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  1. Tool to automate installation of sotwares and developement tools
  2. Choosing an OS for a friend who has never owned a computer
  3. ntfs-3g Testing user permissions
  4. 40 Linux USB security holes. That's not a typo.
  5. ● 2 ½ hidden OSes in your Intel x86 system
  6. unity7 remix set to become official flavor?
  7. Firefox 57
  8. lubuntu 15.10 update : wily-backports have disappeared on fr.archve.ubuntu.com/dists/
  9. GUI-friendly Linux distro
  10. Raspberry Pi Error
  11. Gnome Overview: Keyword searches
  12. Ubuntu 18.04 Daily Builds - anyone running it daily?
  13. Rocking with peppermint 8
  14. What do you call an Ubuntu window?
  15. Goodbye Linux
  16. Protecting Filesystem, FSProtect vs Dafturn Ofris?
  17. Best OS for PC with AMD processor and graphics
  18. So how does one find info on how to make custom desktop environment?
  19. Point always to stable ubuntu version
  20. What lightweight gnome distributions do you recommend for an older computer?
  21. Bash interrupt to continue in background?
  22. I understand now why Linux will never be 'the preferred OS'
  23. PHP 7.2 for Ubuntu 18.04 ??
  24. Are you running something along Ubuntu?
  25. Wayland should not be the default in 18.04.
  26. Tried 17.10 and ugh
  27. Who would like to make a Discord for the forums?
  28. Looking Glass: an unasked for Firefox extension
  29. Which Linux distribution supports old computer with an unsupported ATI legacy GPU?
  30. Recommendations for replacement to 17.10
  31. My question
  32. Please recommend a good cheap computer that is easy to install ubuntu on.
  33. Linux-Ubuntu main problem: Dreadful communication skills
  34. pdksh 5.2.14-28ubuntu1 ksh - Public domain Korn shell
  35. Web design / editor
  36. Artful can corrupt some UEFI BIOSes
  37. Anyone here break 200k salary line?
  38. General risks of hosting a VPN
  39. Launching Ubuntu on chromebook:: Unable to connect to X server
  40. Selling linux appliance. Are there legal / license concerns with commercializing?
  41. Number of times user can enter encryption passphrase
  42. Hardware Monitoring
  43. 17.10 Annoyances and Ineffeciencies
  44. Does the warning against writing to ntfs from Linux still apply?
  45. Any way to get an instant email alert when the next Ubuntu version gets published?
  46. Requests concerning wireless-info
  47. Purism, the Librem product line. Thoughts and opinions?
  48. Return of Freespire
  49. Farewell, Rusty Russell
  50. The download of Kubuntu 17.10 is currently discouraged
  51. SSD Advice
  52. Ubuntu font copyright
  53. 64 bit installation and live dvds should contain 32 bit efi files
  54. "whodo" gone extinct?
  55. Nautilus extension - mediainfo
  56. 1st Ubuntu Meltdown Patch Causes Ubuntu to Freeze -
  57. Rolling versus Non-Rolling?
  58. Mate 16.04 date
  59. New to Linux and Ubuntu
  60. Google reverse images search fails sometimes
  61. What Linux distros will continue to support 32-bit?
  62. Flavors of Hadoop? Which one should I learn?
  63. Powershell on Linux...
  64. Rumours of Ubuntu shooting self in the foot???
  65. The Ubuntu Gnome desktop is terrible
  66. BIOS allowing, do you choose UEFI or standard boot option
  67. Ubuntu 16.04.4 & Other Flavours Release Date
  68. .Desktop problems
  69. The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter
  70. fstrim app
  71. Stuck on GNU Grub, Cannot boot from USB or Live CD.
  72. I am in love with Ubunutu and especially the forum design :D
  73. Something Happened
  74. The cause of speaker static was ............................
  75. How to enable CONFIG_COMPAT on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  76. Ubuntu 14.04 why is my VPS sometimes unreachable?
  77. I need an attitude adjustment: Ubuntu keeps changing versions.
  78. encrypted email web portal server
  79. Ubuntu 18.04 or Gnome 3.x?
  80. I am looking for terminal to connect to the SD II emulator for apple II
  81. The Ubuntu Desktop weekly
  82. Need Help Setting Up Startup Business Ubuntu Machines
  83. Ubuntu Print Server Driver Windows Client Connect unable
  84. Tips for a linux noob
  85. What OS to install to my old laptop?
  86. Qt 5.10.1 Released Today
  87. How can I use Chrome Remote Desktop on my Ubuntu 17.10?
  88. The Staff :D
  89. what is the consensus on hardware longevity between Linux and Windows?
  90. My First 60 Days of Ubuntu - Experiences, Thoughts, Advice
  91. Why are LibreOffice, Blender, Python and IPython are faster under Ubuntu?
  92. Thinking about giving Ubuntu another try - Skype?
  93. atunes on 16.04
  94. Does Linux Mint really do this?
  95. Help me find my dream File Manager :)
  96. My next distro?
  97. What is Different Between Window,Ubuntu and Linux?
  98. asking auth for ssh domain user login.
  99. Canonical's Unity 8 Desktop Revived by UBports with Support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  100. Ubuntu Boot Screen loads very slow from bottom to top-Tri Boot
  101. Considering coming back to the buntu
  102. this is better to install? https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-ubuntu-on-w
  103. Ubuntu 18.04 support for Nautilus 3.28+
  104. Lubuntu vs Ubuntu
  105. Thread with code that broke my Ubuntu
  106. what would have happened if Linus Torvalds had accepted Steve Jobs offer?
  107. I don't like Ubuntu 18 and up
  108. Custom desktop widgets
  109. triple boot
  110. Ultracopier 1.4 packages
  111. Is there a program like cryptkeeper for Ubuntu?
  112. Ubuntu restricted desktop
  113. I'm back! Back to Linux after 5 years of Mac OS
  114. vmware view client linux
  115. What do I do?
  116. ZFS as storage for Ubuntu 17.10 Desktop.
  117. Looking for resources for distro development project
  118. Other users experiences with Ubuntu
  119. Beta testers for the new Perl inxi release requested
  120. any other online courses similar to freecodecamp
  121. Ubuntu 18.04 collecting Data ???? :(
  122. Biometrics
  123. Please help me with this Python question
  124. ubuntu-update.sh - open source script to update Ubuntu
  125. what are your favorite laptop tweaks/tips to get the most from your sceen size?
  126. Looking for old release ISOs (Lubuntu)
  127. Gthumb is ruined!
  128. entryUUID attribute in OpenLDAP
  129. TTY, revisitied.
  130. Ubuntu Vs Kubuntu Software General Question
  131. Company opening with using linux?
  132. Brave for Ubuntu
  133. How many Linux/Ubuntu OSs do you use?
  134. Why doesn't Ubuntu use HTTPS for the main ISO download and system updates?
  135. Making Linux bootable usb, issue!
  136. Linux Ubuntu Better Then Windows?
  137. Should I install Win 10 or Ubuntu on Lenovo G50 ?
  138. Unity out, Gnome desktop in from now on? Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  139. Make it easy on yourself with Compiz commands
  140. File Explorer that's more like windows explorer?
  141. Lubuntu or Ubuntu MATE on this laptop ?
  142. Some Facts About The Ubuntu Betas
  143. Create customized ubuntu/debian ISO with pre installed third party packages
  144. Is there any point in reporting System Program Problems?
  145. a quick quesion about GNObuntu
  146. Firefox 59.0.2 (64 bit) and Borders
  147. Thought it was worth posting.
  148. Wallpapers
  149. Who maintains the Ubuntu Kickstart project?
  150. Linux on Galaxy (aka Samsung Galaxy Smartphones with DEX)
  151. Business or enterprise login software
  152. Need help on LiveCD
  153. Why to change to U18-LTS?
  154. time zone for Ubuntu release dates
  155. Xubuntu 18.04
  156. Ubuntu 18.04.
  157. Ubuntu 18.04 thoughts
  158. I installed Xubuntu 18.04 yesterday
  159. Share with us your Bionic Beaver (18.04) Upgrade and Installation Experiences
  160. Linux kernel in 18.04
  161. Is this a great system for dual boot win and ubuntu??
  162. Status of Midori and Netsurf browser
  163. Ubuntu server 18.04 LTS, again, new way to configure things
  164. A few problems
  165. Issue with Lastpass add-on, X and Firefox
  166. GVFS still not supported in all applications?
  167. Your thoughts on the new Tablet focus
  168. Why don't Canonical switch Ubuntu Non-LTS with Rolling Release Model?
  169. boot time cut in half by removing snap
  170. Interesting
  171. Xubuntu Core 18.04
  172. New Ubuntu User
  173. Gnome icons
  174. linux bridging and vlans, looking for a solution
  175. Back to 16.04.
  176. AArch64 on Raspberry Pi 2 (rev 1.2), 3B, 3B+
  177. why does ubuntu LTS package pre-release and apha software?
  178. My Deployment is nearing completion. Proud and love Ubuntu!
  179. Finding a Ubunti compatible video editor that I can understand any ideas?
  180. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS quality - How to improve the distro ?
  181. What a great desktop
  182. How Do I Erase HDD Platters?
  183. Ubuntu 18.04
  184. Support for elementary OS
  185. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS no compatible docker install for Kubernetes and Rancher!
  186. Ubuntu 18.04-Apps icon on top
  187. Ubuntu 18.04 is great.
  188. Dual boot on a HP machine using UEFI
  189. Did your battery life get better with 18.04?
  190. Dell XPS 13 9370
  191. Gnome Decided to keep allowing Binaries
  192. Thank you Ubuntu Forums and those who post here!
  193. Junk characters in store file
  194. The minimalist Linux distributions
  195. no chromium updates as deb package for 14.04 Trusty - press info
  196. Reporting XFCE Bugs
  197. Conky Clementine script for Beaver
  198. Mirroring screen to fire tv stick / android tv
  199. Wot???
  200. How is it that 18.04 is considered LTS...
  201. Pound not in bionic repositories
  202. GDM3 + LDAP in Ubuntu 18.04
  203. Mind Blown mount onto itself
  204. PHP Not working
  205. Bug when switching between users
  206. What would happen if Microsoft buys the Linux kernel?
  207. Ubuntu versus Arch terminal syntax
  208. EXT4 vs NFTS (on the health of HDD)
  209. Unofficial Snap Packaging for the GTK+ UVC Viewer(Guvcview)
  210. need help?
  211. Running Visual Basic application on Linux (Wine?)
  212. A first look at desktop metrics
  213. What is Linus Torvalds opinion about the Debian, Arch, Gentoo, Funtoo and Slackware?
  214. Bash shell on Windows 7 & 8
  215. Dual boot compatible brand that works with Oculus Rift
  216. Software Stores
  217. Firefox 61
  218. what is the difference between Firefox and SeaMonkey Browser?
  219. Is it possible to create a minimal ubuntu installed iso.
  220. Questions on buying a Linux laptop
  221. Anyone have any thoughts?
  222. New member into this community!
  223. Push-Notifications between Android and Linux
  224. anyone run enlightenment over the 18.04 mmsin ubuntu?
  225. Best solution for my 15 year-old laptop ?
  226. Ubuntu Live USB help
  227. Live streaming options
  228. Lubuntu 18.04 for TV BOX & Raspberry Pi -- THE FUTURE
  229. Reasonable Deals On Ubuntu Ready Machines?
  230. Are you happy about the switch to Gnome?
  231. Unofficial Snap Packaging of Git Cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
  232. Powershell on Linux
  233. will enabling 32-bit support in 64-bit Ubuntu still be a viable option in the future?
  234. Can I install Ubuntu on an external SSD ?
  235. Ubuntu 18.04 on a touchscreen (Dell Venue 11 Pro 7140) - problems and solutions
  236. Filename length suggestions
  237. Xubuntu is Xcellent!
  238. interesting article on ubuntu
  239. Very disappointed with 18.04
  240. Terminal Commands Difference between Ubuntu and Manjaro
  241. Hidden Asset (isometric stealth/assassination game) public alpha demo testing
  242. A few thoughts on user interfaces and user experience
  243. Ubuntu 18.04.1?
  244. Replacing MacOS with Ubuntu 18.04 LTE. Opinions?
  245. Which is the best xubuntu
  246. It's too late now.
  247. Re: Hello!
  248. MS Store Selling Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 - but requires Android, IoS or Win10 ??
  249. Print server for about 250 people, tracking usage including account codes.
  250. First time linux user