View Full Version : Ubuntu Application Development
- Permissions for USB device from 'libusb' (Netbeans-C++)
- Ubuntu Touch file storage?
- menu item g_signal_connect problems
- FTDI Communication problem
- [SOLVED] Testing click packages in ubuntu desktop
- Customisable GUI framework
- [SOLVED] ubuntu 14.04, make'ing k9copy
- Sudo editor
- [SOLVED] How can I modify Wubi to work with another ubuntu-based distro?
- [SOLVED] The GNU C Library Missing Sources
- Ecplise stopped working with Ubuntu upgrade to 14.04
- Issues in launching Google App Engine in Ubuntu 12.04
- Rassam-paint a new drawing program for Linux
- Unique USB device UUIDs identically on Windows
- HOW TO: Make a Application that can read Smart Cards
- Activation bar in Umbrello
- Ubuntu HTML5 Apps: Accessibility
- language input development for Bengali in ubuntu
- QT Creator and adding Libraries
- Unable to disable/ modify Global keyboard shortcuts
- How to become a linux programmer?
- Conflict on install of ubuntu-sdk on 14.04
- Keyboard Autorepeat issue in c++/wxWidgets
- [SOLVED] locale problem with C standard library
- [SOLVED] Launching LibGDX game in Eclipse in Xubuntu
- GTK3 Overlay Image fails to display in Numix while fine in Ambience
- Graphics on Ubuntu server
- Cannot use Git repository
- PyGTK 3 Glade Panned
- [SOLVED] vfprintf crash libc
- Python script (GUI) to easily set mouse acceleration
- how to send and recv and printf received msg without running tcpdump
- valgrind: ./hello.ko: Permission denied
- valgrind: ./hello.ko: Permission denied
- gmon.out: No such file or directory
- how to use coroutine in c language
- Network Programming Resources
- can not debug this error, IP: [<f85f8165>] snull_get_tx_buffer+0x35/0xc0 [hello]
- [C]Fifo vs Client/Server
- how to include bits/setjmp.h for Make module
- dev_hard_header got error and if not use dev_hard_header, emit got problem
- can not see received message after emit
- how to send signal from user space to kernel module
- failed to make system call
- Determining Network Interface Bit Rates?
- [SOLVED] Is someone intresting to make a sound-mixer wmaker dockapp for ALSA
- jManga an app to download manga for mangafox i made
- Choosing monitor to open a application.
- Disable all shortcut's at user login
- How to develop an app as a screenlets or widget in tray?
- Can you change the title of a window on an Ubuntu HTML5 app built in QT?
- Alice WIth Ubuntu (NVIDIA)
- How to make a link in Ubuntu app open in web browser?
- CMS site development tools
- Does ubuntu or debian accept java programs in its repositories?
- gcov for statement coverage
- Ubuntu for phones future development.
- Run ubuntu games directly from CD, SD card?
- why I can not run binary I am looking at in directory
- ddd
- Linux EMC 2 help
- Dynamic library inconsistencies with OpenGL/C++ & nVidia & freeglut
- Level up user priviliges
- Trying to install libopc, libxml2-dev, and zlib1g-dev
- C++11 <chrono> Ubuntu 14.04
- [SOLVED] Screensaver determination
- oxygen-gtk for GTK 3 in practice
- Problems with running programs in Ubuntu from USB drive
- [SOLVED] Guidance WRT commercial code development containing GNU GPL code
- How do I update my OpenGL
- Determine if screen is locked in c++/bash
- simple play/pause indicator
- webmin autostart problem for 12.04 lts
- Qt Style Sheet for Ambiance/Radiance Theme
- Simple apache mysql start & off
- MyServerEditor Apache server configuration GUI
- Messed up mono install :( how to clean up?
- Project for Linux Minecraft
- [SOLVED] Running ANSI C programs in the desktop
- Open-source multiplatform "Just Dance" game clone
- Writing AppIndicator
- Using Sonnet in Ubuntu 14.04
- application of database as a service using php
- Qt creator - build tab is inactive , play button is inactive .How to activate them?
- anjuta looks strange
- GTK: Expected 'struct GtkSwitch *' but argument is of type 'struct GtkWidget *'
- Running Ubuntu Core apps from the shell
- [SOLVED] qmake and installing pyqt5
- How to create launcher app
- [Lubuntu] Script to create shortcuts easily!
- Utility for reading out hardware information to terminal
- "undefined reference to 'pthread_create'"
- GTK headers
- [BASH] auto-installation
- [SOLVED] bash equivalent preg_match_all
- Can't Create Object File Error
- GTK+ 3.0 menu bar/app menu not visible in Unity?
- [SOLVED] Notifying user via stdout from a Python daemon script
- fin Unused Functions with GCC
- Getting started
- MakeFile Error
- Submitting Cinelerra
- Loading Toolchain for mips
- ubuntu-html5-app-launcher click bug
- import Ubuntu.Components 1.1 Problem
- qmlviewer not found
- Develop apps using C++
- Qt Creator
- Issues with maven docker plugin on Ubuntu Server 14.04
- Read serial data C++ termios.h
- Not able to read/write or get anything out of /dev/ttyACM0 device file
- /proc File for finding the tcp and udp ports opened by a process
- [SOLVED] How dpkg --get-selections works ?
- Adding a new functionality to linux kernel??
- Ubuntu Touch Application design
- How to check whether a Ubuntu package is signed or not ?
- Storage of permanent MAC address in Ubuntu ?
- Properly terminating program with Upstart or RC.x
- Add library to .click package
- Small application project for beginners, anyone?
- How to run system commands in a QML App ? How Translate ?
- Embedded Device Development questions
- Catching the reboot signal
- ubuntu graphical network monitor
- Where do I put "Keys"?
- Catching the interrupt signal when a process gets started or when it access a file
- trouble with airmon-ng
- Jboss add mysql and start server
- Detecting Unity Launcher presence
- Is it possible to add app icon to top panel ?
- Netsend GUI tool for send and receive netsend message for `ubuntu 15.04`
- New app published but not showing up in app store
- Commercial application development support for Ubuntu Phone?
- how to retrieve icons of packages in ubuntu?
- linker command line error for g2o package building
- Python - control numlock key in a python script
- Using Perf tool for 100% CPU usage
- clash: unable to load package `primitive-0.6'
- AMixer GUI Settings
- configure project : app using QTquick modules and shared libraries
- [SOLVED] Ubuntu SDK and charts
- quagga manual installation
- Disable copy/paste dialogue in html5 app
- Redirection from to login page at
- MyServerTester small application that helped you examine your server using HTTP
- Submit a new keyboard layout
- [SOLVED] What is the suspicious pre-string: rsh wolf ?
- pyWinUSB - make bootable Windows stick with 4 clicks
- Connection SQL Developer with Oracle 11g
- Delete old folders
- PyQt5 - No module named PyQt5.QtWidgets
- lsof misses file opened in gedit
- Finding projects developed with C++
- help developing a new program please
- Per Process Traffic Info (Cumulative)
- Creating gui program in Ubuntu SDK with python
- [SOLVED] Installing my own java application on Ubuntu
- Starting and writing to xterms in C
- cannot connect to x server
- Why gcc-4.8 (14.04) has no stdatomic.h header?
- [SOLVED] Applying udev rules without reboot
- Help with pyserial (python 2.7)
- How can I choose which screen an application is displayed on
- XCB menu and Unity menu
- [SOLVED] Compile first C++ program with gcc.
- [SOLVED] Change Eclipse IDE to use Sun Java jre1.8.0_66 64 bit in Ubuntu Studio 14.04
- [SOLVED] Installing "gdkmm" and "glibmm" in Ubuntu Studio 14.04
- Python 3.5 with tor
- Qt Creator - module "Ubuntu.WebApps" is not installed
- errors during compiling with g++
- Scrolling CLI with ncurses
- Request for review - cli-money
- Ubuntu freezes with Qt App
- Good examples/reference for building a simple applet?
- Create Ubuntu Touch Scope with QMake instead of CMake in Ubuntu SDK/Qt Creator
- Create UT emulator of latest build ?
- New to programming; make a program that makes the screen flash when button is touched
- Indicator in C not working?!
- [SOLVED] why does linking simple cpp example for ulockmgr_op() for fuse filesystem fail?
- Trying to understand Snappy. Have I got this right?
- Background services and change system volume
- Ubuntu-sdk emulator does not work
- Migrate Ubuntu SDK project onto new PC
- Trying to make a mate panel applet for ubuntu-mate 16.04
- Cocos2D-X: "X Error of failed request: BadMatch" runtime error
- Involving Imagemagick into my app
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Ubuntu SDK - errors for fresh install of ubuntu sdk
- Ubuntu SDK: Where are the examples?
- How can I do it?
- PyGObject, AppIndicator3 and MenuItem with two-sided label
- zlib1g-dev:i386 failed to install
- Will a debian bug fix come through to ubuntu naturally
- [SOLVED] Permissions of files in a Deb package
- no me funciona el cron
- snap packaging questions
- SSLv3 and TLSv1.0 required - what to do?
- [SOLVED] Need help uploading newer version to launchpad launchpad.
- Add licenced font to deb package.
- Sort of stuff I am up to...
- Program runs at Ubuntu 14.04 but doesn't run at Ubuntu 16.04
- open source replacement for MS-Access
- Android Development Tools
- Tv maxe
- How to make my program available to everyone
- Translating app .ts files
- [SOLVED] Need help with Linux & PHP permissions
- My first application for ubuntu-touch
- KDevelop 5
- Android Studio 32 or 64 bits? You can encounter problems!
- Is there a way to run Android Studio on 32 bits UBUNTU?
- Ubuntu Java bug
- *Juliar * to Ubuntu
- SDK problems
- How to write a GTK+ application with a menu in the titlebar?
- Where does GStreamer get installed
- TOUCH Application windows and content cloning
- TOUCH Application windows and content cloning
- Get it on Ubuntu badge
- Serial Port tcflush not working
- How to get default system font size?
- Installing nvidia digits error
- Ubuntu desktop server, docker running angular 2 app
- [SOLVED] jar with embedded derby db not working
- Multi display application without extended desktop, Question
- [SOLVED] Alarm Clock, Media Player, Analog/Digital I/O Application
- Cannot execute binary file?
- [SOLVED] Default ecosystem for desktop application
- Publishing at myapps.developer.ubuntu
- Error OpenCV 3.2 in Qt Creator
- modding/building unity-greeter, can't get anything to display
- Error Connecting to Test DB in MongoDB in Ubuntu
- Troubles with starting onboard keyboard with bash script
- Tools discussion. Visual Studio and Atom.
- Buildserver on 14.4 and final host on 16.4
- .eaw cov\nversion question
- QtCreator hangs upon starting in Virtualbox Ubuntu 16.04 LTS quest
- How to add the middle click functionality to the Appindicator
- Installing jdk-8u121-linux-i586 on lubuntu
- Creating Applications (but from step 1)
- Angular 4 Problem
- [SOLVED] dbus-python call works in Trusty, fails ("UnknownMethod") in Xenial (16.04)
- Initial User Creation when logging in for the first time
- How do I find Ubuntu-specific UX / UI developers?
- How to uninstall particular python version if multiple versions on single computer
- ubuntu sdk continues to develop?
- How install krb5(Kerberos?) headers and libs?
- How to add custom items to Ubuntu 17.10 top bar
- How to know when screen is locked/unlocked in ubuntu 17.10
- Segmentation fault in pthread_cancel () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- Ubuntu SDK IDE does not start
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