never really gets any easier to use?
- Getting more developers on the Linux Platform idea
- Report on french police move to Ubuntu?
- Advice on partitions for Dual boot? 128 GB SSD + 1 TB HDD + 500 GB HDD.
- Why are basic things in Linux so hard?
- xfce desktop environment
- Nvidia driver 331 with dual Nvidia GPUs
- Will XFCE continue to be supported ?
- How to configure syslog/script to generate email in case of critical issue
- Ubuntu or Linux Mint Podcasts ?
- Compiz & Ubuntu
- Ubuntu 14.04... the daily build... Easy to upgrade to LTS?
- A tale of installing Ubuntu
- ubuntu 12.04 server guides for samba4
- a window manager for the minimalist/effective-user
- Open SUSE
- Tizen
- How to install Real time linux in Ubuntu ?
- Any updates to nvidia supporting optimus on linux
- 🐞 Ubuntu Bug Weekend
- Kernel numbering
- Clipboard built in to the OS?
- webserver stats
- Absolute beginner
- Firefox Nightly or Australis
- Ubuntu 14.04 default programs....
- Xubuntu most common problems
- Can someone explain .......Linux vs Windows
- Stuck on the distro for me
- What you can acomplish with Xfce
- How to remove dynamic IP address allocation for network interface in ubuntu 12.04??
- How to setup OpenPGP Server for Blackberry Email, File encryption?
- UBUNTU long time - user controls - bugs
- Firefox about:config settings
- Ubuntu PXE Boot Solution
- Microsoft to give away Windows 8.1 for free?
- Is it ethical to call a new distro LTS?
- Ubuntu 13.10 troubles with old AMD64 Athlon HW
- Getubuntu.com
- Best Firewall, Anti-Virus and Anti-spyware Distro
- 64bit with 2.5GB of ram worth it?
- where to post suggestion
- ubuntu suggestion
- Dell refuses warranty coverage because I ran Ubuntu
- Videoclip made with Kdenlive - Manjaro, end format WebM, audio Ogg.
- From a beginner.....
- scheduling a program
- 3 Immediate Linux Alternatives for XP Users
- The 'coming doom' for Windows XP users and what can be done...
- Uninstalling Unity layer
- Linux packaging and software installation - need a rethink ?
- ubuntu is no fun
- Ubuntu Classic Edition, what are your thoughts ?
- How to install an ubuntu theme?
- Distro to replace Windows XP
- GLIB errors for libnetdude-0.12 source compile
- Why is Ubuntu 12.04.4 so buggy?
- Configure Realtek ALC888 with alsa for frequencies > 20 kHz
- Why Sound Problems at this Late Date?
- Netbook/speed increase ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Helpful terminal shortcuts
- Windows 8 vs Ubuntu
- IRC and ubottu
- What do you think Canonical should do?
- Loving Ubuntu!
- How ubuntu is very good at messing up your HD and files
- 14.04 min/max/close buttons
- Is there an Ubuntu Guide?
- Reset RAM
- 32 vs 64
- Figured it out - why Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, etc. didn't feel right on new laptop
- Ubuntu Suitable gaming OS replacement?
- Where is compat_syscall_execve define?
- Buzzing sound on an LED monitor
- Html5 os
- Break Ubuntu!
- Looking for a free Red Hat...
- Secure Boot limiting competition
- Reliable CalDAV/CardDAV server that works with Calendar.app & Addressbook.app
- Lubuntu, or Ubuntu?
- Ubuntu 14.04
- How to configure sublime text 3 for javascript development
- how do i put ubuntu on a usb stick and make it work on my clamshell i book
- What app should be reported?
- Removal of stone age relics
- I love it!!!
- Installing a lighter distro
- There should be some more attention on Gui(for programs and games that are out of ub)
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Can Ubuntu Touch tablets run PCSX2 from native x86 source?
- Goodbye, Windows XP
- Sad Day...
- new outernet? is linux ready?
- Levelling out volume for audio tracks. how to do it?
- Fedora LXDE, Linux Mint LXDE or Lubuntu... is there a difference?
- I Need Help! Zorin vs Ubuntu
- Install 13.10 now or go ahead with 14.04 beta
- rolling release debian based os
- Graphical Disk Storage from Remote Mac