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  1. HOWTO: Play Captive Mindscape with Linux
  2. Need help installing Shivers in dosbox
  3. Gameboy emulator
  4. Recording audio from dosbox
  5. Which Sega Genesis emulator do you use?
  6. MAME Newbie Guide: SDLMAME + Frontend...
  7. [SOLVED] Where does ZSNES put save files?
  8. Anyone having trouble with Zsnes?
  9. How to configure controls for mednafen?
  10. ZSNES audio crackling [SDL?]
  11. DC, a dreamcast emulator for linux ?
  12. X-Com in DosBox freezes
  13. DOSBox - No sound
  14. VBA Express - sound problems
  15. ANN: mednafen frontend / launcher
  16. GFCE Ultra NES emulator saving game
  17. mupen64plus controls
  18. [SOLVED] Finding Mugen Linux
  19. HOWTO: Install (G)FCEUX 2.0 NES emulator
  20. pSX + Intrepid Ibex = Seg Fault
  21. Visual Boy Advanced Express + Saving
  22. Panasonic 3d0 emulator - Does one exist?
  23. Gens/GS r7_pre2 - Preview Release
  24. Help me to configure Atari800 Emulator
  25. [SOLVED] Kega Fusion now available for Linux (but I can't get it to work)
  26. HOWTO: Install ePSXe on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit and 32 bit.
  27. having trouble with gmame
  28. Dolphin (gamecube emulator)
  29. No sound in pcsx emulator
  30. Can't run ePSXe
  31. HOWTO: Run MAME + GMAMEUI latest on your pc. Quick guideWithout further ado – A qiuck
  32. Apple II emulator
  33. VisualBoy Advance sound breaking
  34. PCSX2 - Playstation 2 Emulator on Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit
  35. xbox 360 emulator for ubuntu
  36. [SOLVED] Epsxe No Sound On Ubuntu 10.10
  37. How to install pSX, ePSXe, PCSX Reloaded on Ubuntu 10.10 x86
  38. mupen64plus terminal code to install
  39. Mupen64+ 1.99.4 GUI frontend (Cutemupen?)
  40. Visualboy advance screen size
  41. Alien Breed: Tower Assault (ABTA) error in DosBox!
  42. Anyone willing to compile the latest vba-m
  43. convert ECM to ISO for PCSX to read
  44. Mupen64plus and ps3 controller
  45. What's the best Amstrad CPC emulator nowadays for LINUX?
  46. Dolphin-emu: How can I make it run smoother?
  47. Issues with lxdream
  48. emulators
  49. sega
  50. [SOLVED] Updated instructions for getting DOSBox to run with MT-32 emulation
  51. BadAlloc error on pcsx2
  52. Mupen64Plus controls problem
  53. PCSX-reloaded issue
  54. VisualBoyAdvance-- beginner's mess
  55. Visual Boy Advance
  56. 11.10 - ZSNES doesn't run
  57. Best Emulators For Ubuntu.
  58. Mupen64plus Issue!
  59. NES emulators (Kubuntu 11.10, 32-bit))
  60. FFVIII freezes in PCSX-R
  61. Any Linux ROM tools available?
  62. Problem running PCSX2 0.9.8
  63. Does DosBox work in 10.10 ?
  64. Lucid's FCEUX
  65. Where to download VBA-M Packages
  66. Amiga CD32 for Ubuntu ?
  67. Can anyone help recover from GFCE Ultra crash? (video)
  68. Console Emulator for the AMSTRAD CPC computer?
  69. Dualshock 3 - Strange Axis in Emulators
  70. How do I import characters to MUGEN?
  71. Qjoypad install problems.
  72. [SOLVED] Problems with pcsx2
  73. Dolphin-emu build problems
  74. Looking for a GBA emulator with link cable in ubuntu
  75. How can I add a new Profile to Xwii
  76. How do you guys and gals emulate GB A? Or do you?
  77. GFCE Ultra save state/adding controler
  78. Mupen64Plus not playing games with (vX.X) in the name.
  79. Playing Island with SDLMAME?
  80. [SOLVED] Debian Package for Pcsx2?
  81. Mupen64Plus Lagging
  82. How to install & run PCSX2 0.9.8 on Ubuntu 11.10 x64?
  83. XBOX360 Linux emulator
  84. Dosbox I/O error
  85. Playing Trivial pursuit under Linux?
  86. Can't install ScummVM
  87. Which Megadrive games was saying SEGA at the boot?
  88. PCSXE2 won't boot.
  89. emulator on ubuntu
  90. Confused about VBA-M games
  91. Linux - 3D Visiting Game (Myst, SCS, ...)?
  92. How to Access my old saves with VBA-M?
  93. Help with Nintento 64 Emulation on an older machine?
  94. Mame and mouse for aim in Time Crisis problem
  95. Success with PCSX2 and Radeon driver?
  96. Atari Ping Pong
  97. GFCE Ultra NES Emulator crashes on Save State Execution
  98. GUI/Frontend for Mame
  99. Visual Boy Advance roms don't open
  100. Is there some reason I shouldn't use the older mupen64plus?
  101. E-uae crashes
  102. [SOLVED] PCSX Total Noob.
  103. Any Ubuntu Gamecube emulators still available?
  104. PS2 controller on pSX .. HELP!
  105. xmess.SDL and Invaders
  106. cant set paths for mameui
  107. PCSX MemoryCard problems
  108. Need NES emulator
  109. HELP - how can i add kaillera client into mame?
  110. ZSNES and Gens/GS 64-bit binaries
  111. Why can I not get a single game emulator to work in Ubuntu 11.10?
  112. DXBX Emulator to play XBOX 1 ?
  113. pSX emulator crashes on start
  114. PCSX help...
  115. [SOLVED] No save on Mupen64
  116. A question about intellivision emulators
  117. VB Express, help needed
  118. create a c drive for dosbox
  119. mame and wahcade python error
  120. Trying to get Mupen64plus and Wireless Controllers to work
  121. bsnes problems
  122. [SOLVED] PCSX R - FInal Fantasy VII freezes
  123. PCSX-Reloaded sound is choppy in Silent Hill
  124. [SOLVED] PCSXR Keyboard Control Issues
  125. How to use Mupen64plus?
  126. PCSX-R Saving and Bios issue
  127. PS Game emulator (sorry)
  128. vbam in chinese/japanese
  129. how to install epsxe on Ubuntu 12.04?
  130. mame resolution
  131. ePSXe vs Pcsx-df ?
  132. DosBox and PulseAudio
  133. FBZX - Awesome ZX Spectrum emulator!
  134. Best way to run MAME using sixaxis
  135. how to install vba manually
  136. Compatible GC, N64 etc Adapter
  137. Installing Roms in gnome-video-arcade?
  138. PSP Emulator
  139. [SOLVED] VBA Express
  140. How do I install Mupen64plus
  141. mupen64 help
  142. Zsnes error
  143. Cheat codes on VBA?
  144. [VBA-M] Need help with a .cfg file
  145. Mupen64Plus Problem w/ Blight's input plugin & keyboard
  146. Can't get DOSbox to work at all
  147. How to install and run a ps2 emulator on ubuntu 12.04?
  148. plugins for video (non openGL) for MUPEN64PLUS?
  149. pSX and Precise amd64
  150. QMC2 scanlines
  151. Lightning MAME fronted
  152. Error on saving to memory card in PCSX-Reloaded
  153. MAME-questions
  154. Mame/mess question
  155. Emulator for ZX 81 with Joystick support?
  156. Problems with GENS & Kega Fusion
  157. [SOLVED] Mupen64plus 1.99.4 with real N64 controller
  158. [SOLVED] Ascendancy (old game) on DOSBOX
  159. [SOLVED] How to use dosbox in Ubuntu?
  160. PCSX not working
  161. Zsnes Crash
  162. PCSX-R Controller Issue
  163. Wrong resolution after exiting ScummVM full-screen?
  164. Civ 1 for Dos and Windows 3.11
  165. vbam ubuntu to vba windows save file transfer?
  166. [SOLVED] SNES 9x: Best filter settings?
  167. [SOLVED] Sega master system + mega drive emulator?
  168. PCSX Metal Gear Solid
  169. GUI for Mupen? Also, is there a way to get Mupen64plus to go fullscreen?
  170. bsnes won't play anything. snes purify won't show the files to scan.
  171. Mame slow compared to Windows 7
  172. PCSX and PS-PS2 to USB Controller Adapter
  173. Visualboy Advance
  174. Using pixel shaders on DosBox
  175. FCEU multiplayer mode?
  176. Getting joystick to work in fuse-gtk
  177. how to change the dns
  178. Emulators and Ram usage, best distro?
  179. Can't install gmameui
  180. Any goos MSX/MSX2 emulator for Ubuntu?
  181. Graphic error on VisualBoyAdvance
  182. TOC Files Under PCSX, Are They Even Being Read By the Emulator?
  183. Strange MAME display
  184. Convert .ccd .sub .img to .iso for PCSX/ePSXe emulators.
  185. Sixaxis controller not recognized by all emulators
  186. PS3 Controller Help!!!!
  187. What happened to all the mame-frontends?
  188. How To Install PCSX2 And Get It To Work On Ubuntu
  189. How To Connect Wii Remote To Dolphin Via Bluetooth
  190. Ubuntu 12.04 64bit emulator advice
  191. Xubuntu - N64 Emulator
  192. Help with a zsnes problem
  193. Old Mupen64Plus Interface
  194. gfceu save state issues
  195. Help in Snes9x
  196. New to ubuntu, trying to play daggerfall in dosbox
  197. best NES emulator
  198. Emulators
  199. VBA not recognising controller
  200. The best / most advanced Amiga Commodore Emulator for Ubuntu?
  201. pcsxr: segmentation fault (core dumped)
  202. Deleted
  203. problems with mupen64
  204. How to Make Desmume Run Faster Without Being Choppy?
  205. Mupen64plus crashing
  206. Audio/Gamepad issues
  207. Desmume wont initialise SDL no video device
  208. Gameboy Advance Emulator
  209. Help with Emulator Box set up
  210. sdlmame : arkanoid - left and right movements?
  211. i need a bit of help
  212. No sound with dosbox
  213. Seeking Emulators
  214. Fast computer, slow DOSBox
  215. Mame issue
  216. PCSX did not survive the move to 13.04
  217. MAME - Error message...
  218. How to install dosemu in 12.04
  219. Amstrad CPC 6128 emulator for Linux?
  220. Is it possible to play PS3 on linux?
  221. Dosbox and MIDI
  222. Visualboyadvance problem on Ubuntu
  223. ZSNES on Ubuntu 13.04 32-bit, Ubuntu Studio 13.04 64-bit (raring ringtail)
  224. Installed Emulators Hidden Somewhere
  225. snes games
  226. No sound in epsxe
  227. Dolphin Shows Black Screen when Emulating Game
  228. Steam and PCSX
  229. Mame (arcade game emulator) with Cave SH3 driver?
  230. zsnes video resolution issues
  231. Gamepad Issue
  232. Mupen64plus 1.99.5 on Ubuntu 12.04
  233. VICE - BEAGLEBOARD XM - Ubuntu 12.10 -- Custom compile
  234. Visual Boy Sound Problem
  235. Visual Boy Sound Problem
  236. Zsnes freezing midgame
  237. m64py controller configuration issues
  238. Cabrio FE
  239. vba sound issue
  240. Speeding up Desmume
  241. desmume trouble :\
  242. Changing Input Plugins on Mupen64Plus?
  243. Can't get Daggerfall to install through DOSbox
  244. [DOSBox] Optimal sound settings?
  245. Gba emulator alternatives?
  246. DosBox Mouse issues After War2 gameplay
  247. DosBox Warcraft 2 No Sound
  248. Any new Xbox Emmulators for Linux in 2014?
  249. changing keys on e uae
  250. autoframeskip in MAME not working