- Tool to automate installation of sotwares and developement tools
- Choosing an OS for a friend who has never owned a computer
- ntfs-3g Testing user permissions
- 40 Linux USB security holes. That's not a typo.
- ● 2 ½ hidden OSes in your Intel x86 system
- unity7 remix set to become official flavor?
- Firefox 57
- lubuntu 15.10 update : wily-backports have disappeared on fr.archve.ubuntu.com/dists/
- GUI-friendly Linux distro
- Raspberry Pi Error
- Gnome Overview: Keyword searches
- Ubuntu 18.04 Daily Builds - anyone running it daily?
- Rocking with peppermint 8
- What do you call an Ubuntu window?
- Goodbye Linux
- Protecting Filesystem, FSProtect vs Dafturn Ofris?
- Best OS for PC with AMD processor and graphics
- So how does one find info on how to make custom desktop environment?
- Point always to stable ubuntu version
- What lightweight gnome distributions do you recommend for an older computer?
- Bash interrupt to continue in background?
- I understand now why Linux will never be 'the preferred OS'
- PHP 7.2 for Ubuntu 18.04 ??
- Are you running something along Ubuntu?
- Wayland should not be the default in 18.04.
- Tried 17.10 and ugh
- Who would like to make a Discord for the forums?
- Looking Glass: an unasked for Firefox extension
- Which Linux distribution supports old computer with an unsupported ATI legacy GPU?
- Recommendations for replacement to 17.10
- My question
- Please recommend a good cheap computer that is easy to install ubuntu on.
- Linux-Ubuntu main problem: Dreadful communication skills
- pdksh 5.2.14-28ubuntu1 ksh - Public domain Korn shell
- Web design / editor
- Artful can corrupt some UEFI BIOSes
- Anyone here break 200k salary line?
- General risks of hosting a VPN
- Launching Ubuntu on chromebook:: Unable to connect to X server
- Selling linux appliance. Are there legal / license concerns with commercializing?
- Number of times user can enter encryption passphrase
- Hardware Monitoring
- 17.10 Annoyances and Ineffeciencies
- Does the warning against writing to ntfs from Linux still apply?
- Any way to get an instant email alert when the next Ubuntu version gets published?
- Requests concerning wireless-info
- Purism, the Librem product line. Thoughts and opinions?
- Return of Freespire
- Farewell, Rusty Russell
- The download of Kubuntu 17.10 is currently discouraged
- SSD Advice
- Ubuntu font copyright
- 64 bit installation and live dvds should contain 32 bit efi files
- "whodo" gone extinct?
- Nautilus extension - mediainfo
- 1st Ubuntu Meltdown Patch Causes Ubuntu to Freeze -
- Rolling versus Non-Rolling?
- Mate 16.04 date
- New to Linux and Ubuntu
- Google reverse images search fails sometimes
- What Linux distros will continue to support 32-bit?
- Flavors of Hadoop? Which one should I learn?
- Powershell on Linux...
- Rumours of Ubuntu shooting self in the foot???
- The Ubuntu Gnome desktop is terrible
- BIOS allowing, do you choose UEFI or standard boot option
- Ubuntu 16.04.4 & Other Flavours Release Date
- .Desktop problems
- The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter
- fstrim app
- Stuck on GNU Grub, Cannot boot from USB or Live CD.
- I am in love with Ubunutu and especially the forum design :D
- Something Happened
- The cause of speaker static was ............................
- How to enable CONFIG_COMPAT on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 14.04 why is my VPS sometimes unreachable?
- I need an attitude adjustment: Ubuntu keeps changing versions.
- encrypted email web portal server
- Ubuntu 18.04 or Gnome 3.x?
- I am looking for terminal to connect to the SD II emulator for apple II
- The Ubuntu Desktop weekly
- Need Help Setting Up Startup Business Ubuntu Machines
- Ubuntu Print Server Driver Windows Client Connect unable
- Tips for a linux noob
- What OS to install to my old laptop?
- Qt 5.10.1 Released Today
- How can I use Chrome Remote Desktop on my Ubuntu 17.10?
- The Staff :D
- what is the consensus on hardware longevity between Linux and Windows?
- My First 60 Days of Ubuntu - Experiences, Thoughts, Advice
- Why are LibreOffice, Blender, Python and IPython are faster under Ubuntu?
- Thinking about giving Ubuntu another try - Skype?
- atunes on 16.04
- Does Linux Mint really do this?
- Help me find my dream File Manager :)
- My next distro?
- What is Different Between Window,Ubuntu and Linux?
- asking auth for ssh domain user login.
- Canonical's Unity 8 Desktop Revived by UBports with Support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Ubuntu Boot Screen loads very slow from bottom to top-Tri Boot
- Considering coming back to the buntu
- this is better to install? https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-ubuntu-on-w
- Ubuntu 18.04 support for Nautilus 3.28+
- Lubuntu vs Ubuntu
- Thread with code that broke my Ubuntu
- what would have happened if Linus Torvalds had accepted Steve Jobs offer?
- I don't like Ubuntu 18 and up
- Custom desktop widgets
- triple boot
- Ultracopier 1.4 packages
- Is there a program like cryptkeeper for Ubuntu?
- Ubuntu restricted desktop
- I'm back! Back to Linux after 5 years of Mac OS
- vmware view client linux
- What do I do?
- ZFS as storage for Ubuntu 17.10 Desktop.
- Looking for resources for distro development project
- Other users experiences with Ubuntu
- Beta testers for the new Perl inxi release requested
- any other online courses similar to freecodecamp
- Ubuntu 18.04 collecting Data ???? :(
- Biometrics
- Please help me with this Python question
- ubuntu-update.sh - open source script to update Ubuntu
- what are your favorite laptop tweaks/tips to get the most from your sceen size?
- Looking for old release ISOs (Lubuntu)
- Gthumb is ruined!
- entryUUID attribute in OpenLDAP
- TTY, revisitied.
- Ubuntu Vs Kubuntu Software General Question
- Company opening with using linux?
- Brave for Ubuntu
- How many Linux/Ubuntu OSs do you use?
- Why doesn't Ubuntu use HTTPS for the main ISO download and system updates?
- Making Linux bootable usb, issue!
- Linux Ubuntu Better Then Windows?
- Should I install Win 10 or Ubuntu on Lenovo G50 ?
- Unity out, Gnome desktop in from now on? Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Make it easy on yourself with Compiz commands
- File Explorer that's more like windows explorer?
- Lubuntu or Ubuntu MATE on this laptop ?
- Some Facts About The Ubuntu Betas
- Create customized ubuntu/debian ISO with pre installed third party packages
- Is there any point in reporting System Program Problems?
- a quick quesion about GNObuntu
- Firefox 59.0.2 (64 bit) and Borders
- Thought it was worth posting.
- Wallpapers
- Who maintains the Ubuntu Kickstart project?
- Linux on Galaxy (aka Samsung Galaxy Smartphones with DEX)
- Business or enterprise login software
- Need help on LiveCD
- Why to change to U18-LTS?
- time zone for Ubuntu release dates
- Xubuntu 18.04
- Ubuntu 18.04.
- Ubuntu 18.04 thoughts
- I installed Xubuntu 18.04 yesterday
- Share with us your Bionic Beaver (18.04) Upgrade and Installation Experiences
- Linux kernel in 18.04
- Is this a great system for dual boot win and ubuntu??
- Status of Midori and Netsurf browser
- Ubuntu server 18.04 LTS, again, new way to configure things
- A few problems
- Issue with Lastpass add-on, X and Firefox
- GVFS still not supported in all applications?
- Your thoughts on the new Tablet focus
- Why don't Canonical switch Ubuntu Non-LTS with Rolling Release Model?
- boot time cut in half by removing snap
- Interesting
- Xubuntu Core 18.04
- New Ubuntu User
- Gnome icons
- linux bridging and vlans, looking for a solution
- Back to 16.04.
- AArch64 on Raspberry Pi 2 (rev 1.2), 3B, 3B+
- why does ubuntu LTS package pre-release and apha software?
- My Deployment is nearing completion. Proud and love Ubuntu!
- Finding a Ubunti compatible video editor that I can understand any ideas?
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS quality - How to improve the distro ?
- What a great desktop
- How Do I Erase HDD Platters?
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Support for elementary OS
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS no compatible docker install for Kubernetes and Rancher!
- Ubuntu 18.04-Apps icon on top
- Ubuntu 18.04 is great.
- Dual boot on a HP machine using UEFI
- Did your battery life get better with 18.04?
- Dell XPS 13 9370
- Gnome Decided to keep allowing Binaries
- Thank you Ubuntu Forums and those who post here!
- Junk characters in store file
- The minimalist Linux distributions
- no chromium updates as deb package for 14.04 Trusty - press info
- Reporting XFCE Bugs
- Conky Clementine script for Beaver
- Mirroring screen to fire tv stick / android tv
- Wot???
- How is it that 18.04 is considered LTS...
- Pound not in bionic repositories
- GDM3 + LDAP in Ubuntu 18.04
- Mind Blown mount onto itself
- PHP Not working
- Bug when switching between users
- What would happen if Microsoft buys the Linux kernel?
- Ubuntu versus Arch terminal syntax
- EXT4 vs NFTS (on the health of HDD)
- Unofficial Snap Packaging for the GTK+ UVC Viewer(Guvcview)
- need help?
- Running Visual Basic application on Linux (Wine?)
- A first look at desktop metrics
- What is Linus Torvalds opinion about the Debian, Arch, Gentoo, Funtoo and Slackware?
- Bash shell on Windows 7 & 8
- Dual boot compatible brand that works with Oculus Rift
- Software Stores
- Firefox 61
- what is the difference between Firefox and SeaMonkey Browser?
- Is it possible to create a minimal ubuntu installed iso.
- Questions on buying a Linux laptop
- Anyone have any thoughts?
- New member into this community!
- Push-Notifications between Android and Linux
- anyone run enlightenment over the 18.04 mmsin ubuntu?
- Best solution for my 15 year-old laptop ?
- Ubuntu Live USB help
- Live streaming options
- Lubuntu 18.04 for TV BOX & Raspberry Pi -- THE FUTURE
- Reasonable Deals On Ubuntu Ready Machines?
- Are you happy about the switch to Gnome?
- Unofficial Snap Packaging of Git Cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- Powershell on Linux
- will enabling 32-bit support in 64-bit Ubuntu still be a viable option in the future?
- Can I install Ubuntu on an external SSD ?
- Ubuntu 18.04 on a touchscreen (Dell Venue 11 Pro 7140) - problems and solutions
- Filename length suggestions
- Xubuntu is Xcellent!
- interesting article on ubuntu
- Very disappointed with 18.04
- Terminal Commands Difference between Ubuntu and Manjaro
- Hidden Asset (isometric stealth/assassination game) public alpha demo testing
- A few thoughts on user interfaces and user experience
- Ubuntu 18.04.1?
- Replacing MacOS with Ubuntu 18.04 LTE. Opinions?
- Which is the best xubuntu
- It's too late now.
- Re: Hello!
- MS Store Selling Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 - but requires Android, IoS or Win10 ??
- Print server for about 250 people, tracking usage including account codes.
- First time linux user