- Contribute on download
- Unused Software?
- Opera, Linux, and Chromium
- The logic behind systemd's naming of devices
- Vector smash protection. What is it.
- What's your preferred office suite?
- Why are Laptops Problematic.
- Why & How the Elementary OS is faster than Ubuntu ?
- Best place for data?
- WebUpd8 is active again
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Ensuring Long Term Support
- Does Linux have Remote Assistance like Windows?
- Full web-page screenshot with Firefox
- Would this setup work for my work needs?
- It's finally happening
- What luck in general with older system hardwares?
- Samsung S3 sgh-1747
- Fedora forum issue
- Ubuntu Web Browser App Chromecast support.
- Linux Kernel 4.5 rc7 Support
- Need your suggestion
- Don't Use dd Before Your Morning Coffee
- Looking for an office suite that works on Ubuntu 14.04 lts
- "Small" Browser
- Update on editing wiki pages
- 13" laptop known to work with Ubuntu (and NOT Dell)?
- [SOLVED] OS for Pentium-M Banias past 2017?
- I'm Confused.
- VPN with network manager sucks
- guess on ubuntu release of v16 LTS
- I have to use Windows
- Need supported solution to collect and encrypt important data (Ubuntu LTS supported)
- can i install windows on a ubuntu installed machine
- insydeH20 correct settings
- How to change login screen background Ubuntu Gnome 15.10
- Paid app
- ubuntu 14.04.4 kernel stuck on 3.13.0-79
- AMD/ATI graphics drivers in 16.04??
- studying online courses
- Pxe server installtion doesn't support live images using(ftp/htp/nfs)
- Test My Image Editor?
- Pale Moon: Idea for a new browser product
- Help: C++ program to implement a Linux command
- A distro for my needs?
- Updates.
- Is "Xebian" Xubuntu's present surprise?
- Remix OS
- A version/distro by Kernel/Mesa/OpenGL/Xorg
- Internet Fraud
- Wine and Ubuntu 14.04LTS
- Getting into linux
- Printer driver has messed up the OS and couldn't update other package
- Dual Booting
- A note to Canonical
- Mangler is dead
- Laptop decoration
- How do Xubuntu & Unity Get Along?
- Simple Text Editor for Stripping HTML?
- compare with os x and ubuntu
- Suggest Which Version of Ubuntu
- Newb looking for suggestions
- New York Times: How To Live Without Windows 10
- Hacker Encrypts Hard Drive
- Uninstalling lubuntu
- do-release-upgrade -- Is it necessary?
- Terminal problem, what to do?
- Hmmm... Ubuntu & BSD?
- Hi I would like to have a admin guide if possible
- gedit
- Ubuntu Stability
- [Solved] Silly question re. zsync but how much did I download?
- Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.
- Request to bring back loop-aes-utils to repository
- Why is canonical partnering up with Microsoft?! What is happening?!!
- 14.04 to 16.04: what to look out for?
- Ubuntu i want to love you, but you dont let me
- Ubuntu 14.04.4 / 15.10 stuck on shutdown - SOLUTION
- Hey, I love Linux & Love the 'buntus
- Is there any statistic about number of LTS users and latest release users for desktop
- Gmail Contacts
- 32bit runs faster than 64bit, go figure.
- Could someone give me examples of sites that require Flash 12 or higher?
- new linux apps you've just loved
- Firefox extensions --- caution
- Anyone else running ubuntu(beta) on windows 10?
- Upgrade VS clean install
- Ubuntu do belongs to Microsoft????
- Out of the box Debian distribution
- Ubuntu or Mint?
- New to Linux - Ubuntu is a Wonderful Thing
- Is it me or is Windows 10 really, really buggy?
- 16.04 LTS Reviews
- What jobs/tasks is Ubuntu the best at?
- Ubuntu Works with my 11 year old PC
- new tools in 16.04
- [Solved] Some ubuntu.com sites down?
- I love setting up linux...
- Project Tofino:
- Will we be able to enable UNITY 8 on Ubuntu 16.04 on day 1?
- Can I merge into a Linux world or should I quit trying?
- Internet Gigabyte Monitor
- Homeland Security has warned Windows users to remove Apple's QuickTime for Windows
- Clementine 1.3.0 (Music Player) Released @ 4/15/2016 - A Massive Release!
- New to Ubuntu but not Linux!!!
- Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit - which one ?
- True Transparency In KDE?
- ubuntu-budgie working on becoming an official flavor
- Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit LTS & full-disk encryption
- Frustration (Rant)
- Ubuntu crashed during upgrade
- Charter won't work with linux
- edit colors as they are shown
- Upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04 - How'd it go?
- Will Firefox be snap packaged? It seems so
- New ISO Release or Beta ISO Release
- Easiest way to try unity 8 on ubuntu 16.04?
- 16.04 initial problems
- Share with us your Xenial (16.04) Upgrade and Installation Experiences
- Is there any point in using ZFS on a desktop system?
- Snap packaging security risk on the desktop?
- Ubuntu Core 16.04 release almost impossible to find!
- Can someone make a 16.04 install survey please
- Done With Windows and want to switch to Linux
- Ubuntu Studio 16.04 Clean install
- Can't edit grub2 wiki
- Ubuntu 15.10 support date
- Reluctantly returning the bq Aquaris
- audio routing and driver support in ubuntu studio
- how do i
- is this a concern.
- Is LTS Really LTS?
- Upgrade to 16.04 LTS not offered
- Pre-released updates (xenial-proposed)
- note taking application
- Alternatives to Ubuntu
- 16.04 LTS Upgrade GRUB Problem
- 14.04: was apt-get install case-insensitive?
- BunsenLabs Hydrogen stable
- Xubuntu update notifier needs fixing
- Why does echo | xargs kill -15 kill everything
- Noobs to ubuntu help
- tools for 'extended lifespan'
- Ubuntu 16.04 crushes the dreams of children.... kittens and puppies too.
- What do you use Ubuntu for?
- Snappy and OS & app snap updates in the flavours
- better explanation to users needed
- How to get diffetrent colors in different terminal like blackarch linux
- Missing Letters & a Possible Kernel Regression
- App menus don't work in menubar or title bar
- Ubuntu 16.04?
- ubuntu or linux mint?
- MIT License: sublicensing
- 16.04 Try lubuntu without installing
- Formatting MicroSD/SD cards to EXT in Linux | Best Practice?
- can i install a linux flavor to my old notebook
- 16.04 Ubuntu or Mate?
- Reaper Working On Linux Native Capability
- Whishes for Ubuntu 16.10
- Adobe replacement
- minimize, restore, close in both corners ..... ugh
- ubuntu stickers
- What free games are available for Ubuntu
- Improvements?
- What version of Evolution email is included for installation
- Help me to choose a LXDE Linux distribution
- Raspberry Pi 2-3: Raspbian vs Ubuntu Mate
- I cannot get anywhere
- Spelling error?
- +1 for Canonical & Xubuntu
- Slowing Down?
- Why not always rolling release?
- howdo I find posts about Ubuntu phone?
- Devuan based live iso
- VOYAGER OS (trustworthiness?)
- Is Ubuntu 16.04 bad?
- kubuntu 16.04 only 3 years support?
- Cross compile
- New DOOM under wine?
- Weather Report 1.10.3
- Help
- Ubuntu ecosystem on VR and Smartwatches?
- Future changes to Dropbox?
- Are Backported drivers automatically included in Kernel updates?
- Great news! It's Fair use
- memory usage 32 bit OS Vs 64 bit OS
- Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 Appears to be a Disaster
- Unity, the Unity tweak tool, and alternatives
- Recommended OS for running TS
- Firefox email apps
- parental controle ubuntu 16.04
- Loving Ubuntu 16.04
- LibreOffice forum closure
- Extension to invert colors, reduce contrast for Firefox
- [SOLVED] Linux distributions with 5+ years support
- Preview of available Fonts
- Windows 10 Takes Down Register @ my Hardware Store
- Please stup releasing software that breaks our installation
- Support difference for UbuntuGnome Vs vanilla Ubuntu with Gnome added
- Why isn't Windows 10 free to distribute?
- REALTEK driver problem not going away after 5+ years
- install android sdk/lib32stdc++6 on raspberry pi/raspbian
- general tutorial for ubuntu?
- Firefox 47 causing two flickers when going between instances.
- Which is Accurate?
- Others Have Slow Experience with Ubuntu Xenial?
- Customize Ubuntu 16.04
- What's Happening With Zorin?
- sudo purge-old-kernels
- Linux Kernals
- Why does the apt repository default to use old version packages?
- Ubuntu OS used in NOVA Documentary
- What Happened to Mediawiki
- I have Decided to stay with Peppermint 6
- A good Windows forum/help site? Plus pdf is "class not registered" and I don't unders
- Ubuntu Gnome - why not more popular ??
- Is Lubuntu affected by the high memory usage in 16.04?
- Opera/Email
- my IP has been block in all the ubuntu related IRC
- Rolling Ubuntu
- Creating AppImages
- File manager Shallot v0.96 waits for your feedback
- Is there a superuser password for Ubuntu 14.04
- Linuxmint alongside other Distros
- msfonts error during install of ubuntu-restricted-extras
- Migrating Neighbour to Ubuntu - iCloud?
- Why is Ubuntu 16.04 including a featureless Totem release?
- Wow!!! Thanks and Congratulations Ubuntu!!
- Drakan Level Editor now functional in Wine
- you might want to change your ubuntuone password
- My struggle with Linux / Ubuntu
- Mir versus XMir Security differences?
- Leaving Linux If Cleartype Is Adopted as Default
- I'm surprised how differently I use Mac OS X, Win10 and Ununtu 16.04
- GNOME update
- UA Linux?
- Cloud sync services fully compatible with linux?
- Known issues form upgrading 14.04 to 16.04 LTS
- Still no fix for Realtek sound
- Containerization - possible to use a Windows (MFC) app within Linux?
- openvpn regression in ubuntu 16.04
- importing many versions of files into svn
- Why are some Linux distros install process so convoluted?
- A small conky edit for you guys
- System for VM and work use
- Contribute to GNOME
- Genius needed - please make system restore function
- Mini-PCs are taking over a segment of the market, but little Linux Support
- Need help with building my own Ubuntu-based distro. PLEASE HELP.
- Ubuntu Web Browser
- FujiXerox P265dw Linux Driver Identified - but how to share the knowledge ?