View Full Version : Ubuntu, Linux and OS Chat

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  1. Contribute on download
  2. Unused Software?
  3. Opera, Linux, and Chromium
  4. The logic behind systemd's naming of devices
  5. Vector smash protection. What is it.
  6. What's your preferred office suite?
  7. Why are Laptops Problematic.
  8. Why & How the Elementary OS is faster than Ubuntu ?
  9. Best place for data?
  10. WebUpd8 is active again
  11. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Ensuring Long Term Support
  12. Does Linux have Remote Assistance like Windows?
  13. Full web-page screenshot with Firefox
  14. Would this setup work for my work needs?
  15. It's finally happening
  16. What luck in general with older system hardwares?
  17. Samsung S3 sgh-1747
  18. Fedora forum issue
  19. Ubuntu Web Browser App Chromecast support.
  20. Linux Kernel 4.5 rc7 Support
  21. Need your suggestion
  22. Don't Use dd Before Your Morning Coffee
  23. Looking for an office suite that works on Ubuntu 14.04 lts
  24. "Small" Browser
  25. Update on editing wiki pages
  26. 13" laptop known to work with Ubuntu (and NOT Dell)?
  27. [SOLVED] OS for Pentium-M Banias past 2017?
  28. I'm Confused.
  29. VPN with network manager sucks
  30. guess on ubuntu release of v16 LTS
  31. I have to use Windows
  32. Need supported solution to collect and encrypt important data (Ubuntu LTS supported)
  33. can i install windows on a ubuntu installed machine
  34. insydeH20 correct settings
  35. How to change login screen background Ubuntu Gnome 15.10
  36. Paid app
  37. ubuntu 14.04.4 kernel stuck on 3.13.0-79
  38. AMD/ATI graphics drivers in 16.04??
  39. studying online courses
  40. Pxe server installtion doesn't support live images using(ftp/htp/nfs)
  41. Test My Image Editor?
  42. Pale Moon: Idea for a new browser product
  43. Help: C++ program to implement a Linux command
  44. A distro for my needs?
  45. Updates.
  46. Is "Xebian" Xubuntu's present surprise?
  47. Remix OS
  48. A version/distro by Kernel/Mesa/OpenGL/Xorg
  49. Internet Fraud
  50. Wine and Ubuntu 14.04LTS
  51. Getting into linux
  52. Printer driver has messed up the OS and couldn't update other package
  53. Dual Booting
  54. A note to Canonical
  55. Mangler is dead
  56. Laptop decoration
  57. How do Xubuntu & Unity Get Along?
  58. Simple Text Editor for Stripping HTML?
  59. compare with os x and ubuntu
  60. Suggest Which Version of Ubuntu
  61. Newb looking for suggestions
  62. New York Times: How To Live Without Windows 10
  63. Hacker Encrypts Hard Drive
  64. Uninstalling lubuntu
  65. do-release-upgrade -- Is it necessary?
  66. Terminal problem, what to do?
  67. Hmmm... Ubuntu & BSD?
  68. Hi I would like to have a admin guide if possible
  69. gedit
  70. Ubuntu Stability
  71. [Solved] Silly question re. zsync but how much did I download?
  72. Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.
  73. Request to bring back loop-aes-utils to repository
  74. Why is canonical partnering up with Microsoft?! What is happening?!!
  75. 14.04 to 16.04: what to look out for?
  76. Ubuntu i want to love you, but you dont let me
  77. Ubuntu 14.04.4 / 15.10 stuck on shutdown - SOLUTION
  78. Hey, I love Linux & Love the 'buntus
  79. Is there any statistic about number of LTS users and latest release users for desktop
  80. Gmail Contacts
  81. 32bit runs faster than 64bit, go figure.
  82. Could someone give me examples of sites that require Flash 12 or higher?
  83. new linux apps you've just loved
  84. Firefox extensions --- caution
  85. Anyone else running ubuntu(beta) on windows 10?
  86. Upgrade VS clean install
  87. Ubuntu do belongs to Microsoft????
  88. Out of the box Debian distribution
  89. Ubuntu or Mint?
  90. New to Linux - Ubuntu is a Wonderful Thing
  91. Is it me or is Windows 10 really, really buggy?
  92. 16.04 LTS Reviews
  93. What jobs/tasks is Ubuntu the best at?
  94. Ubuntu Works with my 11 year old PC
  95. new tools in 16.04
  96. [Solved] Some ubuntu.com sites down?
  97. I love setting up linux...
  98. Project Tofino:
  99. Will we be able to enable UNITY 8 on Ubuntu 16.04 on day 1?
  100. Can I merge into a Linux world or should I quit trying?
  101. Internet Gigabyte Monitor
  102. Homeland Security has warned Windows users to remove Apple's QuickTime for Windows
  103. Clementine 1.3.0 (Music Player) Released @ 4/15/2016 - A Massive Release!
  104. New to Ubuntu but not Linux!!!
  105. Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit - which one ?
  106. True Transparency In KDE?
  107. ubuntu-budgie working on becoming an official flavor
  108. Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit LTS & full-disk encryption
  109. Frustration (Rant)
  110. Ubuntu crashed during upgrade
  111. Charter won't work with linux
  112. edit colors as they are shown
  113. Upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04 - How'd it go?
  114. Will Firefox be snap packaged? It seems so
  115. New ISO Release or Beta ISO Release
  116. Easiest way to try unity 8 on ubuntu 16.04?
  117. 16.04 initial problems
  118. Share with us your Xenial (16.04) Upgrade and Installation Experiences
  119. Is there any point in using ZFS on a desktop system?
  120. Snap packaging security risk on the desktop?
  121. Ubuntu Core 16.04 release almost impossible to find!
  122. Can someone make a 16.04 install survey please
  123. Done With Windows and want to switch to Linux
  124. Ubuntu Studio 16.04 Clean install
  125. Can't edit grub2 wiki
  126. Ubuntu 15.10 support date
  127. Reluctantly returning the bq Aquaris
  128. audio routing and driver support in ubuntu studio
  129. how do i
  130. is this a concern.
  131. Is LTS Really LTS?
  132. Upgrade to 16.04 LTS not offered
  133. Pre-released updates (xenial-proposed)
  134. note taking application
  135. Alternatives to Ubuntu
  136. 16.04 LTS Upgrade GRUB Problem
  137. 14.04: was apt-get install case-insensitive?
  138. BunsenLabs Hydrogen stable
  139. Xubuntu update notifier needs fixing
  140. Why does echo | xargs kill -15 kill everything
  141. Noobs to ubuntu help
  142. tools for 'extended lifespan'
  143. Ubuntu 16.04 crushes the dreams of children.... kittens and puppies too.
  144. What do you use Ubuntu for?
  145. Snappy and OS & app snap updates in the flavours
  146. better explanation to users needed
  147. How to get diffetrent colors in different terminal like blackarch linux
  148. Missing Letters & a Possible Kernel Regression
  149. App menus don't work in menubar or title bar
  150. Ubuntu 16.04?
  151. ubuntu or linux mint?
  152. MIT License: sublicensing
  153. 16.04 Try lubuntu without installing
  154. Formatting MicroSD/SD cards to EXT in Linux | Best Practice?
  155. can i install a linux flavor to my old notebook
  156. 16.04 Ubuntu or Mate?
  157. Reaper Working On Linux Native Capability
  158. Whishes for Ubuntu 16.10
  159. Adobe replacement
  160. minimize, restore, close in both corners ..... ugh
  161. ubuntu stickers
  162. What free games are available for Ubuntu
  163. Improvements?
  164. What version of Evolution email is included for installation
  165. Help me to choose a LXDE Linux distribution
  166. Raspberry Pi 2-3: Raspbian vs Ubuntu Mate
  167. I cannot get anywhere
  168. Spelling error?
  169. +1 for Canonical & Xubuntu
  170. Slowing Down?
  171. Why not always rolling release?
  172. howdo I find posts about Ubuntu phone?
  173. Devuan based live iso
  174. VOYAGER OS (trustworthiness?)
  175. Is Ubuntu 16.04 bad?
  176. kubuntu 16.04 only 3 years support?
  177. Cross compile
  178. New DOOM under wine?
  179. Weather Report 1.10.3
  180. Help
  181. Ubuntu ecosystem on VR and Smartwatches?
  182. Future changes to Dropbox?
  183. Are Backported drivers automatically included in Kernel updates?
  184. Great news! It's Fair use
  185. memory usage 32 bit OS Vs 64 bit OS
  186. Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 Appears to be a Disaster
  187. Unity, the Unity tweak tool, and alternatives
  188. Recommended OS for running TS
  189. Firefox email apps
  190. parental controle ubuntu 16.04
  191. Loving Ubuntu 16.04
  192. LibreOffice forum closure
  193. Extension to invert colors, reduce contrast for Firefox
  194. [SOLVED] Linux distributions with 5+ years support
  195. Preview of available Fonts
  196. Windows 10 Takes Down Register @ my Hardware Store
  197. Please stup releasing software that breaks our installation
  198. Support difference for UbuntuGnome Vs vanilla Ubuntu with Gnome added
  199. Why isn't Windows 10 free to distribute?
  200. REALTEK driver problem not going away after 5+ years
  201. install android sdk/lib32stdc++6 on raspberry pi/raspbian
  202. general tutorial for ubuntu?
  203. Firefox 47 causing two flickers when going between instances.
  204. Which is Accurate?
  205. Others Have Slow Experience with Ubuntu Xenial?
  206. Customize Ubuntu 16.04
  207. What's Happening With Zorin?
  208. sudo purge-old-kernels
  209. Linux Kernals
  210. Why does the apt repository default to use old version packages?
  211. Ubuntu OS used in NOVA Documentary
  212. What Happened to Mediawiki
  213. I have Decided to stay with Peppermint 6
  214. A good Windows forum/help site? Plus pdf is "class not registered" and I don't unders
  215. Ubuntu Gnome - why not more popular ??
  216. Is Lubuntu affected by the high memory usage in 16.04?
  217. Opera/Email
  218. my IP has been block in all the ubuntu related IRC
  219. Rolling Ubuntu
  220. Creating AppImages
  221. File manager Shallot v0.96 waits for your feedback
  222. Is there a superuser password for Ubuntu 14.04
  223. Linuxmint alongside other Distros
  224. msfonts error during install of ubuntu-restricted-extras
  225. Migrating Neighbour to Ubuntu - iCloud?
  226. Why is Ubuntu 16.04 including a featureless Totem release?
  227. Wow!!! Thanks and Congratulations Ubuntu!!
  228. Drakan Level Editor now functional in Wine
  229. you might want to change your ubuntuone password
  230. My struggle with Linux / Ubuntu
  231. Mir versus XMir Security differences?
  232. Leaving Linux If Cleartype Is Adopted as Default
  233. I'm surprised how differently I use Mac OS X, Win10 and Ununtu 16.04
  234. GNOME update
  235. UA Linux?
  236. Cloud sync services fully compatible with linux?
  237. Known issues form upgrading 14.04 to 16.04 LTS
  238. Still no fix for Realtek sound
  239. Containerization - possible to use a Windows (MFC) app within Linux?
  240. openvpn regression in ubuntu 16.04
  241. importing many versions of files into svn
  242. Why are some Linux distros install process so convoluted?
  243. A small conky edit for you guys
  244. System for VM and work use
  245. Contribute to GNOME
  246. Genius needed - please make system restore function
  247. Mini-PCs are taking over a segment of the market, but little Linux Support
  248. Need help with building my own Ubuntu-based distro. PLEASE HELP.
  249. Ubuntu Web Browser
  250. FujiXerox P265dw Linux Driver Identified - but how to share the knowledge ?